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  1. Version 1.0.0


    I really liked the ArcDragon cartridges and how you can see the contacts by @Arcanthur but there aren't any for Super famicom so i tried to do these cartridges. *There are 1424 game cartridges and 10 optional if you want those instead of some of the originals. I used AI for labels to increase quality and resolution, because some of the labels were very small and super low resolution to even look decent in the cartridge, So by using Ai a lot of labels improve, BUT even some of the labels still looking odd, like very noticeable the use of AI principally with the very low resolution labels like in the images Shown Above, So the solution i took to look homogeneous and more "Normal" was using some modifications to add some noise or plastic like textures, to make them look a little bit like they're worn out naturally or different but natural at the same time. There are 3 versions (you can see them in the images): 1) controlled noise (make them look like worn out ) __ 2) Plastic layer __ 3) Controlled Noise Moderate + plastic Layer Moderate __ i just did what i could, I would be very Happy if anyone want to do these cartridges even better. BTW One of the most Annoying parts was the naming but now should be working fine every game, but its named with launchbox naming, so i dont know how can work in other cases ( which could be good to be able to work in all the situations, but i couldn't figure out a way to make it work generally) Inspired by the cartridges of: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (2D Carts) [ArcDragon] by @Arcanthur Labels from: Super Nintendo Cartridge Labels Pack (No-Intro) 1.2 from Emumovies super famicom example cartridge from (Europe cartridge taken as example): Super Nintendo 2D Cartridges Pack 1.0 by @Kondorito found in Emumovies page Tool used to batch process all the game label images + cartridges Community Theme Creator by @y2guru
  2. i dont know if it is a bug, but when i want to create -Custom Images- i want an image to have CRT Effect, everything looks fine then i render the images and after that those images dont have the CRT effect . Its like the CRT effect cant be rendered in the custom images option, some other effects have the same problem like Blur Effect, but others work like the Drop shadow effect.
  3. Thank you for this amazing soundpack, Could you Upload the SNES Classic too Please ? that would be incredible !!
  4. Danmage


    @faeranThank you so much, this amazing theme has been one of the best themes and still, i think a lot of people agree with me, thank you for taking care of the theme.
  5. Danmage


    beautiful Theme, but recently i experienced a problem with the Device Image Fading / Vanishing and not appearing again, i already turn off the transitions and didnt work, i think with the others themes there are not problems. Please i need help, i want it to work again, mainly 'cause all my set-up its build with this theme in mind with those views and images. i Have: Theme: RetroFresh Detailed (1.5.1) Start-up View: Platform Categories Platform Wheel 3 (btw retrofresh 1.11 works normally but doesnt have the games details that i want)
  6. Themes Used: Unified Pause Theme by @RetroNi Game Controls FS by @Retro808 The idea comes when i fell in love with Unified Pause Theme by @RetroNi with the amazing boxart and Game Controls FS by @Retro808 , but unfortunate of me i couldn't find one that have both Boxart and a controls , so i really really wanted both, i saw two themes (in my opinion) perfect but limited to one thing and i wanted both at the same time, so determined i decided to adventure on try to mix both and have a boxart view from Unified Pause Theme and a control panel like Game Controls FS, the only problem is that i don't have any experience on coding and messing with that stuff, but my determination to have that perfect theme for me drives me, so i started to open a notepad and try to modified stuff from there, by try and error i figured some way to mix them both (though it was really hard and time consuming for me, mainly because i didn't knew about the grids and how it works, remember i didn't knew and understand anything that was written in the code) but after that i did it, create my perfect theme Boxart and controls on the screen with the essence of a minimalistic and simplistic pause theme. So i decided to post it here. A sample image is from the collection of @OhBoy. The Image shown for display are only an example of how the theme will look, there is even a preview. If you want more images from Him click Here. But you will have to move the controller images a little to the left, because of the Boxart How to set-up the controller images: Place a folder called "Game Controls" in the \Launchbox\Images folder (It would be \Launchbox\Images\Game Controls\) In there you can put your images of the controllers with the exact name of your platforms, these images are recognized by the .png extension. If @RetroNi or @Retro808 have a problem with me uploading this, please contact me. I just wanted to have a Theme Like this, and i decided to share. BTW if you want to use/edit/modify this theme, i would be pleased if you do that, you can do anything, i just wanted to share my idea. ControlBox.zip
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