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Everything posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @sagaopc sagaopc said I found the solution!!!! now Demul 0.7 works!!!! DON'T CHECK no space before rom and change to -run=awave Now, atomiswave will work! will try that later with the atomiswave games
  2. @sagaopc sagaopc said I'm speaking with MettaliC (emulator's developer) and he's saying -run and -rom is working on demul 0.7... i tried to get the atomiswave games working with the -run and -rom in 07 but they wouldnt work, the naomi/naomi2 roms did.
  3. spent a few hours trying to get an easier way to launch Atomiswave games and Naomi, Naomi 2 games via bat files. This is the way i got them to work in Demul 057: Atomiswave: Create a folder inside Demul emulator call it Atomiswave rom bat, inside that folder create folders for each game, name the name of the game ie: Dolphin Blue for Dolphin Blue game. Inside this folder create a text document and Save it as Dolphin Blue. Paste this inside the text document:- start C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\demul057\demul.exe -run=atomiswave -rom=dolphin Now change the extension of file you created from .txt to .bat C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\demul057\demul.exe=the full path to your Demul emulator dolphin=the name of your rom zip Do this for every Atomiswave game you have. Now in LaunchBox add game and point to the bat file you created, do not set an emulator for game. Naomi/Naomi 2: Create 2 folders inside Demul emulator call them Naomi rom bat, and Naomi2 rom bat. Inside those folders create a folder for each game, name the name of the game ie: Wild Riders for Wild Riders game. Inside this folder create a text document and Save it as Dolphin Blue. Paste this inside the text document:- start C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\demul057\demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=wldrider Now change the extension of file you created from .txt to .bat C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\demul057\demul.exe start demul.exe=the full path to your Demul emulator wldrider=the name of your rom zip Do this for every Naomi/Naomi2 game you have. Now in LaunchBox add game and point to the bat file you created, do not set an emulator for game. Ps: do not set demul emulator to full screen as demul has no keyboard shortcuts for exiting games instead set the resolution to the size of your screen see below image:
  4. did you try setting 057 up as described with the bat files included in demul emulator folder as well as the custom command for each game as thats the only way i could get the games to work. Try from scratch unzip demul 057 into emulators folder inside LaunchBox folder in my documents put the game zips in roms folder as well as the awbios zip into roms folder. setup controller in demul outside of LaunchBox its the arcade controller you need to setup not the dreamcast one. then import your games into LaunchBox and make demul the default emulator for Atomiswave games. then go into edit each game individually and set the default custom command under the emulation tab make sure the box is checked and add this commandline -run=atomiswave -rom=demofist. demofist is the zip name of Demolish Fish game. you need to do this for each game in the atmoswave platform as each game zip has a different name.
  5. it needs the custom command under emulation tab to launch the game named the same as the rom zip as i showed in earlier post, i tried 058 but it was really buggy and not as good as 057 and yes the batch doesnt work with the newest demul, but i am really pleased with how good 057 plays both Atomiswave and Naomi games.
  6. i like @scree suggestion of using Platform's Device Image as a global background will i think make BigBox game schrolling faster as it wont have to look through lots of images
  7. @sagaopc what version of demul are you using i would advise using demul 057 version looking at your pics i see atomiswave.exe and naomi.exe which i dont have cut your roms out of the version you are using then install zip version of demul 057 follow the steps i have provided and you shouls get your roms working no problem as all mine work well in LaunchBox and BigBox using demul 057
  8. @sagaopc you are pointing the emulator to the bat file which is wrong point the emulator to Demul which is the emulator see image You are pointing it to D:\Atomiswave\Emuladores\Atomiswave\Atomiswave.bat You should be pointing it to D:\Atomiswave\Emuladores\Atomiswave\demul.exe
  9. @smokeyb The only way i could get this to work was to create a script see my post here https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/how-to-add-pcsx2-games-with-different-configurations-and-totally-close-out-of-pcsx2-fully
  10. @sagaopc make sure your games are in zip form add games as you would add any game in Launchbox (one at a time) but you need a custom command line for each game. The command line is -run=atomiswave -rom=(name of rom zip) no brackets. See below image. I use Demul 0.5.7. for Atomswave as find it less buggy than other builds. Set up controls settings outside of LaunchBox through Demul. Make sure you have a bat file with this inside of Demul folder:- @echo off SET STRING=%1 SET STRING=%STRING:.zip=% SET STRING=%STRING:E:\LaunchBox\Games\Sammy Atomiswave\=% echo %STRING% start demul.exe -run=atomiswave -rom=%STRING%
  11. @Jason love most all about BigBox as use that almost exclusively, only use LaunchBox as the setup for all emulation now. Agree with DeathProxy volume control for video etc. Also for using BigBox as a frontend in a cab especially if opening up directly to it we need a Exit Windows as well included, or a shut down button for computer inside of BigBox.
  12. Or if using a seperate partition on your harddrive or seperate harddrive for media plex, films, music etc you could install a previous version of LaunchBox ie:4.9 on that partition harddrive and use that for all your media then create a shortcut to that version and add that shortcut to newest version of LaunchBox ie launching LaunchBox from LaunchBox or even Bigbox only thing you need to do is to rename that shortcut to something else like mediabox or what ever name you like.
  13. @wraslor when you add it like you add a game make sure you type the name of the platform you want and it will show in that alphabetic order see image If you want it to show on the top of the platform list put a 1. before Plex
  14. @Jason Congratulations on the 5.0 milestone Well Done. Working well as usual. Have been using m3u playlists since version 4.9, a great little program for creating playlists is Playlist Creator 3.6.2 love its drag and drop feature makes creating the playlists very fast. Would be great having a play playlist feature per platform. Again congrats Jason on the 5.0
  15. @Jason newest beta running extremly well, transitions animations schrolling all running very fast and smooth. Navigation through BigBox seems to be faster as well. No problems to report.
  16. @ferraznich to set up sega model 2 go to the thread emulator settings, on its first page there is a link called Linky click on it and it will bring you to page on how to setup Sega Model 2 Emulator using bat files written by bd000 follow it to the letter and you will get it up and running. As bd000 wrote the script and helped me to get it running perfectly.
  17. Have to admit its been awhile but here's a nice litle article from this year on IRC http://www.securityweek.com/irc-botnets-continue-evolve-zscaler and there's loads more online
  18. @Jason doesnt happen if you run Bigbox as administrator just checked 3 times
  19. @Jason yes its random happens sometimes and other times its fine
  20. @Jason new beta working well all transitions animations sounds working good, however one small problem when opening BigBox or even Bigbox through LaunchBox the Taskbar stays in front of BigBox this means you cannot schroll through your platforms until you first click on the main BigBox windows with your mouse, this will then hide the Taskbar, was in previous beta as well no biggie see below screenshot:-
  21. While having a chat format between LaunchBox sounds good the problem is that through IRC it could allow computers to be attacked and hacked through Dos/DDos and hackers
  22. jadamshapiro said Nice. I'll give that a shot! Thank you!!! @jadamshapiro Your welcome i use Irfanview to do all my batch converting as it is extremly fast, free and allows converting of 100's images in just a few minutes 200+ images in less than 5 minutes ps:- as with downloading any software i always use a little program called Unchecky also free, it stops any unwanted toolbars etc from being installed with any software programs etc has a small footprint and always runs in the background.
  23. @Jason noticing no freeze in launching LaunchBox or BigBox all seems working well no bugs encountered thus far
  24. @Jason @jadamshapiro Yes there is a rotate in the advanced settings of Irfanview that will allow through the advanced setting under Batch Conversion/Rename to allow for this just make sure that you set an output folder on say desktop then batch convert the images ie: back in whatever platform you are having problems with. then when you batch convert all those images cut from folder on desktop and paste them into the folder that you converted it will overwrite the images in that folder with the new converted ones and they will have the same name. see below image:-
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