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Everything posted by DanCue

  1. Got it. Ok. I’ll exclude those folders. Just wanted to make sure that all of my customized artwork I’ve added and changed will be kept. Sounds like it will still be saved if I don’t sync the two folders you mentioned. oh yeah. The sync software has updating as an option of the mirroring feature. That’s what I have currently.
  2. Is the content located in \Core\Images\Cache-BB constantly changing? I ask because I currently have a sync setup to mirror my Launchbox folder to my NAS and it feels like that folder is constantly needing to be synced. I have a rather large collection of games so it takes a significant amount of time. I have started to sync this folder because in the past 3 years I have had to restart my launch box set up 3 times due to PC issues. It’s always been a long process to get it back to how I want it each time (admittedly much easier this last go thanks to the import process improvements lately) so I figured why not back it up.
  3. I added vita3K as an emulator in Tools > Manage Emulators, using the drop-down to auto-populate the fields. At that point in time I did not have any games. I then proceeded to add the games to vita3K. When I go back launchbox after adding the games, I am not being prompted to tell me that the roms are being imported. Does it take longer for that prompt to come up if the number of games added was significant? Will it not pick up the games if there is currently activity happening in the folder these roms are stored? I'm doing a sync from that folder to a NAS as a backup. I tried deleting the emulator in launchbox and then reinstalling now that I have the games but nothing happens still. My best guess is one of the two things above are happening. Can someone add some light here or help me troubleshoot? Lastly, I'm not opposed to manually importing these files using the import option in the tools menu. What folder would I need to point it to?
  4. Sorry to resurrect an older thread but I think this has what I am looking for. I have a few questions if you don't me asking. I have a group of ISO files currently and would like to decrypt them all into JB Folder Structure. Is this what is being done or is it creating an unencrypted iso? Is RPCS3 even able to play an iso formatted file? I thought it couldn't? Can the file format include the product code if we want to add it like PS3 Disc Dumper allows you to do? (i.e. BLUS31145) Last question... and maybe deserving another thread, but PS3 disc dumper by 13xforever does pretty much everything I need. Problem is you have to do 1 at a time. Mount ISO, Wait for PS3 Disc Dumper to find key in database, click start to extract, when done you unmount and then repeat the process for each. Can the script provided in this thread be adapted to be used with this program? I like the idea of not having to do each manually 1 by 1.
  5. Very grateful for this thread. I've spent most of the past couple of days trying to figure this out and the step by step guide here helped out. Although the script I used in running AHK was the following: $ESC::WinClose, ahk_exe Ryujinx.exe I had this in there already and left it there after following the step by step guide above. But I became curious if it would work without an AHK script. It actually does. Anyways... I wanted to post the one I did have in there for anyone who may want to try it if all else fails. Thanks everyone.
  6. DanCue

    Ryujinx quit

    Please excuse me if this sounds ignorant. I had this all set up a while ago but had to restart my whole set up, unfortunately. So I'm starting from scratch and I'm not remembering what I did before to get this to work. So I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking. Can you tell me where you are placing this? My goal is to exit the game and Ryujinx and go back to launchbox using an xbox controller. I went into Options>Controller Mappings>Exit and set it to Button 7 + Button 8 (Start + Select) in BigBox. The script I quoted here needs to be used or not? I tried pressing start+select while the game is running and it did not exit. No action happened. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Thank you. That worked. Edit: For the record (in case someone else stumbles on this with the same issue) I was not able to select the core pcsx2 from the core dropdown when adding a game. I had to go into Tools > Manage > Emulators and then enter in "Sony Playstation 2" (how I have it titled on my folder) and then I was able to select pcsx2_libretro core.
  8. I'm curious if you found out how to do this. When adding my PS2 roms it does not have LRPS2 as an option in the dropdown.
  9. I’m curious if anyone is using Launchbox/BigBox through moonlight on a handheld. I have retroarch serving as the emulator for most of my games and it works well. I was able to setup the R1+L3 combination to bring up the menu where I can exit the game and then exit the emulator bringing me back to BigBox. That was all done through retroarch settings. I’m trying to do the same thing for RPCS3 but there are no such settings in the emulator so I was curious how you all are doing it. I’m currently using a handheld device with Xbox input controls. I use moonlight to access BigBox.
  10. DanCue

    Working Directory?

    Yes, I figured it out. The issue was with accessing a mapped drive through a shared service. Sunshine was set up as a service. The drive is not accessible through a shared service because that is a limitation of windows. The fix is here…https://stackoverflow.com/a/70120282/4808295 Hope that helps.
  11. Are you saying that if I select the US version last that will be the first option on the list of games that I should select as my "main" game when asked?
  12. Ok. I would prefer to use the US version as the "main" game but when I am asked to select which one they are both the same name so I can't tell which is which. Also, correct me if I am wrong but this is a process that the normal importer would have done automatically with any other platform, right?
  13. This tool worked amazingly. Huge time savings. Thank you! One question though. I have a few games with duplicates. Two different GameIDs. After looking at them I noticed that the difference is in region. BLES (EU) vs BLUS (US) in most cases. Does launchbox have a way to clean this up to make it a version of the game instead of two separate entities? Also, I would like to add that when I imported the metadata originally I selected to import for all instead of the recommended setting which only updates empty fields. What that caused is the region to be overwritten to blank. So I had to do it all over and use the recommended setting. My fault, but just an FYI for others in case they are having the same issue.
  14. Thank you so much! This worked. FINALLY!!! After a few days of trying to do this myself I have it working the way I wanted.
  15. Interesting. I'm going to try that now. So just to be sure, I'm going to delete that script I have in exit. Change exit on Yuzu back to Ctrl+Q and then do the controller mapping for close active window as button7+button8. Is that correct?
  16. Escape on the keyboard would normally exit yuzu, though. I had a question about close active window. Does BB pass that command on to the emulator? When a game is launched the emulator is the active window so wouldn't any mappings come from the emulator instead or does BB actually pass through the close active window command to close the emulator?
  17. not in the running script, but I have this for the exit script... $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupExe}}} }
  18. I tried that and it's not closing. In fact, for some reason it will kill my escape key button on the keyboard. Not sure what is going on but I have to reboot my computer to get the escape key to work again.
  19. I see where the close active window option is, where is the hotkey option? If I wanted to do select+start how would that look like in the settings?
  20. I'm hoping to get some help on this as I have been searching for a few days now with no solution. I currently have Yuzu installed and when I launch it from Big Box I can't exit it using a controller. I'd like to do like retroarch and press Select+Start to exit but I can't figure out how to do it. I have Esc as the keyboard key to exit in Yuzu. The keyboard works fine but I am streaming via moonlight on a handheld and I don't have the option of pulling up a keyboard. I need to be able to do it from the controller. Any ideas?
  21. DanCue

    Working Directory?

    Neither of those worked, unfortunately.
  22. I'm setting up Sunshine as a host for moonlight and I've added BigBox as an app. One of the parameters I need to set up is working directory. What would the working directory of BigBox be? To add some color to this... right now without the working directory set BigBox launches and I can navigate, but when I press play game it says the rom is not found. "The ROM file you've specified does not exist." I am aware that this means the launch directory for the file is not finding the game. It's set up correctly and pointing at the right file. If I use the host pc it will run it. I believe it is because it needs to have a working directory specified.
  23. I'm not sure what caused this issue but what it was doing was it was no longer recognizing I was using an "Xbox Controller". Instead it was saying I was using a windows xbox controller. I ended up just mapping this controller button per button in retroarch and then it worked.
  24. Did you ever figure this out?
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