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Posts posted by fromlostdays

  1. So I was just playing around with BigBox, and for the first time set the button on my control up to switch views. Dude, amazing job. That box art reflective view. It's gorgeous. And the ability to switch seamlessly back to list view.... I sort of feel like little mac just knocked out tyson. Thanks for all the hard work. It freaking paid off.
  2. Definitely worth it. You could get away with an insane amount of media for cheap too, but I support the site with the lifetime membership. Been over there for years, and I've seen the amount of work they do. It is definitely not a flashy site with no content. Quite the opposite. Its got too much content haha. Plus, the dev is a cool character. Now if we could just get some DOS boxes. sigh.
  3. You don't have to change any directories. Though you'll have to do it one at time. There is probably a better way to do this, but you can: Import the exe as if it were a rom. You can just drag it into launchbox if you want, or use the browse method. System "PC" or you can create your own called Big Fish. Once the exe is imported, right click it in launch box and select "Edit" Go to the "Emulation" tab and untick "Use an emulator to play this game". This will tell launchbox its an application (exe) and it should launch fine after that. Repeat.
  4. When you start a mame game you will get a gameinfo screen and a warning screen (Nag screen). It's no big deal, it'll prompt you to press left then right on the joypad to clear it. I guess you can skip the game info screen via cli command. To skip the nag screen, you have to download a version of mame compiled for no-nag.
  5. It's even worse than that Autumn. It isn't even that people are thinking crimes and violence might take place. It's that they'd would rather marginalize thousands of people rather than take the the chance they might have to see something that makes them uncomfortable. Having said that, we have our problems as country, but at least we're having a national dialogue about it. When you ask 300 plus million people their opinion, you're going to hear stuff you don't like. :D
  6. You can search the forums too, plenty on this. It all depends on what you want to emulate, and personal preference. If you're going the wireless route, I don't know of anything that beats the PS4 controller for the Dpad and in terms of ease of use with windows (the software you use will trick windows into thinking its an xbox controller, and that makes life easier.) If you're doing wired, I mean, the sky is the limit. You can use anything, but I'd really recommend using something that will at least mimic xbox controller functionality in windows. It really is a lifesaver. I personally splurged on an xbox elite controller and for a wonder the Dpad is pretty good. I wouldn't say its the end all be all. I'd give that title to some of the wii pro controllers. (These would be the ideal solution for anything dpad related, but even with the mayflash dolphin bar I had a lot of problems and eventually gave up.) For me, a couch potato, the xbox one controller's dpad made it a no no, but with the elite, I use it for everything. From nes right up to wii. Launchbox + RetroArch + Xbox (Or mimicked) controller is probably the easiest way to emulate dozens, maybe even over 100 systems, and, bonus, autosync with steam big picture and a lot of pc games. I also use Kodi, and I have front ends launching front ends sometimes, haha. It really is a sickness.
  7. Haha, I forgot actually be forthcoming: even factoring in my computer which I didn't buy for this purpose, expenditures aren't even a candle in the wind to the value of what I actually have both monetarily and personally. Anyway, I'm off of work all day and its making me sappy, haha. I haven't worn anything other than a black hanes T with a cheap button up over it in years. Google Wallet is a workable alternative for donation, but having said that, I think there's something to be said for .... advertising a bit on the forum with your users. So maybe if you buy a license you get a tag "Premium" or something under your name on the forum and your profile, and if you donate you get another tag like "Contributor" (although that might be misleading in terms of what was contributed. I think people who are on the fence or even just coming here for help with LaunchBox will see the people helping them with those tags, and it might make a difference.
  8. Being forthcoming.... I mean... really.... when I think of the amount of stuff I have to put in launchbox that I got for free.... and I compare that to the dollars I've spent... Lets put it this way, I've donated multiple times to RocketLauncher (every time a new feature that I love comes out) and I kept a month by month EmuMovies subscription so long that Circo himself was like "Dude, you've already paid well over a lifetime subscription, let me give it to you". I actually told him no, then bought one a while later. On flip side, one of the best parts about this hobby is the community of people who just like the same shit you like, and you get to ask for help and be helpful there. In summation, you should certainly accept donations, and I'm glad you're taking the stance you have on piracy.
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  9. So I keep my video library separate from Launchbox. A while ago I figured out how to set the video path to the different directory and all was well. Today, not really thinking, and its been a while since I did it, I instead selected all my SMS (Sega Master System) games, Bulk Edit, Video Path, wasn't paying attention and when I clicked my video folder in Browse I figured why not and went ahead and clicked Ace of Aces.mp4. (The bulk video editor for some reason is looking for a file, not a folder). At any rate, now the Ace of Aces.mp4 plays for every SMS game I have. :( Hahaha. I went in through manage platforms, edited the actual video path, but nothings changed. I tried restarting Launchbox and Refreshing All Media. I don't mind reimporting, but will that fix it? Thanks!
  10. Still not able to replicate the error. Changed a few mame games over to RA and launched fine. I do suspect this may have something to do with RocketLauncher launching a different config file. Launchbox defaults to the standard RA config, but it's definitely a quandary.
  11. I understand why RL would change the boot from CLI to enabled. It uses a bunch of CLI options. What I don't understand is: A: Why that would break you're Launchbox launching? (Unless you're not using RL in Launchbox and using RA as your emulator) I use the exact same setup you do, CLI enabled, Launchbox to RL to RA, and I've never had any problems. B: RocketLauncher should not be changing the read config line at all. It doesn't on mine. I'm wondering if that's what broke the launch? C: There is no reason that anything would launch in RL and NOT in LB or HyperSpin (Using RL) except that they aren't communicating correctly to each other. Are you sure you're using RL through Launchbox correctly? I can pretty much assure you something else is afoot, as again, I have the same exact set up with no problems. If you're sure that launching a game through RL is changing the read config line, that's got to be a bug and should probably be reported on the RL forum, but I'm not convinced it is as I'm up to date on LB, RL, and RA and not having this problem.
  12. Usually when I have a few minutes at work I'll check this forum, but today I finally got the dreaded "This site is filtered: Category Games" at my workplace. I think that means you guys are big time now :D or..... they been watching my computer haha. For the last couple of months, this websites Homepage was blocked, but the forum wasn't. Now, all is lost, at least during business hours. I have this program called Tapatalk on my phone, but I'm not too savvy with it yet and I can't seem to find the LaunchBox forum on it. Is this user error, or is it something you have to set up as part of the forum? Just curious. I know how difficult it will be for everyone to do without my rapier wit from 9-5.
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  13. Still use RocketLauncher here. I'll help you if you need any advice on how to set it up. They just did a massive update however and are still working out the kinks. Two new features: Bezel with embedded shader (how that works I have no idea), but more importantly to me, "Suspend Front End", which suspends the front end software you're running while emulating to free up some resources. Its hard for me to remember it as being difficult to set up, I just know that a lot of people think it is, but I've been messing with it for years at this point so I know my perception of this is askew. I will say if the features appeal to you, its very possible to use with LB and if you're meticulous and have time to dedicate, it'll do some awesome things to the look of your cab or htpc. Another thing the dev is all about: troubleshooting. He'll embed common errors in the modules which can often give you insight into why something isn't working as it should. It also does some interesting stuff for emulators. A prime example of this is what it does for RetroArch. You can organize your configurations per system, and if the config file is named the same as the system in RL, RL will automatically launch that config for you. So if a core emulates multiple systems, its no hassle to have it launch with different configs for each system. It also automatically creates a folder in your RA directory called SRM and then every time you use an in game save, creates a [System Name] folder in that directory to organize your saves for you. There's countless little back end perks like that. On the other hand, Launchbox handles launching pretty flawlessly as well, and with the new addition of zip support, is a strong back-end in its own right, and much easier and less time consuming. If all you're looking for is to control your xpadder profiles, it sounds like you might want to use the suggestions above.
  14. You shouldn't download a mame bios pack. You should use the bios present in the romset. Other than that, download the bios for a specific system one at a time and try them until you find one that works. I have mame working for all those systems. You guys can point out which emulators are better at what.... meanwhile I'm making sure I have ALL emulators working and I can use RL and/or LaunchBox to switch which emulator is launching which game any time I have a problem. :D
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