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skizzosjt last won the day on May 14 2023

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Community Answers

  1. nope. only launch with
  2. a basic one line script to run explorer.exe added in LB startup applications to run only when BB exits would solve it
  3. it hides the console window if the emulator uses one. console window would be another term for the command prompt window. the one emulator I know for certain it is useful for that I actually utilize is MAME standalone. i'm sure there are more but that's all I've ever needed to enable it on. its not needed for retroarch since no console window is produced hiding the additional command prompt window like this one that is created when MAME runs is what it is meant for didn't mean to imply the hide console checkbox would help the issue. this setting doesn't impact it one way or the other. I wanted to share it was unnecessary to enable so hopefully more people understand its purpose.
  4. don't extract roms. since it's extracting roms to the frontends temp folder also uncheck hide console on startup/shutdown
  5. @stonev it should not be named "temp.rmp", or at least I've never had a remap file get created with that file name. it should be following the expected file name nomenclature which is in line with the other file name you mentioned "sega genesis.rmp" and the other should be "sega master system.rmp" not sure what to think about that goofy temp file name business, it is suspect to some other potential unknown issue though. any chance you installed/unpacked more than one instance of retroarch? and when you're testing from "within" the frontend and "outside" the frontend, are you sure you are running the exact same instance of retroarch? this would be the easiest explanation since making a setting change in one of the instances wouldn't impact the other and vise versa. but it doesn't really jive with the first bit about the temp file name, because that in itself is not normal per my experience. then again, I don't let the frontend manage my emulators or store them within the frontends directory structure so it could be related to that. i'm also not on the latest beta i'm on 13.19 and RA 1.16
  6. I've started getting hangs/freezing in Big Box too. Always manually scrolling. Seems completely random. Literally has never happened before after many years of use. Produces no error, Big Box just instantly hangs up and must be process killed in order to be closed.
  7. you're right about hex, it is universal. but that isn't the issue. if media player A "color manages" a particular file type or any file at that, different than media player B, it's gonna be different. if you only ever used one chances are you would never notice the difference. also chances are you notice the difference because of the theme you use, having colors match solid colors in videos. other themes may not really highlight this ordeal. you can see this difference by playing the videos in VLC and WMP in Windows. it's like why colors look different across different displays, except this due to software rather than hardware.
  8. it is possible to have arcade CATEGORY and arcade PLATFORM use their intended videos (light blue with set of cabs "A" for category, and purple with set of cabs "B" for platform) along with their proper hardware device image. I certainly made it work at least. you're gonna have to make some edits whether that is renaming files and/or changing names or conditions in LaunchBox or the theme.
  9. as far as I know the difference you notice is to be expected across a VLC vs WMP comparison. I've noticed the same thing. it's video player A handles colors different than video player B. if you want to bore yourself to death then read up on how different media players impact colors.
  10. that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy I think the check marks are to indicate if said emulator is on the most recent version. looks like v273 is latest now so....there ya go. no reason to update unless you need to. honestly, not even sure if this feature works for MAME? I just download v273 and pop it into my emulator list and status cell is still blank. idk, regardless, nothing to worry about. who knows where you went wrong. not enough info to help make sure games run ok in the emulator when not launching them through the frontend. if it works ok there, then start showing pics of your emulator window in launchbox since you might have something wrong there. settings I use for ex
  11. yes you can combine literally anything. highlight the games, right click, combine selected games.
  12. yes.....partly. and because you use same {{{StartupEXE}}} variable. Consider what is the startup exe.....is it the emulator.....or the batch file? Based on what you communicate it's the batch file. if you used the intended process you want to close in the running script it would work Esc::WinClose ahk_exe xemu.exe
  13. Based on how you want to format your library this script is not for you. It's for individual episodes rather than whole seasons or series as a single entry. There is a slim chance I'll do any rewrites. I suppose never say never is applicable here, but, please do not hold your breath.
  14. Manually. You'll need to configure all that update and DLC business in the emulator itself. You launch the games the same way through LaunchBox regardless if you have updates or DLC for them so nothing is really needed to be done in LB, only in the emulator's UI
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