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  1. Hey! Sorry for the delayed response... I've attached a small video recording of the issue. I'm using the latest version of LB. Note that, even though i'm not showing it on the video, the file explorer window that Im taking the ROM from is also frozen. Thanks for taking the time to answer! ISSUE.mp4
  2. Hey everyone! Long time LB and BB user and fan! So I've been having this problem for the last couple of LB updates if a windows notification from LB is displayng on screen (e.g. when metadata finishes downloading) and a launchbox window is on screen (e.g. the window that appears when you drag and drop romfiles on LB) when the windows notification goes away due to some time passing, the aforementioned launchbox window dissapears and cant be reopened. Then the launchbox main window becomes "unresponsive" (I guess because the window for adding the new roms is still open somehow but its not being displayed on screen?) and the only way of closing out of LB is through task manager. Its not a crazy problem that needs immediate attention but a minor inconvenience nonetheless... Many thanks in advance for any answers/fixes!
  3. Hey everyone! Is there an option to change the folder where launchbox looks for dependencies? For example my retroarch system folder isn't in the retroarch folder in my computer but launchbox keeps looking there and tells me I'm missing dependencies... Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if I missed anything!
  4. I tried the command you sent me and it worked perfectly! Thanks!
  5. Hey everyone! In my constant grind to fill my collection with obscure systems I stumbled upon the EACA Colour Genie computer which can be emulated in mame... However when I try to start certain games that are considered to be playable in mame I get errors while they are loading (for example 3d haunted house if you want to try too) ... I noticed that in the mame usage instructions it states that the games I'm getting errors require 32k of ram at least... Is ram to blame here? And if yes can I increase it somehow? Many thanks in advance!!
  6. I've setup my command line parameters as @sundogak suggested and worked like a charm! Many thanks for your help everyone!
  7. Thank you so much for the very detailed responce! Ill try what you suggested and see if it works!
  8. Hey everyone! So Im adding some computer mame SL to my LB setup but I cant get launchbox to start the vz_snap SL. I've tried to change the default command line parametres from vz -snap to many other things but no dice... The games launch fine through mame itself... The cassetes for the same system (laser 310 or vz300, same thing essentially) work fine through LB... Any help is appreciated!
  9. Hey! Thank you so much for sharing your HUGE game and art collection! Its been a great source in building and beautifying my LB rom collection. I've actually noticed 2 platforms missing from your collection though believe it or not lol. Pls correct me if Im wrong but you dont seem to have added the TimeTop Gameking 1 and 3 platforms. I've noticed them missing while searching for clear logos for them but I couldn't find them. So if you have actually added them could you direct me to where the clear logos for them are? Many thanks in advance!
  10. Hey! Long time fan of this plugin which has helped me immensely in completing my LB setup! This is my first time encountering a problem with this (if it is actually related)... Im trying to add a really obscure platform called gameking 3 but it wont launch the games through LB and only through MAME itself... The command is gameking3 -cart. Could anyone test adding this platform through this plugin and tell me if it works for them? All the other platforms work fine btw.... Even gameking 1. Many thanks in advance! EDIT: 5 minutes after posting this I found out that the correct command is supposed to be gamekin3 -cart. After that the games work fine. I'll leave my comment however for the 2 other people that may stumble upon it
  11. Keeping in mind that im not an expert in LB or MAME Id say that since these games aren't considered playable in MAME right now launchbox automatically doesn't import them.
  12. Many thanks for answering! Even though turning on skip software parts selection menu didnt help me for some reason, turning on skip bios selection menu in the same options menu seems to do the trick (together with the command line command)! Many thanks again for answering!
  13. Hey everyone! Long time lurker in the forum which has helped me immensely with the problems I had over the years with emulation... However I cant seem to find an answer to this issue im having right now so any help is appreciated! So the problem is that although the games work fine within mame itself I cant seem to make them launch through launchbox.. I suspect it has something to do with the prompt mame gives you when you try to launch a game which lets you select a bios. Is this correct and if yes is there a way to automate this within launchbox? Many thanks in advance!
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