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Everything posted by mikejoe

  1. Thanks @spycat again for trying out. I tried the latest Mame 0.258 and redownloaded radio86_cass and it seems somewhat is working now. Some games such as Alien Ambush and Liquid Sky are working and some are not. I guess I need to redownload the games again too. All is good.
  2. Thanks @spycat. I followed your steps as suggested, but on the step where I pressed G and then hit enter, the screen stays as the following with cursor blinking: I tried your steps with both systems (Mikrosha and m86rk) and both do the same.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply @JoeViking245. I tried as you suggested (for both Mikrosha and Rasio-86RK systems), I heard the sound until is fully completed and then nothing happened.
  4. Hi, Does anyone know what is the command line in MAME to start Mikrosha-86RK game? MAME support this machine and load but I don't know what to type to start the game. Check screen shot below please. I tried "RUN" and "EXEC" and some other commands with no luck.
  5. Thanks @oblivioncth for the response. Hopefully you will have sometime soon to get it done. I will be happy to be the beta tester for it.
  6. Great plugin. Is there a similar plugin for Kahvibreak (https://bluemaxima.org/kahvibreak/)
  7. Thank you all for the information and files. Now how I close the game? my assigned Launchbox close key doesn't close it. Can you please help.
  8. Thank you @JoeViking245 and @launchretrogirl2562 ...It's working now!! Appreciate the responses.
  9. Thanks @launchretrogirl2562 for the detailed reply. I understand these AAE roms can run in MAME emulator, but I need to run them using AAE emulator. Here is the print screen of the AAE emulator. When I run the emulator, I can see all games listed but I need to figure out the command line on how to execute individual game directly from LB/BB. Hope this is clear.
  10. Hi, I have AAE (Another Arcade Emulator) with roms and I can run it successfully. However, I'm not able to figure out how to set it up in Launchbox to run one game directly. Please help. Mike
  11. Amazing, it works. Thank you @C-Beats
  12. Hi, When the demo theme starts in Bigbox, I can see the video and hear the audio on the first platform/game, but once it switch to another platform/game the audio is silent!. It happen with all themes. When I press the back button the theme demo stops and the audio is back. Any idea? MikeJoe
  13. @Mcfly. As I see you have Leapster platform listed (Leapfrog - Leapster Learning Game System), can you please share what do you use to emulate this machine/games?
  14. Worked!. Thank you for your quick response
  15. THANK you. I didn't know you can do that. But is there a way to extract/export this list to a file?
  16. Hi, Is there a way to list/export all my platforms along with the total games for each. For example: Arcade 350 Atari-2600 300 PS1 220 etc .... Thanks, MikeJoe
  17. I know this is an old post but just to let you know that I tried a Flash player and Shockwave and both couldn't run it. I don't think there is any way to run these roms.
  18. Thank you for the sharing. You awesome.
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