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Everything posted by Frooglemcdoo

  1. I solely use the Game Discovery as my home screen. Honestly, I figured that was its main purpose.
  2. Yes. I would agree the hirarchy would be something like you mentioned. The issue I am running into is nested playlists from the platforms themselves. I have mine broken out into, Favorites, Installed, Recent and All Games. This shows correctly when running from the Platform Categories just not from the Discovery View. Lets Say if I click on Windows all I see is the Platform with all of its games and not the playlists nested under the Platform.
  3. I have to agree this feature would be nice.
  4. Two Thumbs up!
    Not sure if this works anymore. It seems to fail on trying to download a video. Even if I adjust the time and search parameters it never finds anything to download.
  5. I love it except for the copyright at the bottom. ruins the aesthetics.
  6. This is great. I was wondering if this can be modified to show just playlist instead of Platforms? It would be very benificial to have a platform selected and then be able to switch freely between playlists. (Example: All Games, Installed Games, Favorites).
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