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Jason Carr

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Files posted by Jason Carr

  1. Custom Platform Marquee Images for 32" Cabinet Marquee Screens

    Hey all, this is a package of 28 (currently) marquee screen images for your platforms and platform categories. It works best with marquee screens on 32" cabinets. All images have a resolution of 1920x360 pixels. Personally, I use them with my Super Pixelcade LCD Marquee screen: https://creativeartsandtechnology.com/product/recroom-lcd/
    I use the Rec Room Masters Xtension 32" cabinet version, despite the fact that I my cabinet is not Rec Room Masters (it's custom built, see here): https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/70171-jasons-arcade-cabinet-build
    Anyways, I could not previously find platform marquee images that I was happy with, so I built custom-built some for myself, and I thought that I should probably share them. Thanks to so many awesome people in the LaunchBox community that have already provided the backgrounds and clear logos that I'm using in these marquee images.
    In order to use these images, all you have to do is extract the zip file into your LaunchBox\Images folder, and everything should go into the right spot. You may also need to delete some existing platform and platform category banner images in order to make sure that those aren't used instead of these, however.
    Here's a complete list of all of the marquee images:



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  2. Archive.org Collection Sync

    Easily download/sync any collection from archive.org to your local computer. Automatically scans for any existing files and checks MD5 checksums to make sure that all downloads are correct.
    To download, simply paste the archive.org URL into the top field, put the destination folder into the second, and click Start.
    To pause/abort a running download, simply close the window. To resume that download later, re-open the app, choose the same URL and folder, and then click Start. Existing files with the correct checksum will not be re-downloaded.

    Requires the .NET Framework 4.7.2. Licensed under the MIT License.
    Source code is available here: https://github.com/jasonunbrokensoftware/ArchiveOrgCollectionSync


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  3. Large Official LaunchBox Logo with Text

    Very large Official LaunchBox logo with dark grey text. 30,000 x 5,948 pixels.


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  4. LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox

    LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox is a single EXE file that you can copy next to an MS-DOS game to automatically and easily be able to play and install it. The focus here is on ease of use, portability, and easy distribution.
    Why was this built?
    I built this because I wanted to upload some old abandonware MS-DOS games to archive.org, and I realized that most users would have difficulty playing them without some help. I built LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox to be able to be easily distributed with a single MS-DOS game to make it exceedingly easy to play. In addition, I wanted to preserve the entire MS-DOS experience, including the installation program. LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox can be distributed next to a CD image (ISO or BIN/CUE) file and automatically help the user run the installer and then play the game.
    System Requirements
    LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox runs on the .NET Framework 4.6, which is automatically included on every install of Windows 10, and is already installed on most Windows 7 installations. Therefore, you should have no problem just distributing the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file only, and it should just work on all Windows 10 systems (and most Windows 7 systems). No other libraries are required for it to run.
    How to Use
    In general, using LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox is as easy as putting the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file next to the game files and launching the EXE. That said, there are a number of caveats and best practices, so it's best to follow the steps from one of the three sections below, depending on what type of files you're using.
    How to Use with an ISO or BIN/CUE CD Image File
    If you have an ISO or a BIN/CUE CD image file of the original MS-DOS disc, do the following:
    Rename the ISO or the BIN/CUE files to match the full name of the game. Make sure that you update the path to the BIN file in the CUE file if you change the name of the BIN file (the CUE file can be edited with a text editor). Copy "Play with DOSBox.exe" into the same folder as the CD image files. Download a screenshot of the game (in either PNG or JPG format) and place it also in the same folder (ideally also rename it to match the full name of the game). This step is optional; no image will be displayed in the app if there is no image in the folder. Run the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file and test installing and playing the game to make sure that it works properly before distribution. If distributing, delete the "DOSBox" and "Game Files" folders that were created in order to save disk space (or you may keep them so that the user does not have to run the MS-DOS installation program). How to Use with MS-DOS Game Installation Files
    If you have the MS-DOS installation files for a game, but do not have an image of the original media, do the following:
    Create a new folder and place the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file into that folder. Create another new folder inside of the above folder, and name it with the full name of the game. Place the MS-DOS installation files inside of this folder. Download a screenshot of the game (in either PNG or JPG format) and place it in the same folder as the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file (ideally also rename it to match the full name of the game). This step is optional; no image will be displayed in the app if there is no image in the folder. Run the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file and test installing and playing the game to make sure that it works properly before distribution. If distributing, delete the "DOSBox" and "Game Files" folders that were created in order to save disk space (or you may keep them so that the user does not have to run the MS-DOS installation program). How to Use with Already-Installed MS-DOS Game Files
    If you have the installed MS-DOS game files, but do not have the original media or the game's installation files, do the following:
    Create a new folder, name it with the full name of the game, and place the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file into that folder. Create a new "Game Files" folder inside of the above folder, and place the installed MS-DOS game files into that folder. Download a screenshot of the game (in either PNG or JPG format) and place it in the same folder as the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file (ideally also rename it to match the full name of the game). This step is optional; no image will be displayed in the app if there is no image in the folder. Run the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file and test playing the game to make sure that it works properly before distribution. If distributing, delete the "DOSBox" folder that was created in order to save disk space. Known Issues
    Currently, multi-disc games are not supported. This is planned for a future release. Games that run straight from the CD and don't copy any EXE, COM, or BAT files over to the hard drive do not currently work. A fix for this is also planned for a future release. Game disc images that don't have an install or setup file in the root of the disc will not currently work; these game discs are relatively rare, but they do exist (usually they're discs that include versions for both DOS and Windows). A fix for this is planned as well. Support for floppy disk images is planned, but not yet available in version 1.0. The goal of this application is to make as many games as possible "just work" without any custom configuration; however, there are bound to be games that do not. If you run across one of these games, please report it in the Comments section, and we'll do our best to make it work for the next version. You can also try the Debugging section below. Debugging
    If a game is not working, it's usually because the game's installer or game play application can't be found, or the wrong application is chosen. Until we test every single MS-DOS game out there (not really possible), this will always be an educated guess. If a game isn't working, here are some troubleshooting steps:
    Go to the Advanced Configuration tab, and then the Debugging tab, and uncheck the box to "Automatically Exit DOSBox". This will allow you to see any error messages that appear on screen. In the same tab, check the box to "Show MS-DOS" commands. This will allow you to see the commands that LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox is running, and it might give you a clue as to what the issue is. Start the game (or the installer) and observe any error messages that come up. Most likely these are the result of the wrong startup files being chosen, so type "DIR *.EXE" (without the quotes) and press Enter to see what files are available. If you see a file like looks like the right file instead, go ahead and type that file name and press Enter, which may make the installer or the game work. However, you will need to do this every time to start the game, so please report the issue in the Comments section so we can fix it. If no EXE file is found that works or makes sense to run you can try typing "DIR *.COM" or "DIR *.BAT" and pressing Enter instead. You can exit DOSBox by typing "EXIT" (without the quotes)  and pressing Enter. FAQ
    Doesn't LaunchBox already do this?
    Yes, but it doesn't work well to distribute with games, for obvious reasons. In addition, there are some improvements to the way games are handled that are not yet in LaunchBox. We plan to integrate the changes here very soon, however.
    How does LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox determine the name of the game that is displayed?
    It does its best to gather it from wherever it can. When using a disc image, it will take the game's name from the file name of the disc image. When using installation files, it will take the game's name from the folder name of the installation files. Otherwise, it will try to get the game's name from any image files, or from the name of the parent folder.
    How do I save the DOSBox configuration for distribution?
    If DOSBox needs a custom configuration for the game, you can tweak the settings under the Advanced Configuration tab. When you play or install the game, those settings will be saved to any "dosbox.conf" file that is found anywhere inside of the application folder, or a new one will be created in the DOSBox subfolder. To save these settings for distribution, you can simply distribute the dosbox.conf file with the game. The dosbox.conf file can be kept either in the DOSBox folder, or in the root application folder. However, it is not advised to place it in the "Game Files" subfolder, as that folder is removed when the game is uninstalled via the interface.
    Can I use a custom version of DOSBox, such as an older version or a distribution like DOSBox-X?
    Yes, you should be able to use any custom version of DOSBox, though we have not tested it against any other versions. The version that is included inside of the "Play with DOSBox.exe" file is DOSBox 0.74-3 (the latest version at the time of this release). To use a custom version, simply overwrite the files in the DOSBox subfolder (these files are created whenever you install or run the game). LaunchBox Shell for DOSBox should not overwrite any custom DOSBox files that you place into this folder.


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  5. Unified Redux

    Unified Redux is a very slight re-imagining of @CriticalCid's amazing Unified theme, focusing on minor tweaks to improve the experience based on the LaunchBox developer's personal preferences. Changes from the original theme are listed below:
    Rounder wheels Much faster-spinning discs Wheel shadows Videos maintain their aspect ratios Smoother transitions in a few spots Top bar modified to prevent triangle corner overlap issues Version 1.8 - Released March 26, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Fixed several potential issues due to accidentally using the Unified folder instead of the Unified Redux folder Version 1.7 - Released March 25, 2019 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.6):
    Removed several unnecessary plugins for functionality now built-in to LaunchBox\Big Box Modified XAML to better support Big Box 9.5/9.6 (solves several minor visual issues, primarily with text lists) Version 1.6 - Released December 3, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Added a new PrioritizedPathSelector plugin, which helps to ensure that proper images are shown for complicated playlist scenarios (multiple fallback priorities, etc.) Version 1.5 - Released November 26, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.1):
    Fixed issue with Arcade/MAME playlists not using proper media Version 1.4 - Released November 15, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Pointer images will now change when entering into nested platforms and categories Year and manufacturer text will no longer show up on platform views when those values don't exist Publisher listed in the game details has been changed to developer, which is more important information to display Developer, genre, and play mode text will no longer show up on game views when those values don't exist Ratings displayed in the game views now show your personal rating instead of the community rating, if you've previously rated the game Version 1.3 - Released November 12, 2018 (REQUIRES LAUNCHBOX\BIG BOX 9.0):
    Added much better support for the new nested categories and playlists in LaunchBox\Big Box 9.0 (no more black screens) Version 1.2 - Released August 31, 2018:
    Removed Grila's weather plugin. As awesome as it is, it was causing 1-2 second delays loading up every view. Version 1.1 - Released August 30, 2018:
    Background images revamped (and in some cases removed) for common platforms in order to increase readability of the wheels and remove JPEG artifacts (many of the Classics playlists had backgrounds with horrible artifacts from Hyperspin). Thanks to @RetroHumanoid for many of the new backgrounds. Removed the default Big Box logo for platforms or playlists with no logos. Even we're not that in love with the Big Box logo. Added background fanart images for some playlists that will show up if there are no videos for that playlist; previously the theme was showing a black screen in this case. Reduced the size of the theme by over 350 MB by converting the background images from PNGs to maximum-quality JPGs. There is no perceived quality loss and now the theme is less than half the size. Modified/removed some of the video borders with characters in order to better support the new arcade playlists (some of them were irrelevant to arcade games) and make room for arcade flyer images, which used to half-overlap the characters. Highly recommended: Modify your "Images" > "3D Box Priorities" settings in LaunchBox to include "Box - Front" and "Advertisement Flyer - Front" images in order to display regular box or arcade flyer images if no 3D box image exists.
    Please note: You will need to completely delete the previous version of the theme before putting in the new version in order to get all the updates (such as removing the Big Box logo and the space-saving JPG files).
    Demo Video:
    Examples of changes/additions to the 1.1 version of the theme:

    Please see @CriticalCid's original Unified theme for installation and troubleshooting instructions. Requires LaunchBox Big Box 8.0 or greater.
    Huge thanks goes out to @CriticalCid for the original theme, as well as the many different Hyperspin contributors who donated their time and talent to build an awesome, cohesive experience:
    Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames
    hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh
    @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/


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  6. Unified & Ultrawide

    Unified & Ultrawide is a new theme based on @CriticalCid's amazing Unified theme. It takes some liberties in order to make the best use of an ultrawide (21x9) monitor.
    Please see @CriticalCid's original Unified theme for installation and troubleshooting instructions.
    Version 1.1 - Released March 26, 2019 (REQUIRES BIG BOX VERSION 9.6 OR LATER):
    Updated to include all the latest features and improvements from Unified Redux 1.7 Version 1.0 - Initial Release
    Huge thanks goes out to @CriticalCid for the theme, as well as the many different Hyperspin contributors who donated their time and talent to build an awesome, cohesive experience:
    Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames
    hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh
    @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/


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  7. LaunchBox for MS-DOS Special Edition

    Native Launcher for MS-DOS
    LaunchBox for MS-DOS 2.0 is here! If you run MS-DOS (or the DOS console in Windows 95/98), this should be very much enjoyed. It allows you to easily sort through and manage your games/apps within DOS, without taking any extra memory from your apps or introducing any compatibility issues at all. This is done via a simple batch file that starts up and shuts down the launcher as needed.
    LaunchBox for MS-DOS also works very well with DOSBox if you'd like to use a menu system inside of DOSBox.
    System Requirements
    MS-DOS 3.30 or higher
    286 or higher CPU (uses 286 CPU instructions)
    Unzip the zip file and place the contents onto a floppy disk or other media. Copy the four files into a folder on your hard disk (or just keep it on the floppy, it runs from the floppy as well). Navigate to the folder with the files and run LAUNCH.BAT.
    LAUNCH.BAT can also be called from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you'd like LaunchBox to start on boot. You can then add Windows 3.1 or 95/98 to LaunchBox in order to optionally start up Windows by just browsing for WIN.COM.
    Change Log
    Version 2.0 - Released Sunday, January 29, 2018
    - Many new fields are available for each item: Genre, Series, Developer, Publisher, Release Year, Status, and Favorite
    - Can now sort items by Title, Favorite, Release Date, and Status
    - Can now filter items by Genre, Series, Developer, Publisher, Release Year, or Status
    - LaunchBox now remembers your last selection
    - List titles and counts have been added
    Version 1.1 - Released Tuesday, January 17, 2017
    - New "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" options are available under the Edit menu
    - New "Insert Separator" option available under the Edit menu
    - Each application can now have a separate set of commands for configuring the application
    - New explicit "Run Selected" and "Configure Selected" options are available under the File menu
    - New "Browse and Run" option is available under the File menu
    - New "Lock" option is available under the File menu to help prevent accidental changes
    - Changed the batch file process to better support DOSBox and older versions of MS-DOS
    Version 1.0 - Released Friday, January 13, 2017
    - Initial Release
    Easter Eggs
    There are several incredibly stupid easter eggs in the program.
    Hint: What is the second most popular cheat code ever?
    Version 1.0 Announcement Video


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  8. Best SNES Games

    Just a list of favorite SNES games.


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  9. Best NES Games

    Here's a list of favorite NES games.


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  10. Large Big Box Text Logo in Black

    Very large version of the Big Box text logo in black. 8379 x 2605 pixels.


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