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Everything posted by _Besli_

  1. Better than the (old) remade logo there: Duke Nukem: Endangered Species - SteamGridDB
  2. An old work of myself: But i'm sure seaview59 or JereBear can beat it... 😉
  3. I like both, but with accurate i meant the first one. 😉 Thank you really much! I have a new request: Duke Nukem Endangered Species logo:
  4. Full cover art:
  5. Better WARIOWORLD Sources: https://www.mariowiki.com/Gallery:Wario_World s-l1600.jpg (1235×1600) (ebayimg.com)
  6. Request: Accurate MEGA-CORP logo https://cdn.thegamesdb.net/images/original/boxart/front/36899-1.jpg
  7. Hires Logo for Camelot Warriors: camelot-warriors-cover-gamebezz-com.jpg (804×1080) (technobezz.com) https://www.worldofspectrum.org//pub/sinclair/games-adverts/c/CamelotWarriors.jpg
  8. Take a look:
  9. Needs more edit, than it would be nice...
  10. PRYZM hires logo: https://ia801808.us.archive.org/23/items/pryzm-chapter-one-the-dark-unicorn-ps2-hiresscans/Pryzm - Chapter One - The Dark Unicorn - Box.jpg
  11. Edited it a bit
  12. Zombie Pirates Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) Request: Hires Logo
  13. Forgotten Worlds Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  14. Can you also redo the alternate english title?
  15. Much better! 😉
  16. Forgotten Worlds Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com)
  17. Better german source: If someone does the request please also redo the alternate english title:
  18. Better version of the Senran Kagura Bon Appetit (without the Full Course) logo: New Source:
  19. Maybe better source:
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