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Everything posted by hawkfanz

  1. Sorry, I never did find a solution to this one, so just took it out of my setup. I just use the emulater pause settings now
  2. Thanks. I’ve had a hard time trying to figure out how to fix this issue and your solution worked great. It only happened maybe 1 in 8 times but definitely enough to be annoying.
  3. Just hearing it's on the list makes me so happy! Thank you for all the work that you and everyone else does on LaunchBox.
  4. Hopefully 13.11 can fix the issue where the startup video only shows a black screen!
  5. Turning off indexing didn't help or fix the issue in any way for me. I'm going to remove the startup video until this is fixed. Pretty disappointing
  6. Anyone find a solution to this? I just (grudgingly) updated to Windows 10 from 7 and now startup videos only work 30% of the time on the fresh Windows startup. It works without issue after Windows is fully up and running if I close BigBox and reopen it though. Wondering if VLC is taking too long to load and BigBox somehow is loading faster? I have all the latest VLC updates and GPU updates for Windows 10 already installed.
  7. Interesting they're not supporting Windows 8.1 when the site clearly states Windows 8.1 is still supported. Supported Windows Platforms LaunchBox is currently available for Windows 7 and higher. Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 are fully supported. Windows 10 or Windows 11 are recommended for the best and most performant experience.
  8. It sounds like they don't want to support Windows 7 anymore. Definitely frustrating because I prefer a few things that 7 can do which 10 can't for my arcade setup.
  9. Thank you!!!! That did the trick. For whatever reason, the first script process was closing out before the game was opening so I added in Sleep 2000 at the top and then it worked perfectly. Your second script works for me perfectly as is. Thanks again!
  10. I’m using an i-PAC 2 in a cabinet and playing some games like Downwell that unfortunately doesn’t offer any remapping in game. This makes it a lot harder! Maybe keyboard2xinput would be a better option for this. I recently (finally! switched from hyperspin/rocketlauncher) and the only thing that I miss is the simple ability to use ahk scripts for specific games.
  11. I've got a dumb question.... I'd like to change key bindings with AHK when starting certain steam games and then close the ahk script on game exit. Is the best was to do this by having launchbox open the ahk script on game startup that changes the keybindings and then have launchbox run another app which would simply be an ahk script with the following on game exit: Process, Close, AutoHotkey.exe I tried going down the WaitWinClose or WinClose app to have it in one script to close the script when the game close but I wasn't having much luck there.
  12. Just installed LaunchBox on a new computer and now seem to have focus issues on my video startup. I’m positive Big Box has loaded as I can click on the window and then skip the video. If I don’t press a button right away during the video I have to wait until the end of the video and then Big Box gets focus. Anything I’m missing in settings? I’m using VLC. This is only an issue during Windows Boot and having Big Box startup automatically. No issues when Big Box is started manually after Windows boot. *******SOLVED!********* I was able to solve my issue by running Jocys.com Focus Logger on with windows startup. It pointed out my windows still had a bloatware app (HP Protect) stealing focus when the BB startup video opened. I uninstalled that and now working again. Highly recommend that Focus Logger to see what app is stealing focus.
  13. SOLVED!!!!! So I finally noticed (after re-installing Windows) that when I login to my arcade cabinet, Windows changes the color scheme to basic. This setting must have gotten saved as the everyday color scheme at some point even when not remotely working on the computer. When I set the color scheme back to the normal setting, the menu does not show after starting a game from LaunchBox and Big Box with HLSL enabled. I was able to recreate this issue very easily. I don't want to admit how many drivers and settings I tried to blame before figuring this out. I also don't want to admit how much time I spent on something no one else would ever notice!
  14. Thanks @neil9000. I was hoping to find it in services but it wasn't there. I do have realtek but no nahimic
  15. That Nahimic issue really sounded like my problem since I even have graphical issues in LaunchBox when adding roms (picture shown). Sadly I couldn't find that installed as an exe or as a driver. I did go with a clean MAME ini and that didn't solve it so I'll be digging into all the drivers to see if anything could be update. Thanks again @sundogak
  16. Thank you! Very helpful to know that this is a localized issue with my HLSL and not for everyone. I'll try with a vanilla ini with HLSL enabled and see if I can pinpoint this. I'm starting to think the pause issue is unrelated but I'm positive the startup game showing the menu after the loading screen is related to my HLSL setting being enabled. Thanks again
  17. Anyone else seeing the menu screen for a second with HLSL enabled? Would love to know if this is a universal issue or just something I need to find on my end.
  18. Another issue with HLSL enabled is that the Pause screen won't reset, save, load, or exit with MAME. When I turn the HLSL settings off in MAME then all of these functions work perfectly. Seems like there's a timing issue on these that I can't figure out with HLSL enabled. I've played with the sleep settings in the AutoHotKey scripts for reset etc but no luck. This is the more recent .243 MAME
  19. I'm having this same black screen issue with MAME pausing. I did have it working for a little but it seems to keep coming back. Unticking and ticking options fixed short term but I can't make it consistently work. I've got the most recent, MAME and launch box installed of course. Any other option other than making a 2 button hotkey? 2 button hotkeys won't work in my setup as I'm using it on a cabinet that a lot of people will use and not know how to do that. Both MAME and launchbox are set to P as pause but I wonder if there's a disconnect between launch box and big box settings somewhere. I did adjust the AHK area to match the save a load keys I use but that seemed to break it also so I set those back to the defaults. Wonder if it's a AHK crash.
  20. I've had an issue with LaunchBox showing the desktop and Big Box showing the menu screen for a second right after the startup screen but before MAME starts. I finally narrowed it down to my MAME HLSL setting being enabled. When HLSL is disabled I have no issue at all with LaunchBox or Big Box startups. Is there a workaround for this or am I missing an extra setting to add? I've played with the LaunchBox emulator specific startup load delay, aggressive startup window hiding, and hide all windows that are not in exclusive fullscreen mode with no luck. Any help would really be appreciated!
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