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  1. Updating over the top went well, thanks!
  2. I'm pretty sure I cancelled the popup and it didn't actually start. Theres only a theme updated, the rest looks ok, maybe the registry was changed. I think i was on 12.7 and it was attempting to update to 12.11. I'll hold off in-case someone has had bad experiences updating or dev @Jason Carr wants some info.
  3. I cancelled the requester to update to the latest, it said something about rolling back the changes and then closed the installer. Now LB doesn't start up properly and displays the error shown. I'm not sure if i can I run the standalone installer without losing my customisation, or will it start fresh? Thanks for any insights.
  4. Is 2.0 still the latest?
  5. That would be awesome, yes thanks. If you're using windows, try 'compress contents to save disk space' for your HDF's folder. On modern machines the performance hit shouldn't be noticeable.
  6. Subst the folder with your disk images and report back. Something screwy to do with paths, it looks like the emulator is inserting ¥ as \ when it shouldn't.
  7. Sorry, I meant VGA 50 line mode which some apps use natively - Xtree gold for example.
  8. Awesome, I'm more exited about this than the main app Could you look into mode 80 support? Thanks!
  9. Are we getting a 2020 annual update?
  10. It looks like the latest version of XM6G (3.31)is correctly enabling English. Note, if you attempt to start it without the correct roms you will probably get a Japanese version of this error message.
  11. Yeah it was from 2016. It's just a text search/replace nothing special.
  12. I've hacked up an English version which does the job. Edit: xm6_typeg_330L20_20161029.zip is no longer available from the dev's pages. It was not archived either.
  13. This thread is big enough with just the DOS stuff. Try over at vogons.org.
  14. Fair enough - it must be a massive operation for one person to undertake - how about at least dumping your wishlist here? I'm sure we can sort out some of the missing items.
  15. Anything we can help with for the next pack?
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