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Soomin papa

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Everything posted by Soomin papa

  1. I have been very busy. I've been working on a translation for a very long time. sorry. Korean translation files for Launchbox v.13(20230101) Language-ko-KR (LB v.13)_20230101.zip
  2. Korean translation file for Launchbox 12.10 version Language-ko-KR[12.10]20220424.7z
  3. Korean Translation for Launchbox 12.7 version. Fixed a translation error where some Japanese were mixed. Language-ko-KR LB 12.7 - 20220202.zip
  4. Korean Translation for Launchbox 12.7 version. Language-ko-KR LB 12.7 - 20220130.zip
  5. To help you understand, I have attached pictures of the parts that were not reflected in the existing translations, the newly added translations, and the parts where the translation errors were corrected. Now the Korean translation is perfectly translated. Please apply the attached translation file to the next beta version. Thank you. Language-ko-KR [LB 12.6]20220119.zip
  6. I like the default theme of Bigbox. However, I noticed one strange thing. The game title screenshot image is displayed in the game list, but the title screenshot of the existing game is still displayed in the game list that does not contain the game title screenshot. The captured image is attached here. My guess is that this is an error in the theme's ability to display screenshots. I'm guessing it can be fixed once the theme's code is modified. I hope this issue gets resolved.
  7. I reinstalled windows and running script works again on my gamepad (xbox360 mode). However, it remains to be seen whether running script behavior is compromised when a gamepad and joystick are used together. thank you.
  8. I found a clue that the running script doesn't work. Originally I used the Gamesir T1S gamepad for the first time. This is recognized as an xbox360 pad in the default xinput. And the script worked fine when using launchbox with this. But the problem seems to have occurred since I connected the arcade joystick with the gamepad. My arcade joystick is called Joytron All in one arcade E1. I have used this joystick by switching the input mode to D-input mode, PS3 mode, and X-input mode. After that, the script doesn't work on the gamepad. And, the script works only on the Joytron E1 joystick. This was the case with Launchbox 12.4 as well as 12.5 and 12.6. The bottom line is that AHK doesn't recognize gamepad input, it only recognizes joystick input. I just found out after testing this.
  9. On Lunchbox 12.5 the running script worked fine. However, after updating to Launchbox 12.6 version, the running script does not work at all. I made a running script to implement a hotkey as a combination of pressing the select button and the rest of the buttons. This was a feature that gave me satisfaction. But now it doesn't work at all. Running scripts on all platforms I've made don't work at all. My scripts worked fine before the Launchbox update.
  10. I'm asking for help with the AHK hotkey script. I got help here regarding AHK scripts for PCSX2. And I googled further, but there are some things that I haven't been able to solve. I want to make the desired hotkey action when the select button is pressed and the arrow key of the xbox360 (x-input) pad is pressed. For example, if you press the DPAD right button while holding down the select button, the save slot will change to the next slot, and if you press the DPAD left button while holding down the select button, the save slot will change to the previous slot. I also want to create a combination of a select button and an analog joystick. The purpose is to configure the hotkeys as above. I desperately want help. Thank you for your interest. Here is the script I made. Joy5:: Joy6:: Joy7:: Joy8:: Press= SetTimer, WatchAxis, 5 return WatchAxis: { GetKeyState, SelectButton, Joy7 GetKeyState, StartButton, Joy8 GetKeyState, L1Button, Joy5 GetKeyState, R1Button, Joy6 GetKeyState JoyZButtons, JoyZ JoyZButtons := Round(JoyZButtons) PressPrev= %Press% PressNext= %Press% if (SelectButton = "D") { if (L1Button = "D") { ; Load state SendInput {F3} Sleep 750 } else if (R1Button = "D") { ; Save state SendInput {F1} Sleep 750 } else if (JoyZButtons > 60) { ; Prev slot Press=LZ if Press= %PressPrev% return SendInput, {Shift down}{F2 down} Sleep 750 SendInput, {F2 up}{Shift up} Press= } else if (JoyZButtons < 40) { ; Next slot Press=RZ if Press= %PressNext% return SendInput {F2} Sleep 750 Press= } else if (StartButton = "D") { ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } } }
  11. Thank you very much, JoeViking245. You saved me. 😀 I modified the script you made and succeeded in working as I wanted. I put my script here for anyone who needs it. Joy5:: Joy6:: Joy7:: Joy8:: Press= SetTimer, WatchAxis, 5 return WatchAxis: { GetKeyState, SelectButton, Joy7 GetKeyState, StartButton, Joy8 GetKeyState, L1Button, Joy5 GetKeyState, R1Button, Joy6 GetKeyState JoyZButtons, JoyZ JoyZButtons := Round(JoyZButtons) PressPrev= %Press% PressNext= %Press% if (SelectButton = "D") { if (L1Button = "D") { ; Load state SendInput {F3} Sleep 750 } else if (R1Button = "D") { ; Save state SendInput {F1} Sleep 750 } else if (JoyZButtons > 60) { ; Prev slot Press=LZ if Press= %PressPrev% return SendInput, {Shift down}{F2 down} Sleep 750 SendInput, {F2 up}{Shift up} Press= } else if (JoyZButtons < 40) { ; Next slot Press=RZ if Press= %PressNext% return SendInput {F2} Sleep 750 Press= } else if (StartButton = "D") { ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } } }
  12. I googled and found a suitable hotkey script for a standalone emulator. Through it, I was able to apply functions such as save, load, and quit the emulator by combining the select button and other buttons in xbox 360 pad mode. What I want is for the hotkey to work when another button is pressed while the select button is pressed, and most of them work the way I want them to. However, when the select button and the RT button or LT button are combined, the action of pressing the trigger button while the select button is pressed has no response. Conversely, pressing the select button while pressing the trigger button reacted. What I want to do is to do the sequence of pressing the trigger button while the select button is pressed. I want to create a motion that moves to the next save slot with the Select+RT button combination and the previous save slot with the Select+LT button combination. Attached here is the ahk script I got from Googling. I applied this script to the pcsx2 emulator and it helped me to make the hotkey work. Here, I would like to modify the operation order of the select button and trigger button as I want. Joy5:: Joy6:: Joy7:: { GetKeyState, SelectButton, Joy7 GetKeyState, L1Button, Joy5 GetKeyState, R1Button, Joy6 GetKeyState JoyZButtons, JoyZ JoyZButtons := Round(JoyZButtons) if (SelectButton = "D") { if (L1Button = "D") { ; Load state SendInput {F3} } else if (R1Button = "D") { ; Save state SendInput {F1} } else if (JoyZButtons > 60) { ; Prev slot SendInput !{F2} } else if (JoyZButtons < 40) { ; Next slot SendInput {F2} } } }
  13. This is a Korean translation file for Launchbox 12.5 version. Fixed some errors as well. There is an error in the Korean selection screen in the launch box language selection screen. Korean translation error correction date: 2021-12-26 Language-ko-KR [LB 12.5]20211226.zip
  14. Where can I download Launchbox 12.5 version? I'm new to Launchbox. There are a lot of things I don't know about it, so please forgive me. thank you. If there is a part that needs to be translated, please let me know.
  15. I use a gamesir t1s gamepad. I am using this pad in xbox mode. The function of combining the select button and the start button at the same time on this pad is not performed. Except for the start button, the combination of the select button and other buttons works just fine. Conversely, except for the select button, the combination of the start button and other buttons works well. I used the binding function of the select button and the start button normally in the batocera emulator with this gamepad.
  16. I use a gamesir t1s gamepad. I am using this pad in xbox mode. The function of combining the select button and the start button at the same time on this pad is not performed. Except for the start button, the combination of the select button and other buttons works just fine. Conversely, except for the select button, the combination of the start button and other buttons works well.
  17. The way you say works fine for select buttons and non-start buttons. However, there is a bug that the select button and the start button cannot be applied. actually try it If you press the start button while pressing the select button and release it at the same time, only the select button is registered. Conversely, if you press the select button while pressing the start button and release it at the same time, only the start button is registered. This only happens when you try a combination of the select button and the start button.
  18. The gamexit button combination in the launchbox defaults to button 7 + button 8 (select + start) by default. After clearing this and deleting it, when I try to enter the button 7 + button 8 combination again, only button 7 is input. Button configurations other than the above combinations are entered normally. This is the same bug in both launchbox and bigbox. And I'm curious that the game controller button mapping in the launch box is not shared with the big box. Why is it a separate, independent setting?
  19. I have completed the Korean translation file. Attach the 7z compressed translation file. Language-ko-KR.7z
  20. I have received the Korean translation file you sent me. I've been working on translating all day today, but I'm struggling with the sheer volume. The amount of text in the Strings file is really large. When the translation is complete, is there a way to self-test whether this file is being translated correctly? When I run launchbox, I think that a more accurate translation is possible only if I can check whether the Korean is translated to match the function properly. Thank you.
  21. Hi. I am a Korean speaker. I would like to support the Korean translation of Launchbox. Please send the file for translation. thank you.
  22. I hope korean traslation work. please send me a file. thanks.
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