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Pademonium bac

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Everything posted by Pademonium bac

  1. 1) As I said above, it can come from dll files or dependencies that have been unblocked! When you unzip, do you just extract here? If so, it's not enough (right-click = properties = unblocked) Always unzip a custom in this way! I know many who have given up and missed the functionality thinking it was due to compression or said that the custom function did not work because they had not read the instructions or because it was not indicated (moreover I advise all creators to put it in very big (I see too many who give up and who do not even test the theme: it's a shame) 2)Retro808 is right it can come from the views but if it does it to you on all themes it's surprising. 3)If you have time it takes 10 minutes and if you think it comes from the last update you can go back the updates are in a folder in the launchbox folder.. you will be fixed!
  2. All my prods of the last month ! (Plat form theme)
  3. Over the years I have accumulated a large amount of retro themes to the point that today I have enough to build a nice BEST SET, at least that's the case on Super NES but also on PSX AND PS2! So I'm coming to survey you because the upload takes time even with fiber because I don't know if the game themes still interest people in the community! If that's the case let me know! ^^
  4. it's just a young technology, it's not yet standardized and therefore still niche, so few people are interested in it in the community, which is rather Forty /retro So it's a niche object, yes. But what an object! Now the hardware has to improve, because for the moment, whether in terms of price, ergonomics or image quality, it's still not good enough to attract the curiosity of neophytes! But I think this will be the only possible future for the Video game, because compared to consoles and even PCs, it can still evolve. I use it every day! To play, to develop! Apps are plentiful and games far more numerous than you might imagine, since 2 years ago praydog, a talented modder behind the Resident Evil iN VR ports, developed UEVR. UEVR and it's a game changer. A utility that makes (almost) any PC game VR-compatible - more than 10,000 games developed under the Unreal Engine on PC, and so many potential guinea pigs to put Praydog's tool to good use. Playing dead island 2 in vr, for example, is possible and even super playable. But you're right, there's a lot of work to be done! For my part, I've already put aside a lot of media: launch theme / interface / Icons wheel I've already got a big VR part in my custom big box, and even more today since I'm developing on emu vr as part of a small team developing a mod. I have to learn about unity in self taught mode so I'm doing it. use frequently !
  5. It's not as complete as I imagined but very happy with the result! i would come back on anyway ! (i've postponed the art section of final fantasy for later) About a quarantine of final fantasy directory ! I'm going to the basics by taking the Canonical episode (AND some indispensable spin off as well) and I've selected the best version all support confused ! An Example on ff4 I could have taken the pc version but no Final fantasy 4 the most complete portage this finds on psp with an edition that was edited in the 2010s with an ff 4 compile and huge bonus (there is even a prequel) Ca also means so that by the way of things there are 40 game themes and icons to realize BRIEF DU GROS OEUVRE ^^ ...:) + intros for each section + the setup ^^ Guide books and Encyclopedias : From guide books for everyone to almost equivalent in fr and english 10 for each language ! Viewable when you want with flip book integrated and transformed into exe.( so that launches this as a game ) Final Fantasy Fans Room Same principle as the zelda it's a new rooms! There is currently no major attraction to the Golden the others are maintaining...^^ it will most certainly be a card game very well known to fans and other gourmets! in the meantime ! Discover the Final Fantasy loft in desktop or VR mode !! Jouez / Play /Flank / Look ! I'm told that an Elf in tights and a green bonnet has scattered keys in the room giving access to his universe! Another illuminati plot !:)
  6. Trailer "in game !" As usual I'm completely behind! 😅 The reason is that I had forgotten how rich the series was and how big a piece it was! And then there's also the fact that I really didn't miss it: It's the last of a series of 5! It needs a final bouquet: Here are the details of the content of this ultimate ULTIMA: Fina Fantasy Ultima Collection About forty final fantasy listed! I went to the essentials by taking the Canonical episodes (AND some essential spin-offs) and I selected the best versions on all media! EXample Final fantasy 4 the most complete port is on psp with an edition that was edited in the 2010s with a ff 4 compilation and a lot of bonuses (there is even a prequel) That also means 40 game themes and icons ...:) + intros for each section + the set up Guide books and Encyclopedias: guide books for everyone roughly equivalent in fr and english 10 for each language! Viewable whenever you want with integrated flip book and transformed into exe. (so it launches like a game) Final fantasy Fans Room vr & destop Same principle as zelda it's a new room with emu vr! Arts of Final Fantasy: a medley of what is done best on the artist side and concerning the saga Number of views close to 10 views! A launch / pause theme / and a shutdown! Traduction& Enhanced version Mod version intégrated ff 9 Moguri / best ff 7 mod version NB VERSION already ready! Release: I am at the end of my dev which is a feat in such a short time 1 month and a half barely)! I think I will be ready in 2 or 3 days at the most (I especially miss some media) Only on patreon for the moment
  7. Gif ! Wallpapers version: +intro :
  8. 5 materials representing the 5 Ultimas.. 5 YEARS later: A Last ULTIMA for a last Fantasy! More than simple RPGs, the Final Fantasy episodes invite us to dream and travel in an imaginary world that touches us either by its story, its musical atmosphere, or the challenges it offers us to take on. This is why each of us will defend body and soul "his" Final Fantasy, the one that has marked him the most and which is nevertheless neither better nor worse than another. Because each episode of the series is a work in its own right. From the first to the last, all are now part of a heritage that fans, thousands of them around the world, have taken it upon themselves to defend and preserve day after day by transmitting their passion to those who still know nothing about what Final Fantasy is. It is never too late to discover or rediscover a saga as significant as this one. This is why I invite you to follow me through this stand alone, in this "Final Ultima" which will attempt to answer a single question: "Why do we love Final Fantasy?"
  9. In my opinion it smells like dependencies or dll files that have not been properly unlocked. Make sure to unzip by right-clicking == properties= and at the bottom you do unlocked. Try again and come tell us.
  10. Discover or rediscover all my work on "the black boxes of the greatest video game sagas!" Anecdotes, history, advice, tips and good humor Thank you all for your support! ( subtitle includes)
  11. I would have loved to help you but it's impossible I have too much things on the fire ! On the other hand I am convinced that a member will take over that's for sure! Good luck in your quest for the chosen one ^^
  12. What if you had a dedicated "Zelda" room in Zelda Ultima... With all the collectors viewable/touchable... But not only that! And if all THE GAMES were potentially playable... in this same room on TVs via retroarch... You would say... are you bluffing!? and yet... The virtual collection at its Paroxysm! 🙂 Open the boxes, look at the instructions: Take out your game and PLAY. Figurine display cases for the pleasure of the eyes! Period test terminal, a reading corner near the fireplace in work in progress with encyclopedias and guides with right next to them the consoles and games in display cases in chronological order! Be careful, Majora's moon is watching you!
  13. A little more than 10 views for this new version of the Street Fighter collection on NB (the first version was still 4 years old!) voted for by the contributors! Everything has almost been redone while keeping some views of the original.
  14. Discover or rediscover all my work on "the black boxes of the greatest video game sagas!" Anecdotes, history, advice, tips and good humor :)

  15. It made me want to do a " Crash Test on NB " ( Principle of the crash we test the frontend's ability to adapt and we mistreat it ^^ so we scroll and we see how it reacts) Just for fun and laughter! Well I'm surprised and pleasantly surprised! (I wasn't even on an SSD) given what I have behind in background + media and metadata and animation it's even very good! Not perfect but there is a big window to improve all that Once again I am far from being an optimization model. 4 minutes of torture for my launchbox : Desktop 2024.09.05 -
  16. I'm really not a textbook case here 🤣 The software is already well known for its display delays and I often get teased when I show my prods to my colleagues at retrobat who have performances well above mine! An example here where bob morane regularly does performance tests! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEueRzE4sGg It's quite edifying It must be said that I don't spare any means to enhance my collections: 2k background / Video transitions If I can give you 1 or 2 pieces of advice, even though the users here are all well versed, I'm not sure I'll be able to teach you much, but I'll go for it The 1st thing, and I won't teach you anything, is that it's night and day between a samsung m2 ssd and a sata disk. It changes your life, and following the example of developers who almost impose an ssd for all AA titles today, it's almost become compulsory for a launchbox player, as the gain in fps is so significant. Secondly, as you know, the more media you have, the heavier the overall target, so choose your media carefully! For my part, it's a clear logo/a video and a 3d box, no more (and that's already a lot). When I create my box I immediately uncheck all the superfluous folders which I feel polish the whole (amazon files, epic etc) in order to make something clean. I also uncheck all solicitations that could have an impact on performance: game suggestions, mame score, user note updates, etc. I remove all transitions (fade etc) and finally I use iobit advanced system care coupled with an accelerator and an app that simulates predefined overclocking. thirdly: try as far as possible to put everything in the game and media root. if you have your launchbox and your games on a separate disk it will slow down your overall experience enormously! it seems logical but it's important to remember
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Mugen playlist themes are pretty rare and yet I had to make 3 different ones but they were only shared a few times. Here is the first one ! It's the image of the genre ! that is to say a lot of nonsense ! It's a montage that's evolved over years to arrive at this big but organised and choreographed mess. Improbable cross-over, And some big slaps ! Crédi background : @viking
  18. Next ! A LAST Ultima for the Final Fantasy ...
  19. And here is VERSION 7 finished and it is 60 views that have been added in all and for all! Next update in December for the final...
  20. Undoubtedly all my prods have been developed by highlighting the "icon" and that we are more and more numerous to use whether it is the zelda ultima or even my custom Nostalgic bedroom! I tested a lot of things and c-beat is not wrong the best positioning remains horizontal slightly apart they are well highlighted. Since then we can also put them at an angle via the ctc and imagine new positioning. Whether it is for movies or old systems I have built quite huge sets over the years for movies or games and some of which I share on my deviant Other custom takes into account the circular relatively well, this is the case of: neon arcade which for a long time had a completely adapted view which allowed us to make an interesting overlap between the 3d box and the icon or even City Hunter also which was for a long time the custom that I used the most. I find them much more demonstrative than a simple logo (my personal opinion) and they have a lot of advantages apart from the obvious aesthetic aspect, for example: If you have any doubts about the title? If you're in any doubt about the title, the vintage artwork will re-confirm what it is (nostalgia and memories also help) and then: Visually, for me, there's no photo/ and your eyes will thank you because you'll find your games more quickly and then the circular allows you to add relief to the image with the perspective to create a 3D effect and above all it can be customised at will (ring etc.) unlike a ‘classics’ logo which is frozen, the icon is not! Here Typically the kind of cool, stand-out effect that I love! I started my switchover 5 years ago and even if I have produced a lot I don't have my complete sets yet but I can give you a good address for those who would like to do a little starter stuff Pooterman :https://www.deviantart.com/pooterman my deviant: https://www.deviantart.com/pademonium Hatemtiger :https://www.deviantart.com/hatemtiger/gallery
  21. The views follow one another and still not short of imagination to stage the arcade category! **Everything is animated
  22. Are you talking about a specific project? because I've done a lot of things. I plan to share an ultima next month but I'm hesitant I don't know which one yet! otherwise you'll find all my work on my patreon and I produce tons of stuff (in quantity at least half a forum per month) you may not be able to register on the big level but at least you'll see my news
  23. Some images from the arcade... A rather crazy atmosphere: I wanted to make it festive: dozens of different views for the playlists with an emblematic character for each playlist who comes to make easter eggs (predator for cps2 and robocop for data east etc) and also much more classic views! All in all (for the moment, the arcade is about 30 original animated views, sometimes with a lot of resources), And it's also the beginning of something very original that could potentially our habits and our way of navigating in a frontend ...
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