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Everything posted by Beatlemaniac19
Zombeaver said I just hope their next endeavor is on a better console (hate bait, I know ). Lol @Zombeaver. N64 is by far my favorite console ever. No offense taken. What I'd really love to happen is see CEN64 develop into the ultimate N64 emulator. This emulator is the only N64 emulator aiming for cycle accurate emulation. If CEN64 becomes almost 100% compatible (within a few years) and gets ported to RetroArch, I'll die a happy man.
Thanks Brad. I've already done the work for the PS1 logo. If and when there's a way to easily upload it for moderation, let me know.
I've noticed that the LaunchBox Games Database has a lot of console PNG images already added. That's awesome! However, there are a lot of missing console images. In particular, you're missing a PS1 platform image. I created a PNG out of the PS1 console image and removed the background. How can I upload these images? I can't find a way to upload my PNG to the LBGD. Should I email you the file or what do you suggest? My image is 10.1 mb. That's over the 2 mb limit for adding attachments to this forum.
Recommendations of Products for Best LaunchBox/Big Box Experience
Beatlemaniac19 replied to Beatlemaniac19's topic in Monkeys
I want to start a thread about the best equipment to purchase for setting up an awesome LaunchBox or Big Box experience. When I talk about a great experience, I mean finding the best equipment to set up for a home theatre, arcade cabinet, pinball cabinet or even just an office desk Here's a list of the kind of gear we can discuss here: -Controllers -External Keyboards -TVs (preferably ones with low input and display lag; Here's a great website for that: http://www.displaylag.com/) -Accessories (Light Guns, Track Balls, Dance Pads, Dolphin Bar, etc.) -Anything else you can think of that makes an awesome gaming rig Let me start out by saying that I favor Xbox One controllers over Xbox 360 controllers, because one USB adapter supports up to 8 controllers instead of only four controllers that you get with the 360 USB adapter. I have tons of PS1 and PS2 parties, so an adapter that supports the frantic 8 player multitap games that I play with my friends is needed. Here's the link to the USB adapter: https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Xbox-Wireless-Adapter-Windows-one/dp/B00ZB7W4QU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468469428&sr=8-1&keywords=xbox+one+usb+adapter Give me guys your recommendations. -
I've messaged the YouTuber Simply Austin about a tutorial for integrating LaunchBox with RocketLauncher, but have gotten no response yet. Jason said he'd reach out to Austin as well. I don't know who else to turn to, unless @SentaiBrad wants to do a tutorial on this?
I just manually change the "Play Mode" option to the number of players for each game individually. For example, for all single player games I enter "1 Player". For multiplayer games I enter "1-2 Players", "1-3 Players", "1-4 Players" and so on for games that use multitaps. Also, for some 2nd gen games like Combat on Atari 2600 that only have a two player option, I enter "2 Players". This is a little tedious I admit, but when the "Previous" and "Next" button are implemented on the edit game window, it'll be more streamlined. When it comes to having a number of players option, it would be nice to have it be able to say if it's simultaneous or alternate play
Lol the legal eggshell walking bs. Sounds like Jason and yourself have become experts in this arena. Masters of the grey area xD In all seriousness though, can we actually edit these images?
@SentaiBrad, I've noticed duplicate images as well for the primary console images (the images with the console and controller). The most recent ones have higher resolution I believe, so make sure to download only the high res images. It looks like the backgrounds would need to be removed in Photoshop. I have zero skills in graphic design, but I love these images. If there's anybody with graphics skills, please let us know. The beauty of these images is that they're public domain so that means we can use and edit them in any way we want.
@Jason @SentaiBrad The creator of this gallery has made these images public domain, and he plans on adding as many pictures as possible over time. His vision is to archive the history of video game console hardware. He continually updates his gallery (which you can see through his Twitter feed) and you can probably contact him if there's any image types that are missing that you're interested in. Maybe you guys should consider contacting him and complimenting his gallery (only if you like it ) and offer some suggestions for missing images. His gallery is top quality and really extensive. You can find his email and his Twitter in the link below. Here's the link again: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Evan-Amos Also, maybe you or I should ask him if he can create PNG versions of these images?
I have a question about these images. I noticed that they're JPEGs. Does that mean that they have white backgrounds? I haven't imported these into my collection because I'm going to be away from home for a while, but from looking at the images on my desktop, they appear to have white backgrounds. They'll look really tacky as platform banner images if they do have white backgrounds IMO. Can anyone check this? Also, if they do have white backgrounds, does anyone know how to convert them to PNG to remove the white backgrounds or any other method to remove the backgrounds?
Thanks @imdavid555. These are awesome. I definitely love the 3D look. It also complements the 3D boxes for my games collection. The best part is if you click on a console, then it gives you a huge collection of images for controllers, add-ons, cartridges, the CPU etc. It's great!
@ea4492 These are awesome and might be my preferred console images. I love the 3D style and the fact that the controllers are included in the image. This looks great. If we can get a complete pack someday I'd be very grateful! :)
New RocketLauncher update contains LaunchBox Plugin
Beatlemaniac19 replied to BlackSol's topic in Features
@SentaiBrad. I agree. There needs to a futureproof software that converts and save file to .srm and savestate to .state and vice versa in all cases. I say future proof because in five years, there probably will be a dolphin and pcsx2 core in retroarch, and it'd be nice if we could convert all of our saves to RetroArch from these emulators. I'm not well connected in the community, but if anyone knows someone who is willing to do this, maybe an admin from the Libretro forums, or any software developer at all, that can create this type of software, please let us know. -
New RocketLauncher update contains LaunchBox Plugin
Beatlemaniac19 replied to BlackSol's topic in Features
@SentaiBrad. I'm familiar with those features and the input hotkeys. It's what makes RetroArch awesome. However, if someone made a save converter program between all emulators, that supports all file formats, then it would be amazing. I know it would be quite an undertaking though, so I understand that. As it stands now, managing save files is very fractured because of the incompatibilities of save extensions between different emulators. I was just looking for a shortcut around that -
New RocketLauncher update contains LaunchBox Plugin
Beatlemaniac19 replied to BlackSol's topic in Features
@CriticalCid. I see now. Dang. It was worth asking :P -
New RocketLauncher update contains LaunchBox Plugin
Beatlemaniac19 replied to BlackSol's topic in Features
I have a question about RocketLauncher. Since it allows you the ability to save and load states from within the application, does that mean that you can transfer save states between different emulators since it's being loaded from RocketLauncher and not the emulator? Maybe an example would help. We all know that RetroArch is strict about its save files and save states. The save files are .srm and the save states are .state extensions. I don't know what the RocketLauncher extensions are, but let's say for example you play A Link to the Past on the standalone Snes9x emulator (not the RetroArch core) and save your progress as a save state in RocketLauncher. Does that mean that if you download the bsnes (Accuracy) core in RetroArch, that you could load the save state that you previously saved when using Snes9x standalone now in the bsnes (Accuracy) core since you'd be loading the state from RocketLauncher, not RetroArch assuming you have RocketLauncher set up with RetroArch? I just want clarity on if this is possible. If this is possible, and it works in all cases for all emulator conversions, then we may have found a way to create a save database that we've all been craving. We'd just make it a save state format for RocketLauncher that people could share and backup on the cloud (if possible). Crossing my fingers -
Thanks @nyny77! The only issue is that the original Xbox image is listed as Xbox One. Other than that, it's great. @SentaiBrad or @Jason. A cool feature would be to allow users to use the view images keyboard shortcut in Big Box to view these controllers when on the "View Platforms" view in Big Box. In order to do that, these images probably need to all be in their associated platforms image folders.
New RocketLauncher update contains LaunchBox Plugin
Beatlemaniac19 replied to BlackSol's topic in Features
SentaiBrad. I believe I mentioned this in the tutorial suggestions thread, but I think a RocketLauncher tutorial would be great sometime in the future. Right now, it looks like there's some bugs that need to be fixed. Once the bugs are ironed out and the databases are synced (or whatever else needs to happen) a tutorial would be awesome! -
Feature Specific Tutorials! I need help from the community!
Beatlemaniac19 replied to SentaiBrad's topic in News and Updates
The RocketLauncher plugin just came out! :) A tutorial on this asap would be great! -
There's no debate. The best series is still Bubsy. Lol jk To be honest, I'm a casual gamer that likes to play games about half an hour a day and has a lot of local multiplayer parties. I'm not the kind of guy that can have a Fallout or Elder Scrolls binge session. Here's my favs: Donkey Kong Country (including DK64) Super Mario Bros. Mortal Kombat Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Banjo-Kazooie (I actually kinda like Nuts N Bolts) Grand Theft Auto (I prefer the PS2 titles) All EA Sports games from 5-6 gen (Madden, NBA Live, NHL, NBA Street, NFL Street, Tiger Woods, SSX etc.) Crash Bandicoot (PS1 titles) Super Smash Bros. Mario Kart
Chaosmountain said And whats nice is you can drop the BB .exe into your startup folder and it will start when you turn on your system and then you can turn off your PC/HTPC dedicated gaming system within BB all from your controller!!! Well, at least now I can now that I figured out how to exit MAME while in BB!!! You hit the nail on the head here @Chaosmountain. That's exactly what I want to do; get a high powered PC and have it as an entertainment center with just a wireless Xbox One controller as my input device. That's the beauty of the whole setup too. Why dust off your old '90s TV, get out your old controllers, and clean your old PS1 discs or use the queue tip trick on your old cartriges, when you can have the whole setup on a dedicated PC with a sexy frontend like LaunchBox? Making it all configure properly is the issue. That's why this thread has my interest. Btw, I hate to ask this, but can anyone test to see if the chatpads for Xbox One, 360, PS3, or PS4 are compatible with InputMapper? I'm away from home and will be for a few months so I can't test this out.
@Chaosmountain thanks for the PM and I totally agree with you :) Also, thanks for you due diligence in getting it set up with MAME. This is such a relief now and I can finally play MAME without the external keyboard headache. Also, thanks @SentaiBrad. Your tutorial on controller automation was great. Much appreciative for you listening to this thread and creating a video. Props. Also, maybe it would be a good idea to put an annotation in the video to this thread and/or edit the description of the video to link to this thread.
Idea for Additional LaunchBox Development Help
Beatlemaniac19 replied to Beatlemaniac19's topic in Features
SentaiBrad said This is a slippery slope. A IndieGogo or GoFundMe Campaign is really possible, but this would be something we would want to handle instead of the community. While we appreciate the work and dedication for the art for example, this is magnitudes more important that Jason and I would need to directly control. If we implemented a vote system though where Free members get 2 votes and members who have Premium get 3 or something, then gave them a list of features to vote on so we could get an accurate representation would probably work best in the case. However, getting people to actively vote would be difficult. The problem with the BitBucket is you can vote as many times as you want, so for an accurate study votes per user would need to be limited. @Jason @SentaiBrad I agree. This is your business so you guys should run the campaigns, if that's still an option, not the community. The community is here to support and spin ideas off you guys to make your product the best on the market. I agree with everything you said here. The IndieGogo or GoFundMe campaign is probably a better option and can be more managed if you decide to go that route. Regardless, a more accurate voting system like you mentioned here would be a lot better to gauge actual interest in future developments. If you guys are thinking about replacing the Bitbucket system with this idea, I'm on board. On the contrary, I can see why this donation idea would be an issue. I didn't realize that it would cost a developer that much money for a single Bitbucket ticket. When a LaunchBox premium license is around $20-50 and a Bitbucket development is $300 minimum (although it's a community pool of money, not an individual), that pricing model is out of whack completely. That's probably the main reason it can't work realistically IMO. I'm glad you guys are cool with discussing this issue. I agree that the more tasks that can be distributed, the easier your jobs become. Hiring some new staff would definitely help. Another idea is that, if you decide to hire another developer, you can train them to just fix bugs as opposed to active development. This way, you don't have to spend a whole week fixing code and can spend all your time on development for creating new features. I don't know if that's realistic, but it's worth a shot. -
Idea for Additional LaunchBox Development Help
Beatlemaniac19 replied to Beatlemaniac19's topic in Features
I want a community opinion on this idea. Some people may like this idea, while others may hate it. At the very least, I want to start the conversation on it. The idea is hiring additional developers. Mainly, I'd like to hear Jason and Brad's feedback on this too. Here it goes: Jason mentioned that he would love to hire additional developers but his barriers to entry are (if there are more let me know): a) finding talented and dedicated developers b) properly compensating those developers Jason mentioned that, if he'd hire developers in the future, that he'd have to make these developers contract workers and work them part time. However, there may be a way to not only get full time developers, but also get them without digging into the LaunchBox reserve funds. Since there are a lot of Bitbucket tickets out there, Jason's probably focusing on the ones with the most votes. However, there are many tickets that don't have a lot of votes or have many votes, but aren't a priority now. My idea is that for any of these neglected developments, members can donate money to whatever developments they want to see implemented immediately. We'd start a thread called "Development Fundraising" or something like that, and people could donate there. For example, Issue #331 (Nested Filters) is one of the most requested tickets with 24 votes. I have no idea how much of a prioritization this ticket is to you Jason, but for sake of example, let's say it's a long-term development. If you find talented developers that you trust and decide to pay them $50 an hour (just an example figure), you can start a donation process for people to donate money to whatever development that they want. In this example it's the nested filter ticket. If the community raises $50 for this ticket, then the developer can do a live twitch coding session (like you do) and develop it for an hour with live community feedback and pocket the $50 donation for an hour of development. If the community raises $100, the developer will do a 2 hour stream and pocket the $100 and so on. Again, not only will you be able to technically hire developers for free from your end Jason, but the community can decide if they want to donate money to a particular development to get it implemented immediately, or wait for it patiently. From what I've seen, you have many members that are also developers that want to assist with LaunchBox too. This could be a good way to see if they can be of any help. I know many of you may dislike this idea, but any feedback would be greatly appreciated :) -
I have an idea that might work to make controller automation much easier...if this idea works. Do any of you know if the chatpad accessory (the keyboard accessory for online chat) for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4 has detectable keys on your PC? If the chatpad works, it could be a saving grace. The chatpad gives you 30+ additional keys for all of these controllers. If you hit CTRL + ESC or Backspace, then you could use that as your exit emulator hotkey. The other hotkeys can be easily modifiable too if the chatpads work in LaunchBox and the emulators.