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Posts posted by fromlostdays

  1. In RocketlauncherUI: Select Global under Systems, then "Global Settings" Towards the bottom you'll see Logger. Set it to troubleshooting. Launch a game (from whatever system is being the most problematic, although I'd be interested to see the RA log) Exit game normally. Now in RocketlauncherUI go to the LogViewer tab at the top There's a circlular arrow button to refresh the log. Click it. Then near that button, another button to copy the log to your clipboard. Post it inbetween some code tags on the RL forum. (I just don't think this is the place to be filled with enormous RL logs haha) Oh, I forgot to mention, when you're done, go back and turn off "troubleshooting" under logger. It can cause slowdown.
  2. K, answered half of the question. Totally just saw the option for "image types" at the top of the LB menu ( and also in the context menu ) haha. But even if you click a game and change the image type, it changes it for every game. Can this setting be different for individual games, or is it only a global setting?
  3. Here's what I would do. First I'd make sure that I didn't have any of the "Hide" options selected in RocketLauncher. Also I'd make sure that I didn't have "suspend front end" selected in RL. Turn off Fade In in RL, and especially turn off Fade Out. If the issue persists: I'd set up RA as an emulator in LaunchBox, switch a game or two over to it and see if I could recreate the issue. If the issue persists at this point (without RL) I'd start thinking about Windows itself and other programs that could be running etc trying to steal focus. If you can't recreate the issue without using Rocketlauncher, it has to be an RL setting. (Note, I use RL and I've never seen anything like that, but I never mount any games so thats why my mind went there first.) I saw your post on the RL forum, so if it is an issue with rocketlauncher it would be helpful to me (and anyone else at that forum) to see a troubleshooting log. Post it there. (There probably won't be an "error" in the log, per se, since everything is technically working, but it would give me a lot more information about what you're using etc.) And we can determine if its some kind of bug.
  4. I'm sure this has been asked before, but is there a way to (for specific games or an entire system) prioritize other art besides the box art? In my specific case I have a bunch of mame adverts that look better than the standard box art and I'd like to set them to show rather than the box art. Another use would be to display cart art instead of box art for an entire system in big box, which in my head would look awesome. I know that I could simply put the alternate art in the carts folder, I was just wondering if I could do it easily on a game by game/sysm basis. Thanks!
  5. I'm downloading some art for a system right now, so I can't double check, but I'm almost positive yes. I know you can through the bigbox menu sort by platform, genre etc. I'm sure series is there as well.
  6. So you're using SSF and I'm assuming Daemon to mount? Try this: Open SSF and make sure the emulator is using the same fullscreen resolution as your desktop. (Also if you changed any of the default module settings, put them back) Now go to your Sega Saturn System in RL. Go to the "settings" tab. and make sure that you don't have any of the "Hide" settings set to true. For instance turn off "Hide Taskbar" and "Hide Front End" etc. Report back. So this doesn't happen all the time? What three systems? Are you using the mount feature on all three?
  7. Awesome work! Its great to get on the forum and see users doing cool stuff with LB. Will be using, so for sure thanks for sharing. Does anyone know if LaunchBox will cycle through multiple banners the way it does for screenshots? Would be cool to have both of these sets in there popping randomly. Edit: Just confirms this works. Just append the system name with "-01" etc.
  8. I have to admit this is a little over my head, but have you tried just importing the exe as a rom. You can put it under any system you want. (If it doesn't scrape right you can just add the art later), but I think there's an option for "scrape as". So once you've imported your game to where you want it, you just click the game in LB, click edit, go to the emulation tab and uncheck "Use an emulator to play this game" which tells launchbox its an exe. (I'm confused about the game streaming part, but this is how I import games that don't auto import for windows etc.)
  9. I didn't even realize Bulk Edit was an option. Does that go by system, or by the entire xml? Either way should work, but because of the way the LB xml is set up, if you open it and find and replace manually, you'll be cleaning up every system at the same time. Definitely good to have options though, as I know some people aren't comfortable messing with xmls and actually I should have said: BACK UP YOUR LAUNCHBOX XML BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO IT. :D
  10. If you've already got a big launchbox.xml with wonky genres, you should also be able to fix it manually. Might take a little time, but the best method I could think of is: In LaunchBox view by genre. Lets use Role Playing as an example: I've only used the LB database, but I still have two genres listed Role-Playing & Role-Playing Game No matter how many you have listed, write all the variations down. Next, open up the launchbox.xml. Do a quick "Find and Replace" for all of the wonky names until you just have one left. I don't know the real naming convention for genres right now, but this is how I planned on handling it when it came to that.
  11. Just a heads up, you no longer have to set up each system command line individually via associated platforms. You can set the default command line parameter and it will let launchbox automatically find the ini it needs. I just updated the rocketlauncher wiki with this info: First, set up RocketLauncher as an emulator in Launchbox. Name it something like "RocketLauncher" and point it to RocketLauncher.exe. *Do not point it to RocketLauncherUI.exe. Next, you have to set the default command line parameter in Launchbox. Set it to: %Platform% -p LaunchBox -f "(Type Full Path to LaunchBox.exe here)" -s "%platform%" -r Example: %Platform% -p LaunchBox -f "L:\LaunchBox\Launchbox.exe" -s "%platform%" -r Make sure that you've set up your default emulator for each system in RocketLauncher. This should have created a file called Emulators.ini in the directory RocketLauncher/Settings/[System Name]. The above command will tell Launchbox to look in this location for every system, so you DO NOT have to set up individual command lines for each system under Associated Platforms in Launchbox anymore. Hope it helps!
  12. I'd be interested in this as well, as the HyperSpin lists are comprehensive and clean (for the most part). But, they do lack a bunch of the information that's in the LaunchBox xml, and I think LB uses that info for sorting etc. It would be good to be able to download the media for games you don't have (yet). You can try making dummy files (txt files named like the game) and importing them. To add a game, just drag it into LaunchBox and drop it. It'll ask you what system, etc, and import it. Its a snap.
  13. Many many many of the wheels over at HyperSpin are community generated and freely available on the site. Many more are available on the artist's personal sites, the hyperspin FTP, and via HyperSync (HyperSpin's soon to be defunct media downloader). I respect that no one here tried to pull a snatch and grab immensely. A lot of the people that do the wheels however are awesome folks and wouldn't mind sharing if asked. But I do agree LaunchBox shouldn't share that content on their own database unless the actual artist uploads it there, or gives express permission to someone else to do it. I actually thought long and hard about it as I have the wheels on my own LB setup, but then I'm a premium member of both sites. The issue in this case really has less to do with front ends, and more to do with respecting and crediting the people who took the time to design the images. Nor is that particularly easy as there is so much media available over there that it would be hard to find the actual persons responsible for a given set. It may be simpler for LaunchBox to encourage it's own artists to fill in the gaps.
  14. What I can't do yet is get RL to launch FSUAE + WHD roms. (It works with ADF only as far as I can figure out.) is there a way to have launchbox launch FSUAE with the WHD set (works fine in the emulator itself, by the way, all you do is set up an account with FSUAE and put the roms in the Download folder. Scans for them and everything). Sorry if this has been answered, I've been so busy I'm like snatching time at this point to get on the forums.
  15. Just a few more things to note here: FSUAE (newest version not sure of the dev version) will automatically sync to xinput controller. Its pretty awesome. This alone has me choosing it as preferred. FSUAE is not difficult to set up. You basically just put the kicks in the correct place (and maybe point the emu to them) IPF files seem worthless. I mean I'm no guru on this one either, but as soon as I switched to ADF it was like ten minutes later I had games running. The WHD set IS currently readily available with a little googling. There is an FSUAE core for RetroArch. I can't get it to work, but I've read that people have. I don't plan on trying anymore since FASUE proper supports xinput automatically. I'll switch if it becomes less of a pain. You CAN launch FSUAE through Launchbox using RocketLauncher. This isn't the ideal solution for a lot of people, but it does work.
  16. Hey Styphelus. :D. Yeah, that command line was all wrong. Firstly, it pointed to RocketlauncherUI. Secondly, that entire section should be left out, like you did in the fix. Are you using the Hyperspin plugin, or the Rocketlauncher plugin? Just curious.
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