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  1. I solely use the Game Discovery as my home screen. Honestly, I figured that was its main purpose.
  2. Yes. I would agree the hirarchy would be something like you mentioned. The issue I am running into is nested playlists from the platforms themselves. I have mine broken out into, Favorites, Installed, Recent and All Games. This shows correctly when running from the Platform Categories just not from the Discovery View. Lets Say if I click on Windows all I see is the Platform with all of its games and not the playlists nested under the Platform.
    Not sure if this works anymore. It seems to fail on trying to download a video. Even if I adjust the time and search parameters it never finds anything to download.
  3. I love it except for the copyright at the bottom. ruins the aesthetics.
  4. This is great. I was wondering if this can be modified to show just playlist instead of Platforms? It would be very benificial to have a platform selected and then be able to switch freely between playlists. (Example: All Games, Installed Games, Favorites).
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