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Everything posted by xX-Delirium-Xx

  1. my problem is not from leaving it idle the freezing happens randomly while im actively scrolling through my games.it just happen to me again after i just booted it up i scrolled for 10 seconds and it froze
  2. bigbox keeps randomly freezing up on me while I'm scrolling through my games since the update saved the log when it happen if that helps Debug 2025-03-04 09-42-01 PM.log
  3. they was there and now they not >.> I tried reimporting them and nothing. i deleted the whole xml file and back up and reimported all ps3 games. and once again, nothing. all the other games import but these two . they are both disk games not psn games. wtf? edit: found a work around. I don't know why but launch box was just not identifying the eboot file so i made a copy of the ebootfile, renamed it prototype and imported it. lunchbox identified it finally as prototype. then i change the game location back to the proper eboot and deleted the renamed one. its a pain in the but but it worked. gonna leave this post here incase any one else runs in to this
  4. Version 1.0.1


    started playing Gunnm Kasei no Kioku also known as Gunnm: Martian Memory . its a ps1 Alita battle angel game that was used as the base for the manga Gunnm: last order. the game was japan only but some cool guys fully translated the game to english. so i made a overlay bezel for it
  5. Gunnm Kasei no Kioku bezel View File started playing Gunnm Kasei no Kioku also known as Gunnm: Martian Memory . its a ps1 Alita battle angel game that was used as the base for the manga Gunnm: last order. the game was japan only but some cool guys fully translated the game to english. so i made a overlay bezel for it Submitter xX-Delirium-Xx Submitted 06/28/2024 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  6. Emulator is retroarch I dont know why be for some reason launchbox won't start up zipped japanese snes games but will if I extract and import file directly. It mainly seems to effect many japanese games. And I had a Strang bug for some reason I had a weird thing where two snes games got linked together, example is I had mortal kombat II and secret of mana. When I tried to play mortal kombat II it would play secret of mana instead and strangely when I deleted secret of mana from ghe game folder it also deleted mortal kombat II @_@. I have reinstalled fresh copies of both games and every thingbis fine now. This happen to another set of games as well. I turned off auto importing after this I think it had somthing to do with it.
  7. the second one is false i deleted games from luanchbox and it just reinstalls it when i boot luanchbox up again
  8. i have godzilla psn game and i did every thing right I installed it in the rpcs3 folder, i have a path to the eboot. but for some freaking reason it keeps adding all the files in the folder along with the eboot as separate games >.>
  9. yeah chd is fine i discovered it was my power save options that was the culprit it was shutting off my external hdd
  10. my bad comes out it was not chd it was my hdd it kept getting turned off due to power settings. i disable the power save mod for hdd and now every thing is fine
  11. thank you this works. i can't believe they still have not fixed this still :-(
  12. I switched it but no dice still doing it
  13. It should be at default settings. I'll try when I get home(stuck at work for 7 more hours) I'll let you know then.
  14. When ever I switch to another game in bigbox after the first one I play. The console theme audio continues to play while game is playing. Shutting off game and big box and restarting bigbox won't fix it ether 😞 it's really annoying.
  15. thank you so much i had to change megaman box art usa art is fugly lol
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