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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. @bundangdon I haven't been able to replicate this yet, though I have seen it come through from a number of people. Does it still happen after restarting LaunchBox? Can you zip up and PM me your data folder so I can test?
  2. If you were on 4.6.2, then it makes sense because 4.7 is needed. We have run into a few issues where people have had trouble installing 4.7, but I believe they were resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling.
  3. Can you explain? Not quite sure what you mean here.
  4. Looking into this, it appears that it's most likely a Microsoft glitch. According to their official documentation here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed The proper way to check for the framework is to check the version number from the registry, and check to make sure it's at least 460798, which I've confirmed is what we're doing. I'll do some further testing on Windows 7 to confirm that it's not broken in general, but I'm afraid MS might have just screwed the pooch on that system and somehow something got corrupted. @rexryan If you're okay with diving into the Windows registry, you can go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\1033 and check the value of the Release node to see what the version number is. I'm guessing it's somehow incorrect. You might try uninstalling and re-installing the latest framework to see if that fixes the issue. My apologies for the trouble @rexryan.
  5. @Brucutus Are you running Windows 7 as well? Looking into it @rexryan.
  6. Oic. Well that's interesting. What OS are you running?
  7. The latest 7.12 release requires the .NET framework 4.7. That's why.
  8. Hey guys, typically any issues installing the .NET Framework 4.7 are due to missing Windows updates. So generally, if you make sure you're 100% up to do with Windows Updates, and then run the setup, you should be fine.
  9. Is this new with the 7.12 release?
  10. Hi @ckp, I just replicated this test exactly and the third ROM file was not deleted; it behaved correctly. Perhaps there was an additional app that you didn't realize was there? I tried using your exact data for testing since I have it but I couldn't find duplicates with different regions easily so I created my own test. If you are able to replicate it again and want to send me your data for testing, I can dive into this further. I am aware of the bin/cue issue when deleting ROMs.
  11. Seems to be my motto too these days... To be honest it sounds like there's something fishy going on on that machine. I guess we'll see if other folks run into the same issues. Just don't understand how all that can come up after I've been testing for weeks on so many different machines.
  12. I reached out to him recently; I hope he's not permanently done but he is at least taking a break for a while.
  13. Announcement video from ETA is coming...
  14. I haven't seen any real leaks with VLC, but yes, it does use a large amount of RAM, so it makes sense that memory would be significantly reduced when switching to WMP.
  15. @NJDave71 Gotcha with the specs. Also make sure your CoverFlow image quality setting is set to Medium or Low or Lowest, as I discovered recently that 8 gig systems have a lot of trouble with CoverFlow using the full size images (you'll also have to refresh your CoverFlow images if you change that setting).
  16. @NJDave71 @alnyden I'm putting out the official release momentarily. Let me know if you guys are still seeing those issues once you download the official release. @NJDave71, I'm most concerned with the lockups. Were they temporary or complete freezes? Try disabling any plugins to make sure that they're not the cause. Also, what theme are you using?
  17. @ckp Of course, try as I may, I cannot produce any memory issues with your data. I have images and videos for most of your platforms, though it's possible that something could be caused by your specific media. Or it's possible that your hardware was having trouble keeping up with the garbage collection for some reason. In the tests I ran I saw the memory go up to 1.7 gigs at one point, but shot back down to 900 megs shortly after and spent the majority of the time in that range. I'm gonna go ahead with the official release here for now; we can revisit if you're still seeing RAM usage continue to grow as time goes on. I did heavily reduce the memory reduction routine as to prevent the video issues and hiccups that were caused by it, so it's not going to be as aggressive as it was before either.
  18. Gotcha. Yeah, that's definitely caused by the aggressive RAM cleanups then. I'm planning on backing them off for the official release here.
  19. @NJDave71 @alnyden How much RAM do you guys have? Those issues may be being caused by the aggressive RAM cleanups I put into place.
  20. Alright, I've been using memory profiling tools to make sure that all loose ends are tied up, but maybe it's configuration-specific. Can you PM your data folder @ckp? I'm probably gonna go ahead with the release tomorrow since I doubt this is widespread, but I'll do some quick testing first to see if I can reproduce it.
  21. Interesting. I haven't been able to produce any leaks on 3 different machines running for literally 2 days straight now. So I'm puzzled there. What version of Windows are you running again?
  22. RAM is freed up over time once images are no longer being used, so yes, but it varies quite a bit and depends on a bunch of things, so I can't say how much.
  23. @ckp Also check your Cover Flow image quality setting, as that makes a huge difference in RAM usage. On your 8 GB system it shouldn't be any higher than Medium. Since you're so concerned with RAM usage, you may even want to go to Low or Lowest.
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