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Everything posted by Krakatoa
Does the beta fix the issue with G29/G920 controls? When I set up the controller in BB or LB, it appears to have a sticky down key and become unusable. The only way I can get it work is to exit and disable the controller, which isn't good as its my arcade cabinet.
Sorry for bumping an old post, Do you know how to set the profiles in G hub? I can't seem to get them to stick.
what’s the best way to hide games that I am still configuring big box?
never mind. I figured it out, you have to create a bat file to launch demulshooter.
Is it possible to launch demulshooter using the additional apps before you launch an emulator? If not whats the easiest way to launch it using CXB reloaded as the emulator.
Thanks for the tip I will try that tonight.
Are you sure you need to do that with the latest version. I am using SM64 and it launches fullscreen without using a AHK file. All I need now is to figure out how to close it
How are you closing the program?
Initially I had the startup screen to 20 seconds. Changing it down to 5 fixed the issue. It’s just now I have to watch the crappy parrot loader instead of the nice loading screen.so I guess I can live with it ?
"hide windows not in exclusive fullscreen" causes a black screen on loading.
Thanks, I will try that when I get home.
The games load up, but just as they are about to start the teknoparroutgui comes to the front of the screen. If I alt+tab I can select the game screen and continue. Something must be different between BB and LB in my instance. Can you try launching a TP game in BB and see if it does it for you?
No everything's launching fine in LB (it was the issue you mentioned), the issue occurs when I launch the same games in BB, for some reason techoparrotgui hijacks the screen when the games loaded. Which breaks the whole user experience of using controls only to play/load games.
Does any one use Teknoparrot and Bigbox? If so can you share your settings as I am having an issue. Whenever I launch a Teknoparrot game for Bigbox, the game will launch and load, but just as the game starts the Teknoparrot Gui will spring back to the front requiring me to tab back to the game, breaking the whole immersion of using big box. thanks,
what happens when you run it in TP, or from the command prompt?
In LB I have the game pointing to the GameProfiles in the TP. and the emulation settings like this. and finally the Emulator settings As I mentioned I can launch it from the command prompt without issues. Sometimes I can make the games launch by creating a batch file, or a windows shortcut and point LB to that, but its PITA and I prefer to figure it out so I can have it standard for all TP games. TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=dirtydrivin.xml <- works from the CMD. Could it be the full "full\path\to\rom\file"?
Totally random games, I can't figure out the pattern (one in particular is Dirty Drivin). They boot fine if I run them from the command line, but if I try and launch them through LB they fail to launch and it brings up the TP menu screen, It like its not sending the whole command. which I know is incorrect as it works for others with the same command.
OK, when I run teknoparrot as a regular user I am able to access the pause menu. So that must be the issue DONT RUN IT AS ADMIN. Now onto why some games fail to launch on LB and only open the tecknoparrot gui....but that's a different issue/thread
Lets see if we can figure it out. I'll do my testing on VT 4. My Info Windows 10 2004 Technoparrot UI VT 4 Checksum File: VT4_RING_r.exe CRC-32: fede1e27 SHA-1: 677b1b0612d139428003404ac372483e5fff6665 SHA-256: 22e901d31daeda8f13923e7d771e9a727d957eb52d2ffd43aac183e1a707cd54 SHA-512: c703bdeb6cf42fdf14cdf2ded94fbfaaee567f2f70afe25e9baf978221a1da0193402a9000e8ebc5b01ad1955dbffab93980afd211fc6ed255787fa69767b03f Launchbox Info (emulator set up) Launchbox is pointed to the userprofile XML file for each game. TeknoParrotUi.exe running as admin (maybe this is why?) VT4 normal Emulators\TeknoParrot\GameProfiles\VT4.xml How do you know if you have the latest dump? Is it like MAME where they release rom sets?
you are not alone I can't get the pause screen to work either using teknoparrot. Also, for some strange reason some game refuse to launch from LB, resulting in showing the tecknoparrot menu and not loading. Thats a different issues though. I recall someone saying you can't use special buttons for pause in teknoparrot, but I can't recall the reason why.
thanks, yes escape is the generic exit key. I use AHK to map it to mouse button 3 for my tankstick. I'll try testing it outside of LB to see if I get different results.
Thanks for agreeing to help. This is the script I am using. ~MButton:: Duration=0 Loop { Duration ++ If !GetKeyState("MButton","P") Break If Duration > 1 { Send, {Esc} break } Sleep, 1000 } return I use a tank stick so Mouse button 3 is my exit. The script works on all the other emulators, the only change made for teknoparrot was to change "Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}" to "Send, {Esc}"
Can you post your script please? I can't get it to work.