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Everything posted by Maddoc1007

  1. I dont know how they can say rubber bullets are less than lethal they have been known to kill. http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/issues/violence/rubberplasticbullet.htm
  2. as far as i know null dc wont play bin cue files only gdi cdi mds etc google will tell you the formats also null dc wont play any games that are Wince you need to use demul for any of the dreamcast games that are Wince again google. Also another reason that your bin cue files might not have been working in demul is that they were missing the image files from them. So if you can stick to cdi files for null dc they will all work and if playing atomiswave, naomi and naomi 2 with demul roms must be in zip form. have a look at this post http://ngemu.com/threads/how-to-convert-your-bin-files-to-work-with-nulldc.99420/
  3. @Jason latest beta working great except in LaunchBox setting a custom background seems to be broken, when you set a custom background inoptions it shows until you click on a platform then it shows fanart for that background. When you go back to sidebar and click on all it doesnt revert to the custom background you set, but stays on the platform fanart until you reboot LaunchBox and then same happens again. Custom background Stays on platform background even when click on all Thats only problem thus far.
  4. Just a reminder to anyone running seperate instances of LaunchBox/BigBox through LaunchBox/BigBox make sure your controller autohotkeys and controller keys are set up the same for each instance installed.
  5. @Jason "this is why we have betas" can fully appreciate that that is why you supply the backups in the backup folder and the backups for the xml as well kudos making it easier for us to revert back if something breaks. Can say beta 7 seems to be fine all launching well even media extra instance of LaunchBox/BigBox, games thus far ones iv checked, bats, ahk's, all up to your usual best no problems to report.
  6. @Sentaibrad i just installed 5.2 beta 5 it doesnt overwrite launchbox but puts a seperate instance of it in launchbox folder called launchbox copied the LaunchBox/BigBox exe from the beta 5 and overwrote the beta 6 exes and also put the last xml from the beta 5 and all is well and back to all settings.
  7. @SentaiBrad yes have last beta as also Demul 07a broke as use bat files to launch Atomiswave, naomi and naomi 2 which are broken as well as model 2 emulator EMULATOR which is also broken.
  8. @Jason latest beta has broken a few emulators as well as launching anything via a shortcut, i run modeler emulator (system 32) via ahk and system16dx emulator via ahk both broken since autohotkey has been removed from launchbox, wont launch .bat files or another instance LaunchBox/BigBox via shortcut i get have to revert back to previous beta.
  9. @Jason now lol you need to add to launch into the Forum from BigBox via maybe our licence so we wont have to type in our username and password and be able to navigate it with our controls.
  10. @Jason think i figured what was causing the conflict with the hold having 2 seperate versions of LaunchBox/BigBox. i have now set up identical button settings across both versions and that seems to have resolved the problem for me and shoulder buttons are now working well. Added plus my music player is now exiting with a single press of hold button plus button setup for exit
  11. @Jason remapped to different control buttons for the Hold and other keys just using the shoulder buttons for volume up and down and seems to be running smoothly now no conflict using any other buttons might be autohotkey doesnt like shoulder buttons. Only thing now is that when you click to go back to desktop mode it wont go back to LaunchBox either by control or by enter key on keyboard from BigBox with latest beta.
  12. @Jason Will try different keys than the shoulder keys for the hold button and see if its the same and report back in a bit
  13. @Jason seems to be as if LaunchBox Hold is overiding BigBox hold
  14. jpg of controller has 4 shoulder buttons as well
  15. @Jason oh forget to say am using a generic usb joystick called a uxp a chinese model i bought in 2006 it works in every emulator very robust and sturdy gamepad similar to the sturdyness of an old original xbox controller that maps well to anything. (Just a pity cant get them anymore or else id buy a few more of them). Will upload a jpg of it maybe someone on here might know where to get them.
  16. @Jason just tried a playlist with my music player (jaangle) and the Hold button with the volume buttons work for that as well as well as the hold button with the close active window a double press works it Kudos again and you said you werent gearing it towards media yet well you have so a big big rave from me to you KUDOS YOUR THE MAN!
  17. @Jason setup the controller keys in LaunchBox, set button 5 as the hold button and button 7 as volume up and button 8 as volume down. I then went into bigbox and setup the same controls in BigBox however it let me set button 5 as the hold button and 7 and 8 as volume until i went into my first platform tried the volume control on a video playing and it worked for a few seconds. i went back into the controls and the hold setting for button 5 wouldnt work in BigBox so i mapped it to button 6. Using the new hold button 6 and volume up or down wouldnt do anything, so i tried button 5 the hold button for LaunchBox and the volume up and down and it works. However now BigBox wont let me map button 5 as hold even though strangly it is working while BigBox hold is mapped to button 6. (Which really is no biggie, just thought i let you know the conflict between hold setting in LaunchBox/BigBox) Added bonus you just gave me as well LOL when i launch BigBox (My Media Films music etc version) through BigBox it is as smooth as butter and when i launch a film the hold key button 5 and volume keys work in the film (my default player is potplayer) and another added bonus you gave by pressing the key i mapped for close active window it closes down potplayer for me LOL. Kudos you have media working really well as an added bonus just have to try it with the music player next and see if it works that also.
  18. @Jason thank you as BigBox through BigBox works really fantastic even way better and faster than launching Launchbox through Bigbox
  19. @Triclinic im not sure if this will help but it looks like that it might be useful http://www.xgaming.com/support/questions/113/Add+Extra+Key+Functions+to+your+X-Arcade+on+PC+and+for+MAME%2C+Including+Macros
  20. @Triclinic the Keyboard controls for navigation through BigBox are for select use the Enter key and for going back you use the Back or the Escape key and for navigation Up/Down Left/Right you use the Arrow Keys so you need to map your Joystick to the arrow keys and your buttons to the directional keys.
  21. @Triclinic Go into options in BigBox, schroll down to controller buttons, then across to select (see image) press enter, now you click on the button you want for that entry ie select do the same for the back button and the play button.
  22. @Jason could you do a show/hide feature for box fronts and the video/fanart in bigbox in the future add to your ever growing list the reason i ask is that i launch a previous version of BigBox through recent version of BigBox that i use for videos and music etc and it works flawlessly using posters for the fanart below image might explain better If that could be a future possibility
  23. I use mame 0138b for the Crystal system as there are only 2 games playable and they work well in it
  24. Yes i find that too with shaders too much rounding of the pixels which seems to give the charachters a jumpy ripple effect with the backgrounds a bit blurry, however so far havnt had a game crash with epsxe.
  25. +1 @Cadet Stimpy Yes @Jason thanks for that really lovely and useful feature well done
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