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Everything posted by _Besli_

  1. Ar you also doing the logo?
  2. Wow, that's really nice!
  3. Atari Games Arcadespiele: Dave's Dozer - atarimuseum.de (atari-computermuseum.de)
  4. Found this on twitter: Maybe you can make a mixup with yours...
  5. Better Source:
  6. Ah, okay 😉
  7. Allready exists... Cap'n Carnage Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  8. Allready exists... AV8B Harrier Assault Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  9. Request: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE logo Central Intelligence Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  10. That was the highest resolution i was able to find...
  11. Posted by a guy called yst, on SteamGridDB: Fixed transpyrency in the 4:
  12. Request: CRYSTALS of ARBOREA hires logo Crystals of Arborea Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) and the alternate logo: http://www.atarimania.com/pubs/hi_res/ad_french_crystals-of-arborea.jpg SORCERIAN hires Logo: Sorcerian Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  13. New Request: Bible Adventures logo
  14. https://www.castlevaniacrypt.com/arc-logos/
  15. Request: Mystery Case Files - MillionHeir Logo
  16. You should post a better source: The Spriters Resource - Full Sheet View - Attack of the Movies 3D - Wii Menu Banner and Save Icon (spriters-resource.com)
  17. Thank you really much! Yes, I will submit them.
  18. There was a hires logo on SteamGridDB: Logo for 'Splosion Man by yst (steamgriddb.com)
  19. Hey seaview59, could you do an alternate version without the subtext, only the FAST STRIKER?
  20. Allready done by seaview59!
  21. https://thedoteaters.com/tde/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ultima-ad-I-II.jpg No Logo, but I have to post it. Made this little Wallpaper out of the Ad above. 🙂
  22. You can get it on Etsy...
  23. Another request: DEVASTATION - RESISTANCE BREEDS REVOLUTION logo Devastation Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) And the russian version logo:
  24. I don't know who did the hires KICK OFF logo, but itlooks a bit incomplete to me: Can you add a small black border around it, and the orange border in the yellow KICK logo?
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