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Posts posted by C-Beats

  1. 17 minutes ago, Shade said:

    I don't believe I ever turned Attract Mode on, but I'll take a look when I get home.

    At first, this message would only pop up for a split second in Big Box when I tried to escape to the options screen from the game select screen, then crash.  Now it just seems to do so randomly when BB is open.  This is the only time the error messages stayed on the screen for more than a second, so I took pics.

    I would check your bindings and make sure you don't have "Start attract mode" bound to something you use heavily that you may be starting it without realizing it.

    Would be curious to know what input devices you have on that machine as well as those errors only close if you push the close button.

    • Like 1
  2. It would appear related to attract mode which is something you can turn off if you don't use. So that I can track it down a bit easier, can you tell me what you are doing when you see this error message as well as copy/paste it into the forum post if possible.

  3. How long are you going to abuse your poor creation by insulting it and calling it things like "alpha"? Thing is pretty full featured from what I can tell. Your baby is growing up and turning into a fully fledged application and should be given the respect that comes with it. Should be using words like "release" and "friggin awesome" not those hurtful words previously mentioned...

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, birdneck said:

    Still know nothing about Big Box, so maybe you can explain.

    Big Box allows you to peruse games to play without changing the collection. It also has several options to lock the interface to make it even more restrictive. Way of letting others play with your games without the concern of them removing or changing anything.

  5. I'm no expert when it comes to RA and the various cores, but as far as I understand HW is a more accurate core meaning it takes far more resources to emulate. I would try the standard "Beetle PSX" core and see if you still see the same results. It is the core I use currently for PS1.

  6. I'm not as familiar with the new plugin interface as I have been knee deep in unrelated code. If I had to take a stab in the dark I would guess it is the DefaultIcon getter and the Bitmap constructor. Properties.Resources.Gold IS a bitmap, no need to try and create a new one. Also can cause memory issues because you are creating a new one every time it gets called (which I assume is every game that it gets put on).

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, timebath said:

    Just wanted to chime in and say that the new Default theme is downright beautiful (and underrated). With the proper fonts, color selection, spacing and background settings, you can get LaunchBox looking almost as sleek as the GOG Galaxy Launcher.

    WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH...... ALMOST!!! >.<'

    • Haha 4
  8. Would depend what options you are picking. Currently downloading from LaunchBox Games DB is faster than EmuMovies and Wikipedia by quite a bit. Also depends if the game has already been matched to something in the GamesDB or not. If it hasn't it attempts to find it again, also games that aren't matched attempts to do different things with name matching on the other sources causing it to take longer.

    Other things that can affect that speed is:
    How many threads LaunchBox is allowed to used
    How many other applications are running with LaunchBox is
    How much disk write speed LaunchBox can utilize
    Other applications using the disk i/o
    Internet speeds/connectivity
    Any real time firewall processes
    Any real time compression on the folder
    Server load at the time for the scrape service

    Really hard nail it down with nothing really specific to look into. Turning on logging would help gather more information about what may be going on.

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