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Everything posted by Shades2585

  1. Munt is already in ScummVM but it can not be accessed outside of that program. It could be added to LaunchBox and maybe in the game settings there could be a box to check if you wanted to use it for that game.
  2. @Jason Carr Some Idea. Gog’s Privacy update on Feb 27 mentions "(1) We’re adding a new functionality - GOG Direct to Account that will enable partnered platforms to activate, directly on your GOG.COM account, content purchased via these selected third party platforms." Does this mean that you might be able to get permeation to connect LaunchBox to Gog? Keyboard Commands: Maybe this could be put In the future Pause screen but I think it would be nice the see the button and keyboard commands for each game and the ability to map key commands. Maybe even using a keyboard font as well and using the pictures of the games respective counsel control pad buttons? (Example There are lots of Keyboard font options I just picked one at random,) I was also thinking that maybe you could connect the MusicBox to the LaunchBox for streaming music. Maybe a Games Soundtrack folder that LaunchBox could pull and play from? Another crazy idea would be to create a new app I like to call ComicBox (you are welcome to use this name if you like) This would allow us to manage and view Comic books but could also be used as a type of reader that could manage and organize all the game documentation. Two features I would love to see added to LaunchBox would be Munt; a Roland MT-32 sound emulator used in many old PC game (https://sourceforge.net/projects/munt/ ) and Dege's dgVoodoo2 wrapper. (http://dege.freeweb.hu/) Food for thought I hope Sincerely. Rob
  3. I think if I make a batch file in the parent folder and direct it to the game, when i launch the batch file in DosBox it should mount the folder allowing all the games to see their companions games folders thus being allowed to see their saved files to make a transfer. Does this sound right? Has anybody tried this?
  4. I would like to play the old AD&D Goldbox games. No problem I can do that. However, I would like the GB games to see each other in order to transfer characters. To do that I need to mound the parent directory as C:\. How can I have LB mount a directory and then launch a game in that directory? Thanks for all your help. This has been driving me nuts all day.
  5. As we have very few TI-99/4a games I found a database with all of them. https://www.videogamehouse.net/gamemain.html I hope this helps someone to update that section. Sincerely, Shades
  6. Was I supposed to add the CHD in the Add Paths or Roms folder? Also my CHDs are not zipped but my ROMs are so I can't just copy my CHDs to the ROMs. Am I going to have to Zip all my CHDs? (NOTE: I have the 185 merged set.) Thanks, Shades
  7. I thought this might be of some interest considering the Launchbox logo. Enjoy. https://www.shirtpunch.com/rubik-s-cube-light.html?utm_source=NEWSLETTER_SHIRTPUNCHMASTERLIST&utm_medium=EMAIL&utm_content=SPA1&utm_campaign=SEPT_0908_RubiksCubeLight_SP
  8. Yes I meant complete set. I assumed as much, just wanted clarification. Do the update packs (MAME0.169-0.170.rar) need to be need to be unzipped or can it look directly into it? Is there a tutorial for setting up MAME for the first time? Thanks, Shades
  9. This tutorial looks great. I have never used MAME before so I have a few questions. Am I correct in assuming the the core pack should just be unzipped into where ever you want your roms to be? You don't need to add the core rom pact to the update list correct? Am I correct in assuming that you should never update versions past the version of MAME you are using? Thanks, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Is there a tutorial for setting up MAME for the first time? I see MameUIFX is no longer being updated and MAME is now at 176b. Thanks for all our help. :D Shades
  10. I'm using the current Mame0175b. That Tutorial sounds very useful @dos76 can you point me to it, please? Edit: I believe I found it. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/how-to-update-your-mame-romset-to-a-newer-version-with-clrmamepro#p20300 I'll update this thread when I have time to to through it.
  11. Thanks, No the Extract rom wasn't checked, Yes I did have LB move the programs into a Arcade folder in the Games folder. Yes, Mame and Retroarch both point to their correct exe files. No, I have not edited any ini files, that wasn't mentioned in the tutorial. Looking in the Mame directory I installed there is no Mame.ini, there are several other ini files. Ok, I ran mame64.exe and set my rom directory. I now have a mame.ini file. I don't see how to point to the bios. I have placed them in a sub directory of Arcade. Is there someplace else I should place them? Thanks for all your help. I'm one step closer to running. What is my next step? Sincerely, Shades PS. All the rest of my mame file updates 165-175 do I just drop them into my Arcade folder overwriting any duplicates?
  12. Thanks, I just did as you asked but still nothing.
  13. I decided to try MAME for the first time. I have the Full pack 161-162. I imported files using Arcade and MAME. (Installed MAME) The games emulator path points to the Mame64.exe. When I launch a game “Initializing” pups up then goes away and nothing else happens. When I use retroarch and install MAME there. I use this path. Arcade -L "cores\mame_libretro.dll" And it Launches and closes. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for all your help and hard work.
  14. First I would like to say congratulations on turning a hobby in to a paying job. Kudo’s to you as this is the best front end I have ever seen. Some requests, ideas, and visions if I may… Requests: Could you please make a tutorial on using SucmmVM? Thanks. Idea: The Youtube video’s and Q&A are great ways to keep active with the community. May I also suggest you make a progress page with your Goals that you are working towards, both short term and long term, and marking when they are completed. And maybe some FAQs. I think this would be a good place for people to see what you are doing and where LB is heading. LaunchBox Things I would like to see. Games can have multiple exe’s for different things like save files transfers and the directories where they are looking to need to be mounted as well. The ability to link to your GOG account and download and install from there. GamesDB I see the GamesDB as a separate entity from LB in which as much information as possible should be stored. I point to PCgamingwiki.com as an example. Features I think would be good to see in the DB: For games that are sold, Links to where they are sold: Gog, Steam, etc. Suggested Emulator in order of precedence. (ScummVM, Dossbox, etc) Show path to config file, saved game file, Additional Exe file. Other directory’s to mount for saved game transfer. Keyboard keys used in the game. (this could be useful for future premade key-mapping for predefined gamepads and joysticks.) Sort game name Name of games that are part of the series. (Wing Commander 1-4) Related games not part of the series. (Wing Commander Privateer) Related game on a different platform (Super Wing Commander) List the system specs required for the game, CPU, memory, storage, video, soundcard, mouse, joystick, keyboard etc. Media it came on: 5.25 3.5, CD, DVD. Version numbers of the game. Names of the official game guides and links to where to buy them. What product come in the Game box (Scans of these could be nice.) If manuals could be legally uploaded that would be nice. Back of the box text. Developer and publisher logos. Languages released in. ESRB Logo Instead of personally keeping track of all the emulators out there have you thought of having LB update the various emulator after they have been tested and approved? While Retroarch is a strong middle layer, it is not an easy thing to work with and configure. In the long run will you be making your own middle layer as well so we don’t have to deal with Retroarch? Vision For the Arcade games it would be neat if we could have picture of the sides of the arcades uploaded and maybe their gamepads. I was thinking that maybe when you launched an arcade game I would show the sides on the left and right of the game and maybe the gamepad at the bottom. Just an idea to further immersion. I foresee someday installing and running all my dos games and console game on an Intel comput stick or Intel NUC. Someday I can see either LB working in the Linux version of KODI. Maybe even making your own fully encapsulated Linux engine only running LB and the emulators. Here is an interesting project you may be interested in working with to work on Android. http://magicbox.imejl.sk/ Keep up the Great work! :D Shades2585 PS. You can use any of this in your Q&A video if you like.
  15. Jason Carr said Unfortunately, that's still on the to do list. Probably the easiest thing to do right now is to import them as DOS games. Then you can batch edit them to make them ScummVM games, but you'll probably still have to manually edit each one in order to match it to the proper game. :/ I'm looking forward to seeing this video. :D
  16. I'm sure you've noticed this but all the titles starting with "The" are in the alphabetical order of "T". Instead of page numbers up top maybe you could use the alphabet instead? Additional categories like "Series", "Related", "Related Other Platforms" Would be useful as well.
  17. I would like to contribute as well. I have a few suggestions: I think it would be good to have suggested and supported emulators. This way your tool could recommend the suggested first. Since you have a Dos and Windows division I think you should remove the PC division or you could merge them and call it PC: MS-DOS, PC: Windows 3.1, etc. On the PC side of things I think http://pcgamingwiki.com has a good start of things to add. I really like the idea of linking to the respective GOG, Steam, etc. websites so people can purchase them. Adding known version might be helpful. ie v1.11 Supported hardware would be a good idea. I don't know if it is possible but say there is a Sound card category. If you click the "edit" link for the sound card you would be given a list of all known sound cards. You then select all the desired sound cards and click save and it only shows the selected sound cards. Just an idea. I know it is complex though. Keep up the great work. :D Sincerely, Shades
  18. Yes, I realize that. I was just stating a name I like.
  19. I personally like "Game Station"! It combines the names of some of the consoles yet still says it all. (My 2 Cents)
  20. While I don't have time to play with the beta testing, I have to say one of the features I like about your program was that it can be portable. Please don't loose that.
  21. Maybe if it prompted us "Do you want to Delete this link or all related files?" Just a thought.
  22. Jason Carr said I do have an item on my list though to allow deleting game files for ROMs or MS-DOS games, but I'm torn on whether that should be implemented or not. Personally I'm only using this for MS-DOS games right now. I like the idea of making all my DOS game portable and stored in one place. Getting the games running properly, however, isn't easy and many time requires me to delete the installed files. I would rather make it a one step process instead of a three step processes. Thanks for all your hard work, Sincerely, Shades
  23. As I was trying to trouble shoot installing DOS games yesterday. (No fault of your program.) I ran across a site called PCGamingWiki.com It has several of the features I was talking about above. If something like this could be merged with TheGamesDB that would be awesome. Maybe there is a way you could work with them. I don't know if there is a way to pull from a wiki but it looks useful. Keep up the great work! Sincerely, Shades
  24. In LB 4.9 When I right click on the image of my DOS game and select Delete it only removes the shortcut but does not delete the game nor does it delete the Image folder. Also if I have to reinstall a game several times it creates several copies of the game image folder with the same images in them. Has this been fixed in your new Beta? Keep up the great work. Sincerely, Shades
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