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Everything posted by _Besli_
http://www.atarimania.com/st/boxes/hi_res/harlequin_gremlin_d7.jpg http://www.atarimania.com/pubs/hi_res/ad_french_harlequin.jpg
Cand you do a Logo- and Fontless art only version? History: This is how the cover art of Pirates! (1987) was made – Spelpappan Jimmy Wilhelmsson
I noticed that there was a more complete art at the manual, but I wasn't able to find a good picture of it: German Box: Advertisement: Best picture I could find: Pirates! : Hall Of Light - The database of Amiga games (abime.net) Pirates! : Hall Of Light - The database of Amiga games (abime.net) Sid Meier's Pirates! box covers - MobyGames
Take a look at this:
Okay, since this request still is in hold... here is an update: Extracted from a cover art PSD file (think it's a Jewel Case cover, because of the low resolution). Done by a guy called CampingCarl. Cutout and edited by myself. But I'm sure seaview59 is able to do much better ones! 🙂
Diddy Kong Pilot logo - Gallery:Diddy Kong Pilot (2001) - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia Best source I could find. Don't know if it helps...
Holli Would | Villains Wiki | Fandom
A new request: Close Combat - A bridge too far logo: French German Close Combat III - Russian Front logo: Close Combat - Battle of the Bulge (a.k.a Close Combat 4) French German Close Combat: The Battle of the Bulge box covers - MobyGames Close Combat - Invasion Normandy (a.k.a. Close Combat 5) Close Combat: Invasion - Normandy: Utah Beach to Cherbourg box covers - MobyGames http://www.closecombatseries.net/downloads/CC5/Misc/CC5_French_Manual.zip
New Pipe Mania Logo: Pipe Mania Details - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
I would love the see a hires variant of the logo above, as well as the second version of the logo:
Take a look: Ishar - Legend of Fortress Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom http://ayay.co.uk/backgrounds/fantasy/lord_of_the_rings/the-fellowship-in-the-forest.jpg Ishar 3 - The Seven Gates of Infinity http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rR_5WlpsMm0/T2BoPBxnm5I/AAAAAAAAJ-o/TZzU_VKzric/s1600/bs-fsf-+Ciruelo-+Jilocasin.jpg
Better Source: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjQ0Mzc3NDEtNGIyOC00NDE2LWFmY2ItN2M2YjIxODMwMDYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg5OTk2OA@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg From the FB Page:
That's much better than this poor 3D Realms remake: Thank you relly much! Can you also take a look at the Hocus Pocus logo: The first one already exist as a cutout, but is very lowres.
I also have a new request: Mystic Towers logo I never liked that new remade logo of new 3D Realms, would be nice to see the original logo:
Wow, that was fast. But I meant a complete clean one, also with the PSYGNOSIS logo and that DMA Design logo removed. 😉
Hey Jonny, i really like the color and contrast on your Hired Guns cover. Can you make also a clean version of it? For source:
Thank you really much!
Wow, much better!
Thank you really much! Those are the best Migt and Magic logos. 🙂 Can you fix the missing i point in Might, and the second logo was missing the of in Darkside of XEEN. 😉