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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I'm gonna be live streaming very shortly guys just to demo the images.
  2. Beta 4 is out now guys... @1Patrick34 That sounds like an issue with the controller automation features and not AutoHotkey, but I can't replicate it so it'll be difficult to resolve. What type of controller are you using?
  3. Alright guys, 7.9-beta-4 is here with the following: - Platform categories can now be edited via the side bar in LaunchBox, so extra categories can be removed, they can be assigned sort titles, etc. - We now have default platform category logo images thanks to @GiantTitan (they look amazing!) - Moving from platform categories to platforms in Big Box should hopefully be a bit quicker now; let me know how it performs for you guys - Missing field "Broken" has been added to auto-playlists and Big Box nested filters We're getting closer to being ready for the official release, but I'm still going to spend the next few days on fixes, performance improvements, etc. before we put it out early next week.
  4. I'm gonna go ahead and put a beta out with these @GiantTitan, since I'm pretty sure that was your intent from the beginning. Let me know if not though of course.
  5. Absolutely @MajKSA; if you're willing then I'd say let's just do that. Thank you very much.
  6. CriticalZone does not require any fonts, and themes that do (like CityHunter which is based on CriticalZone) will show a generic font instead of a font isn't installed. I'm doubting it's resolved @pipes78, but I hope so!
  7. @GiantTitan Wanted to ask to confirm; do we have permission to use these as the default images for the platform categories in LaunchBox and include them with the app?
  8. Sure, thanks. I can say that it isn't the cache or anything related to the cache, because rendered text for the details and descriptions is not cached in Big Box. So it has to be something weirder; most likely there's some kind of WPF bug on your system related to .NET, DirectX, or drivers, which isn't going to be easy to figure out and resolve, unfortunately.
  9. Alright, best I can tell @MajKSA is that this must be some kind of weird bug with Zeta Resource Editor. When I edit the values in Visual Studio, it saves them correctly in the right order. So I can go through and manually fix them, but sadly we'd have to do it one by one. Actually, when I dive in deeper I can tell that .NET somehow has weird problems combining character sets like that. It's like it can't type both properly into the same box. Certainly a weird issue. It does look like I can correct it though on a one-by-one basis. Weird.
  10. @MajKSA Hmm, that is really odd. Is Arabic a right-to-left language? Could that be the cause? I can't seem to figure out why on earth that would be happening and would be outputting different values than what's in the translation strings. I'll keep researching.
  11. @GWOZDZilla Sorry if this has already been covered, but what video playback engine are you using? VLC or Windows Media Player. If you're using WMP, it may be that it's not installed on your system.
  12. Glad to hear it. Thanks @lordmonkus and @cliffyb73.
  13. The only setting that should matter for this is "Use Random Game Videos for Missing Platform Videos" under Options > Videos. That indeed does not seem to be working for me for platform categories or playlists, though, so thanks @Kriven. I'm not sure if I'll get a fix for that into 7.9 or not (because it might cause some performance issues), but I'll do my best.
  14. This is honestly very strange, and I haven't seen it before, @pipes78. It does seem like some kind of a driver or operating system issue, though I know that doesn't really help you out. What version of Windows are you running? Can you try reinstalling the latest version of the .NET framework and also DirectX?
  15. Let's be careful here; not even I can promise anyone that anything isn't broken. There can always be hidden bugs. So just because your experience is a positive one, does not mean that there's nothing wrong.
  16. I'm actually not sure that it does do this. Does it play random videos in the playlist if there is no video for it currently? It may have been a performance issue which is why it isn't already there (if it isn't, honestly I don't remember).
  17. Does this only happen for games in playlists?
  18. I'm sorry @Maddoc1007; I did not at all mean to imply that any of the amazing themes we have here are crappy. Honestly I was actually thinking of different frontends in my head, but yes, I should be more careful with my words.
  19. Multiple level nested filters, maybe at some point but unfortunately this next release won't support that, though you *can* keep filtering down deeper without issues by pulling up the nested filters multiple times. Shutdown is already possible via the system menu; random intro videos are planned and will make it onto the next community poll; volume hotkeys are already there; instruction cards are possible with images, but support could probably be improved. The high scores thing would certainly be cool; we could have someone here head that up on the forums even.
  20. Unfortunately there's no way to do that currently, though it does make sense. As always, if you can put in a ticket for it, I'd appreciate it.
  21. @GiantTitan These are amazing. THANK YOU.
  22. FYI guys...what I've been doing since yesterday:
  23. Alright guys, beta 3 is out. The most notable new thing is that you can now download theme videos for the platform categories. Also, this beta includes a new Arabic translation from @MajKSA. Other than bug fixes and performance improvements, the last thing I need to do before the release is add a way to manage the platform categories much like managing platforms and playlists. I think I'm going to put this off until Wednesday morning's live stream though and focus on fixes and improvements in the mean time.
  24. Sorry for the delay here @MajKSA. I'm in the process of uploading a new beta now that contains the Arabic translation. Because Arabic uses a completely different character set than what I'm used to, I'm not going to be very helpful finding problems in the interface, so I'll need your help to point out any spacing issues. I can go through and fix those up; I imagine we will need to do that in order to get everything ready to go. Also, the translation package has been updated with your latest changes as well, so make sure to grab the latest one from the beginning of this thread before making any updates. Thanks!
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