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Posts posted by fromlostdays

  1. I have an unpopular setup with my shaders. I use them to smooth out visuals and remove pixel edges...i know it is terrible lol :). Anywho, even as a child of the 80's and being extremely nostalgic with games, i just dont get scan lines, but to each their own. I use a filter called sabr, really knocks the pixels out cold when ran at 2x, then i run a blur filter to take away some of the harshness, to me that is perfection, but it really is personal taste.
    Nothing terrible about it. I'm the same way. I ran Saber 3.0 Nearest X2 for a long time. Now I run Xbr + CRT (Its in the Xbr/Legacy folder) Nearest X2. For me this leaves no visible scanlines and it gives you the same cartoony look as Sabr, but looks overall better. For N64 (at 2x resolution) I find some straight Advanced AA X2 is pretty good. For PSX consider that XBR HYBRID is a series of shaders that combine XBR smoothing with Antialiasing. At 2X resolution I also add one pass of Sai. Also an unsung hero of shaders: Natural Vision, which really makes the colors pop.
  2. Alright so, update on this. I'm sorry to say that it seems like the technology doesn't exist to map the four paddle buttons to anything but another button on the controller. Not in windows, RetroArch, or Xpadder. So, if I map "Enable Hotkeys" to a paddle, its going to map it to another button on the controller as well. That's kind of a serious bummer. Here's the forum lamenting it. https://xbox.uservoice.com/forums/251650-console-hardware-accessories/suggestions/10452192-make-the-xbox-one-elite-controller-paddles-unique?page=7&per_page=20 In the spirit of not completely derailing this thread, my mappings will remain: L3 = Enable Hotkey So with L3 depressed: R3 = Open RetroArch Menus Start = Exit Emulator Select = Load State (again, if this isn't sort of awkward I found myself accidentally loading states while playing, which sucked) A = Save State X = Enable Cheat Y = Screenshot B = Record Video Right Bumper = Fast Forward Left & Right Triggers = Volume Dpad = Scroll through cheats Right stick= Scroll through Save States In the OP you don't seem to have mapped Fast Forward. Its a pretty awesome feature. You can fastforward through the menu, through the PS BIOS screen (if you don't turn it off in core), and also some long winded cut scenes, and grind type battles in RPGs. For PS games at least you can even fastforward to speed though loading screens and the in-game save loading bar.
  3. Wow that thing looks insane very pricey though. Damn you I want one now.
    I haven't tested out the paddles yet (the four buttons on the back), cause yeah I was having too much fun playing with that d-pad. But I CAN tell you it is slightly awkward to have those four buttons back there. Could just be the way I play, but they are really easy to accidentally depress. I wound up taking them out. (they just slide out). I'm thinking that I could bind "Enable Hotkey" to one paddle and leave the rest out. The good news is you CAN turn them off really easily. (You just double tap the "sync" button to turn them on and off)so you can leave the paddles in and not worry about accidentally pressing them. It remains to be seen whether or not I can adapt to them being back there. Either way, though, that buyers remorse abated quickly. Whenever I land on a "final" configuration I'll post it here. Thanks for the shoutout! I'm glad people are as excited about the Enable Hotkey feature as I am.
  4. I just bought one of these yesterday: http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-One-Elite-Wireless-Controller/dp/B00ZDNNRB8 I fully expected to regret this decision. I got home, fired up Mike Tysons Punch Out (My go to when I want to test Dpads) and I'm blown away. The circular D-pad peripheral is awesome. I went ahead and tested with Super Mario World and wound up just playing the game for like 2 hours (getting them RetroAchievements). I finally found a controller that does it all, at least for me. Plus, I swear it even seems to have reduced some input lag (my mind could be just trying to justify the purchase haha). I'll be having the RA Hotkeys binded to those 4 paddle buttons on the back real soon, though. Granted this is a shameful amount of money to spend on a controller that only does marginally better than other controllers which are like 1/2 to 1/4 the price. I also play a lot of Xbox though, a lot of FPS, and I use my Xbox controller for almost every game I play on PC (excluding like League of Legends and Starcraft 2). If you're like me in this respect, I recommend trying the Elite out.
  5. You and I had similar childhoods, haha. Especially Battletoads. The few times I managed to get passed the jetski intestine part, I was so frazzled and had so few lives that I just couldn't perform anymore haha. Add to the list Marble Madness (NES), Ghostbusters (NES), Friday the 13th (NES), and lastly The Smurfs for my friends Atari 2600. That game... True story, I just picked The Smurfs back up recently and discovered YOU CAN DOUBLE JUMP. It all makes sense now.
  6. Yeah Exo is a monster. Nice guy too. Put a post up on another forum and helped people troubleshoot with his set. I messed up, though haha. I got the EXO set and only kept the games since I have a launcher. I was reading somewhere on this forum that you can use Meagre or one of the other programs that comes with the set to autoimport the Exo set into LaunchBox. Now, it looks like I'd have to redownload the entire set to get that program haha. I honestly wasn't considering importing the entire set into launchbox until I saw some of the DOS box art people have been posting here. Its awesome. No Into does have most of the staples at this point, but if like me you're a system junkie, you'll be hard pressed to find a No-intro set for the Elektronica BK.
  7. With No-Intro sets you get just the good version of the games instead of 3 bad rips, 2 good rips, 5 hacked / trainer rips, etc etc.
    Exactly, which also makes the naming scheme much more pleasing and easy to read. No Intro - Super Mario World (USA) Tosec - Super Mario World (1991) (Nintendo) (US) [b] or [h] or [!] or like 30 other possible tags. Somewhere on the net there is a full list of what they all mean. I think Brad is right though, [!] means good. Haha. So if you download a Tosec set, you'll wind up with 5-15 of the same rom. The lesson, go No Intro when you can. The only problem is, there are far fewer No-Intro sets than there are Tosec sets. Still, can't hate on Tosec too hard. They put in work.
  8. SentiBrad... speaking of android tutorials... have you ever tried Koplayer? It's pretty amazing, but I don't know if it creates shortcuts or not.
  9. I saw SOME functionality within xpadder itself to launch certain profiles linked to specific EXEs. In theory, if it worked, you could make blank profiles for emulators that don't need it. This would probably be the easiest solution. A much more involved solution is a program called RocketLauncher which does exactly what you're asking, controls xpadder profiles, (Its a back end program). I"m pretty sure though that if you went this route, you'd have to import all your systems into Rocketlauncher, at least, every one where you wanted to launch a specific profile. Theres a pretty steep learning curve to it, but it will certainly work. RocketLauncher does communicate with LaunchBox so you can still launch games through LaunchBox. Lastly, you can probably learn some simple Auto Hotkey Scripting (or even just ask on the AHK forum), and create a script that will run in the background and turn Xpadder on and off based on certain conditions. I'm sorry I can't be more specific. I stopped using Xpadder a while back and pretty much exclusively only use emulators which have native controller support. What arcade game/emulator do you have that doesn't?
  10. I think he's essentially wanting to create "systems" on the fly within LaunchBox. So if you clicked Mario (NES) and then Super Mario World (SNES) you could create a "system" called Mario Bros and launch games from different platforms. This feature would be really advanced, but I don't think it would be unreasonable to start a ticket on it. Having said all of that, you should be able to create a "Mario Bros" system with games from multiple consoles etc. just like you would any other system. I haven't tried it, but in theory, you could just import mario games into that system, and manually change the emulator.
  11. You can have LaunchBox display whatever you want for the boxes. I appreciate wanting to being able to switch back and forth from within the Front End, but its as easy as putting the images in the right LB directory, and refreshing them within LaunchBox.
  12. I don't know of anyone who tests them all besides the emu developers, people on certain ...sharing... sites, and maybe big rom camps like Tosec or No Intro. However, you can be reasonably confident about a set if it has all the correct CRCs. I use a program geared for another front end for CRC checking, but I also think Clrmamepro has a CRC checker? I mean for more than just MAME. I'm not actually sure, but IF you're so inclined, and IF CRC information is in Dat files, you should look up CRLMAMEPRO and the website Dat-O-Matic. Alternately you could get a bonefide Tosec or No-Intro set, as those dudes don't play around. Or you could just not test (most people don't) and just replace any roms you come across. The problem is... most emulators do not have 100% compatibility, and I'd be surprised if older ones like Nostalgia give you a compatibility list. So if you go to launch a rom and it doesn't work, you should try it in another emulator first before tossing the file. Nostalgia, MESS, newer MAME, and RetroArch MAME/MESS cores are the only emulators I know that'll emulate intellivision. Edit: In terms of control its been years since I used Nostalgia, but just open the emulator and look for the control options. I assume you're using a keyboard. I'm pretty sure if you want to use a controller with that emulator you're going to have use Xpadder to Joy2Key to map the keystrokes to the controller buttons.
  13. I assume you're using RL to extract the iso/cue... so 7z is enabled. The first thing I would check is that your rom and cue are named correctly, the same as the archive. Then open up the .cue in notepad and make sure the iso is named correctly in there. (If RL finds the zip file in the audit, but can't find the game at launch, it usually means the contents are of the zip are named incorrectly). There is also a setting called "Match Extensions". You would navigate to PlayStation under the systems, then go to the "Settings" tab, scroll down until you see Match Extensions and set it false. This setting eases up restrictions on naming. I'm assuming you have PS games launching in the standalone emulator, correct?
  14. I've tried a bunch of front ends, and: I use both HyperSpin and LaunchBox. For me they serve different functions. I like tinkering, and my HyperSpin setup is an ongoing hobby of mine. If I want to show off to friends, I'll run HyperSpin. Main Wheel with over 180 systems. However, I also like actually playing games, and here LaunchBox/BigBox shines. I'll use a new PC game as an example. I just got a new game and I'm excited and about to Launch it for the first time. On the one hand, I wouldn't even dream of trying to hurry up and integrate it with HyperSpin before my first time playing it. In fact, it usually won't get integrated until I'm pretty much done with it and tinkering again. With HyperSpin, I'd have to set up the game in PC Launcher in RocketLauncher, regenerate xml, and then go about hoping someone has done some artwork for it, or its just going to be plain text on the wheel. (That isn't to say people aren't doing the art. They are, but it is a toss up sometimes). With LaunchBox its like two clicks, couple seconds wait while it searches and downloads assets, and then I have the game, art, video, and ready to launch. I won't go about saying which one looks better, because for me thats a toss up. I think they both look awesome. HyperSpin certainly gives you a lot more flexibility in how it looks, but for MANY people that isn't necessarily a good thing. Other perks of LaunchBox: Dev is active on the forum Some really good users on the forum who are always quick to help you if they can VERY easy integration with KODI/Bigbox For me, integration with RocketLauncher was a must For others, RocketLauncher not being necessary is a must Video tutorials which probably helped eliminate a lot of forum clutter Beta testing / constant updates
  15. Ah yes. Depending on how you download / update, the RL team does add (example) to the end of certain files so you don't accidentally overwrite your own custom files. Glad you got it figured out. Let me know if you need anything else.
  16. RocketLauncher just got a pretty massive update. I haven't updated yet, as I'm in the habit of waiting for bugs to get worked out. However, if you can't find a list of emulators here, let me know. New-Bitmap-Image.png
  17. Yeah I'm not sure about AMD either, but my computer is a hand me down with an I5 and the ancient GTX 660, and I can play Wii and PS2 as well. The only time I see it struggle is if I ever tried to use a resolution higher than 2x. Specifically on N64 or PS1.
  18. I5, internal SATA seagate 2 terabytes, 16 gigs of ram.... Anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds. I've never actually counted to be honest. I have a fade screen that shows a loading screen and zip progress bar so its cool for me rather than annoying. I was reading somewhere that theres a way you can turn excess ram into a temp storage for decompressed roms, and this may speed it up, and might even speed up emulation, but I personally don't think I need that.
  19. For someone who wants keyboard support as well, yes, that does suck. It shouldn't take away keyboard support completely, by the way. You should still be able to use ESC... IF you press in your thumbstuck on the controller to enable hotkeys. The other thing to note is that you should have restored keyboard functionality if the controller isn't connected. Small consolation, I know. I don't want to use the keyboard so it never bothered me, but I can see it being annoying.
  20. The MESS 2015 core does work, but I'm no longer sure where to find it. (You just need a mess bios pack). For ZX Spectrum by the way, you should be using the Fuse core.
  21. How did I miss this! That is really awesome, holy crap.
    They say desperation is the mother of invention haha. Also, its REAL easy to miss the "Input Hotkey Binds" assuming you even bother to open input at all since the controllers work natively. In all truth I was tinkering and did it once, and then the next day couldn't figure out how I'd done it because "Input Hotkey Binds" is not an adequate title for the awesomeness of the feature. And I agree, it's freaking fantastic. I've used the mapping for A LOT of cores and you will run into some problems. MAME for instance. It has like native mapping for a few functions. One of the buttons for sure resets the rom, another brings up the MAME menu, even if the enable hotkey button is pressed, but I can't remember which one and I couldn't figure out how to change that. If you guys can, that would be awesome. I use standard MAME anyway, but I am a completionist.
  22. There is another option for exiting retroarch at least. Since, you're using the same controller I am, I'll tell you exactly how I do it. Left Thumbstick = Enable Hotkeys This feature is absolutely great, as it allows you to map emulator functions over any button you want. So if I depress my left thumbstick Start = Exit RetroArch Right Bumper = Fastforward Y = Screenshot Right stick up and down = Scroll through cheats X = Use cheat A = Savestate Select = Load state (you'll want to map loading state to a difficult combination of buttons so you don't accidentally load state in the middle of a game. When my left thumbstick is not depressed, all the buttons go back to normal. Just go from the second RA menu down to inputs, and instead of clicking "User 1 Hotkey Binds" go to "Input Hotkey Binds". Bind a button to the "Enable Hotkeys" option, and bind the rest however you want, including exiting the emulator.
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