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Everything posted by _Besli_

  1. Source: Psycho Soldier | 1987 - KOF Universe
  2. AI edited it... 🙂 Combined Take a look: The Outfoxies - SteamGridDB
  3. Source: https://archive.org/download/namco-game-sound-express-vol.20-the-outfoxies/Booklet-Front.jpg
  4. Can someone complete (fill the white part) of this art? Source: https://archive.org/download/namco-game-sound-express-vol.20-the-outfoxies/Booklet-Back.jpg
  5. I made this one: Source: image (1920×1080) (xboxlive.com)
  6. Logo for Desert Assault by ariesps80 (steamgriddb.com)
  7. Logo for Nightmare Creatures II by Pedrogon18 (steamgriddb.com)
  8. Best source i could find: Navy Seals Logo Wallpapers - Navy Seals Transparent PNG - 800x310 - Free Download on NicePNG
  9. Request: Hires SUPER VALIS IV logo
  10. Thanks, looks really cool! 😄 I really like clean cover arts, and allways trying to find the original arts done by the artists. 😉
  11. Logo done by Jonny Severn:
  12. Cover Art: http://fantasy.mrugala.net/Les Edwards/Les Edwards - The Lost Dorsai.jpg
  13. Cover Art: http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/15/45/267265.jpg
  14. Request: Hires Alien Syndrome logo
  15. Nice stuff! 🙂👌
  16. @EASTWOOD2002 can you redo these english titled logos: Here is a better one:
  17. Here is a better source: Revolt of Don’s Knights Covers, PC DOS (UK, CD-ROM release) :: DJ OldGames
  18. So you mean these kind of logos?
  19. Can you explain what you mean with "full set"?
  20. Pirates Of The Caribbean, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem Or here is a better source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s9UhelqX1fo/UnIr4ifuBqI/AAAAAAAAALg/XHOIW7B3sMk/s1600/Pirates-Dead-Mans-Chect_PSP_FOB.jpg
  21. Hires Adventures of Lolo 2 logo:
  22. Hires Crazy Frog Racer logo: Crazy Frog Racer Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) Source: https://www.jeuxactu.com/jeu/images-crazy-frog-racer-6679-6-page-2.htm#img
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