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Everything posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @orac31 i have show console unchecked as well but esc just closes the game not the emulator, which is handy for finetuning settings. Then just as easy to press esc then alt+f4 am using the latest git from pcsx2 forum and find it plays games well just that it doesnt close down the emulator with escape but no biggie using the esc button and then alt+f4 which closes down the background processes. And with the above way of setting up the games folders as i described earlier and the ini's and custom command i no longer need ahk's or scripts to launch games.
  2. @orac31 did you check through task manager if it closes down epsx2 process running in background with no console unchecked in misc menu as this can cause lag in BigBox or LaunchBox if the process doesnt fully close down
  3. Figured this out, created seperate folders for each game inside roms folder, opened up pcsx2 then setup my controls and everything else inside pcsx2 then launched a game. played game a bit to make sure it was working well then exited out of game, esc to close game then Alt+F4 to exit emulator. Then i went to ini folder and copied the ini's inside it, then i pasted said ini's inside the game folder for the game i had played (you must do this for each game in order to have seperate configs for that game). Then i went into LaunchBox clicked on add game showed it where my iso was then picked emulator checked add custom command line parametres, then typed --fullscreen --cfgpath="the name of the roms folder\the name of the game folder" which would look like this: --fullscreen --cfgpath="roms\indiana jones" Hope this makes it a bit easier for people to set up. Just remember ESCAPE key only closes games then use ALT+F4 to exit emulator.
  4. By any chance are ye using windows 10 this doesnt happen in windows 7 at least for me
  5. @orac31 if you mean when you startup computer if you copy your BigBox exe and paste it into the windows startup folder ie:start button all programs scroll down to startup then BigBox will openup after computer starts see image
  6. @Jason installed new beta earlier love the new genre platforms etc all working well no problems found working fluid no slowdown in speed so far.
  7. @orac31 esc is the default setting for closing out of epsxe
  8. @firecraft do we have to create a folder called GameConfigs inside the Game folder and also create ini folder for each game? Could you explain a bit more clearly as there is no GameConfigs folder in pcsx2
  9. Thought people might like this came across it while browseing it's for control's setup for racing games in demul njoy
  10. your script should look like this see image
  11. @orac31 first mistake i can see is your games folder is named Roms with a capital R It should be roms with a small r second mistake i see is that your script has a forward slash/ before roms instead of a backwards slash\ @echo off :: Change these to relevant paths (NO QUOTES) set roms=F:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Capcom Play System III\ roms set emu=F:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Capcom Play System III set exe=emulator.exe ::############################################################### ::############################################################### ::############################################################### :: Change nothing below here. ::############################################################### set batloc=%~dp0 :: Creates a temp filelist of the romset cd /d "%roms%" for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /A-D /B /O:GEN') do echo %%~nf>> "%batloc%\filelist.txt" cd /d "%batloc%" :: Creates a temp batch file which serves as the template to be duplicated echo cd /d "%emu%"> template.bat echo start "Emulator" "%emu%\%exe%" %%~n0>> template.bat :: Creates a "launcher" batch file for each entry in the filelist mkdir "%batloc%\output" set output=%batloc%\output for /f "usebackq delims=," %%b in (`TYPE filelist.txt`) do copy template.bat "%output%\%%b.bat" del filelist.txt del template.bat :: Moves each batch file to it's own folder cd /d "%output%" for %%m in (*.bat) do ( md "%%~nm" 2>nul move "%%m" "%%~nm" ) :: Finish up msg * Finished! Now rename all folders to the game name. start "" "%output%" for some reason this is not pasting the full script after system III is should have backward slash roms but its no pasting right into the forum here, had to press enter after Capcom Play System III\ as wont allow a backslash with roms, make sure if you copy script that youremove the enter
  12. @orac31 your script is still looking for roms folder but you have named your folder Rom
  13. @orac31 could you post another screenshot of inside of emulator folder this time fullscreen so i can see the full address inside the address bar also rename your Rom folder to roms
  14. @orac31 if you still have problems post screenshot of inside of your cps3 folder so i can see how it is set up.
  15. @orac31 just put a roms folder inside your emulator cps3, name it roms and then put the game zips into that folder roms, put winwarks script in there with the roms, right click on address bar and copy address from the address bar to the script. Now go out of the roms folder and copy address for the emulator and ad onto the end of that \emulator.exe exactly as it is written on your emulator and copy it in to the winwark bat file where it should go, then save. Run the winwark bat file. copy the contents of the Output folder into the roms folder and rename them to the games names, it should now work perfectly. click on a game bat file to make sure. now when they work add them to LaunchBox. Do this for any emulator you need to create bat files it wont work for all platforms as not all emulators need bat files to get games working.
  16. @orac31 if you look at below image you will see that i have my roms folder inside my emulator folder that is why the script works for me as a rule i always keep my roms for a particular emulator within that emulators folder it makes it easier if i want to just copy an emulator to another computer and have it all working almost immedately on that other machine.
  17. @orac31 your winwark bat is missing the path to the roms set roms=F:\LaunchBox\Games\Capcom CPS3 you werent inside the roms folder when you copied the address and inside the Capcom CPS3 folder should be a folder called roms where the games are as the script is looking for a folder called roms and if it cannot find that folder it cannot tell the emulator where to find the games. The easiest way to set up the folder hierachy is to placee a roms folder inside each emulator it makes it easier to get the likes of bd000 script to work otherwise you would have to modify the script to point to the games folder Capcom CPS3 instead of roms folder see here from script cd /d "%roms%" it is looking for the roms folder ie a folder called roms.
  18. @sagaopc sagaopc said I found the solution!!!! now Demul 0.7 works!!!! DON'T CHECK no space before rom and change to -run=awave Now, atomiswave will work! You can tell the dev of 07a that while it works with the -run it has broken the -rom when using a bat file to launch an atomiswave game as it will not go down and select the game just open up the emulator. but will work with a custom command line
  19. wow so thats where all the Go-Karts are going lol
  20. @orac31 just make sure you have the addresses right when creating the winwarks bat they must be spelled and capilization the same easiest way to do that is by copying address in address bar. then naming the roms as i showed and pointing to the bat files. also make sure to set up emulator outside of LaunchBox for controls video etc and they should all work fine for you. To check if they are working just click on one of the created bat files before adding them to LaunchBox When you click on edit for one of the created bat files it should look something like this cd /d "C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator" start "Emulator" "C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator\emulator.exe" %~n0 with the " " included see above
  21. @orac31 these are the names of the games and the ones that are working jojoalt = JoJo's Venture jojoba = JoJo's Bizzare Adventure warzard = Red Earth sfiii = Street Fighter III: New Generation sfiii2 = Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact sfiii3a = Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike These are the only ones you need to name dont bother adding the other ones but just leave them as they are named in the rom folder and dont bother adding them to you games
  22. @orac31 once you click on winwarks it should create a folder inside your roms folder called output. you need to cut the contents from this folder and then paste them in the roms folder. then yes you need to rename them to the games name. then point add games to the bat files. i would do these one at a time as there are not a lot of games in cps3 do not add emulator when ading bat files when add game says you need an emulator just say no
  23. @orac31 the easiest way to make sure you get the address of your roms emulator etc is when you are in your emulators folder is to right click the address bar and copy the address then paste this into winwarks bat see image make sure your in the roms folder to get full address to roms and for path to emulator right click as image and add the name of emulator to end with \emulator.exe ie the name of the emulator in the folder
  24. @orac31 you have these wrong set roms=F:\lunchbox\Games\Capcom CPS3 set emu=F:\lunchbox\Emulators\Capcom Play System III Rename lunchbox to LaunchBox This is what mine looks like @echo off :: Change these to relevant paths (NO QUOTES) set roms=C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator oms set emu=C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator set exe=emulator.exe
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