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Everything posted by Beatlemaniac19

  1. Voted for the ticket. @SentaiBrad thanks for the tutorial. Looking forward to watching it :)
  2. Dos76 if you give us the link to the Bitbucket ticket I'll vote for it. Anyone else subsecibed to this forum, if you're interested please vote too.
  3. Cool. That seems simple enough @alissongamer. However, I have a couple questions: 1) Can you add multiple hold buttons? For example, I'd like to be able to hold Select, Start, L, LB, R, and RB (on an Xbox One controller) to exit games. The reason is because with so many emulators available, just a two key input could exit games that use both those key pressed together. 2) Does this configuration work for just player one? I know there is a feature in Big Box that allows only player one to navigate the menus. However, since we'd be using emulators when exiting, that feature may not be working once using the emulator. I just don't want the other players accidentally exiting games.
  4. @SentaiBrad I completely understand and agree that you should go with the most requested features first. If you open BitBucket now you'll notice that the most voted tickets are for platform videos, nested filters, an attract mode etc. These are all great features. On the contrary, there are many ideas that are great that get forgotten/unnoticed. For example, someone already requested the manual reading inside of Big Box, but it only has 1 vote on Big Box (my vote lol). What I'm getting at is that a lot of people would love this feature but most users don't use the Bitbucket system and this ticket will be buried and forgotten as a feature request if it only has 1 vote. All I'm saying is that I keep bringing up Bitbucket existing tickets because they don't have many votes, but are generally good ideas and this forum is the only way I can think of to keep informing users about potential new features. Just my opinion.
  5. Cool @SentaiBrad. Yeah a tutorial on this feature would definitely be great! Just a thought. Instead of creating a specific tutorial for premium features once every blue moon, why not just feature a 3-5 minutes mini tutorial at the end of every emulator tutorial showcasing a premium feature. Not only would you be able to stay on top of both your emulator tutorial log and your LaunchBox program tutorial log, but you'd also be able to advertise premium licenses at the end of each tutorial. For example the next video could showcase custom filters, the next one could be controller automation, and the one after that could be installing themes etc.
  6. @imdavid555 Nice video. I still think LaunchBox is the best front end out there without a doubt. However there are some features that this frontend has that LaunchBox sorely needs: -3D cabinets/boxes/cds/carts (that looks so sweet!) -An interface to read manuals within the program w/ zoom and scroll function (I don't like having to open Adobe Reader) -View Controls (able to add png images of different controllers and what buttons are mapped) -Last Run Output (this would be an awesome way to track game compatibilities) -Search bar (for Big Box, with digital keyboard) -View Commands (when playing Mortal Kombat in this example, if you could pull up the program to look at all of the moves while in game that would be ideal) -High Scores (being able to view high scores from within BigBox) -Anything else I missed in the video
  7. Note: After joining the live developer session, the new Libretro frontend Phoenix, may be better to use as a Libretro frontend, if it has the same functionality as RetroArch and is more user-friendly.
  8. My big request is an A-Z setup of RetroArch. Jason gave a pretty good tutorial on downloading it and the initial setup, and you gave a good tutorial on how to update it. However, a complete 20-30 minute tutorial explaining all of the features of RetroArch would be amazing. Here's a possible itinerary: -Navigate people to watch Jason's RetroArch configuration first and also navigate people to watch your updating RetroArch video with annotations at the beginning of the video -General configuration settings per RetroArch (go through all options) -How to set up autoconfigs for certain controllers (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4) -How to set up hotkey configurations (i.e. fast forward, rewind, save state, load state, record etc.) -How to create folders for save files and save states for each core -How to enable cheats (how to enable cheats where they are already listed in RetroArch and how to add new cheats to the cheats database) -How to enable shaders (which shaders should be used for which consoles etc. How to set up multiple shaders and enable a hotkey to switch shaders on the fly) -how to change graphics plugins (for polygon based consoles, and which graphics plugins are the most accurate) -Any other feature that you feel is important
  9. That's cool. I'm not very tech savvy as you can probably tell. It may be more of an issue because of the Windows operating system then. Trust me @IlhanK. I have the Dolphin Bar on my Amazon wish list :) Again, once they implement the Dolphin core they'll either fix this bug on their end or their users will complain all over their forums until they fix it.
  10. This might be really off topic, but if someone is out there that knows RetroArch from A-Z, could they please do a video tutorial series? I've already asked on their forums, but they act a little snobby and tell you to just read the forums and the readme files -_-. If there was a RetroArch guru out there that taught this and someone who taught MAME/MESS the community would be a lot more united.
  11. @SentaiBrad Sweet. I'm going to have to try that out. Brad do you know where the forum topic for this exists? I'd like to read up on it. Maybe this is asking too much, but can you show this feature at the end of your next emulator tutorial? It seems like it'd be a great way to not only showcase how this works, but also as a way to advertise a Big Box feature. That might convert more premium licenses
  12. @SentaiBrad I've heard rumors that one of their developers will be working on the Dolphin core this summer and want to release it by 2017. Also, I agree that it's frustrating that some of their cores are out of date in comparison to their standalone counterparts. @IlhanK @Bedwyr @Drybonz @fromlostdays RetroArch's forums are pretty active and the administrators are responsive. Since I don't know the issue as well as you guys, maybe you should message them on their forum: http://libretro.com/forums/ If one of you guys message them, message them on the "General" section of the forum. Explain your problem just as you did here and post the link to this thread. Maybe contacting Libretro directly can end this annoying bug. I'd do it myself, but I don't own a Dolphin Bar or any Wii games at this moment so I can't do any testing or explain the issue to the degree that you guys can.
  13. Why don't you guys join the Libretro forums and direct them to this issue. RetroArch eventually is going to add a Dolphin core so they'll be working directly with wii motes and bluetooth connectivity. If you just copy this link and paste it onto their forums, an admin may see the problems and try to fix them. Just my two cents
  14. @Chaosmountain I didn't think LaunchBox had the power to exit out of any emulator. That seems like a function of the emulator itself. Personally, I want to use Big Box as a plug and play home entertainment center. Meaning no external keyboard. Many Big Box users probably feel the same way. It seems like XPadder is the only solution... Unless someone knows another workaround?
  15. Thanks @imdavid555 ;) I won't be able to join that dev session. I'm on the east coast so it starts at midnight for me! That's the funny thing about RocketLauncher, I know I can set it up now if I did my due diligence. However, once that plugin is enabled, it'll have erased my work already and have much better coordination and functionality :p. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there. So I'd rather wait it out lol
  16. Scratch that post... There's an option to exit the game back to LaunchBox regardless of the emulator? I own premium and was not aware of this. How?
  17. I have the same issue. It seems like it's a issue per emulator that needs to be configured. My guess is that configuring XPadder with each emulator to make the escape key a hotkey input (for example hold Select and click L, LB, R, & RB at the same time) to exit the game is probably the solution. Anyone else know another solution besides this one? Maybe, as a community, we should create a uniform "exit emulator hotkey command" like I just mentioned and make it compatible for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4 controllers In XPadder. Then we'd have to configure the XPadder profile to recognize this command in all of the emulators that we use. Anyone else got a better idea? ;)
  18. Great ideas guys. I made a Bitbucket ticket recently about a "Controller Type" field. Instead of explaining myself again, I'll just paste my ticket: "A new standard filter request I have is "Controller Type". When playing all of these different consoles, you're going to want to use different controllers for different consoles/games and it'd be cool if you knew which controller you need to use for each console/game. For example, the standard controller can be labeled as "gamepad" for consoles, and "mouse and keyboard" for PCs. Here's a list of potential controller types: -Gamepad -Mouse and Keyboard -Wii Mote (for Wii) -Balance Board (for Wii) -Guitar (Guitar Hero/Rock Band) -Drums (Guitar Hero/Rock Band) -Microphone (Guitar Hero/Rock Band) -Dance Pad (DDR and StepMania) -Light Gun -Track Ball -etc. (there are many more possibilities) Having this as a standard filter, beneath play mode, would be great. When playing Wii, it's annoying figuring out which games need Wii Motes or Wii Pro Controllers. This would alleviate that problem. A "View Controller Type" option in Big Box would be great too. It would make it easier to search for Light Gun games or Dance Pad games etc. for whenever you want to search for any and all games that use a specific controller type."
  19. @imdavid555 I also heard that as well. In Jason's last developer session video, or the one before, he mentioned that he'd have to delay the RocketLauncher plugin development due to other development goals. I've never used RocketLauncher, but know the advantages of it. With the RocketLauncher plugin active, IMO, it would be the development that puts Launchbox above all other front ends, Hyperspin included. This development would also probably get many Hyperspin users to make the switch to Launchbox. I hope that this plugin doesn't get neglected.
  20. Is Jason still gonna implement the RocketLauncher plugin?
  21. CriticalCid said I have recorded new themes (now 289 videos) and because I don’t want to derail this thread furthermore I’ve opened a new one: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/images-and-videos/the-hyperspin-theme-recording-thread Please post any questions and discussions about this topic only in this thread from now. Also I have found out that almost every theme has an info file with the credits in it. Now I can give everyone the credit he/she deserves. It's quite a long list of names but everybody should be mentioned if we want to do this right :) @alexis524 Platform videos should be added soon. I hope jason doesn't forget to add platform video themes as well. @Jason I read in the YouTube comments that you want to tweak the video theme view. That’s why I want to show you my ideas I have for it: The image is just edited with my fabulous MS Paint skills, not an actual view I’ve built. As you can see I would suggest splitting the left side of the view into a wheels and a game details section (maybe make it optional for all the hardliners who only want to see the art). My little test view also looked pretty rough so I think that a small frame to separate the 3 elements would look a lot cleaner and more unified. Also something to think about: It would be necessary to have a video tier system for this particular view. I would suggest something like this: 1. Video theme 2. Gameplay video 3. Screenshot – Gameplay etc. But this should only take account on the video theme view. The others standard views shouldn’t play the video themes at all. @CriticalCid Amazing work man! My only requests are can you add the ability to add the buttons (i.e. Rating, Favorite, Completed, Portable, Broken etc.) at the bottom of the game details menu? Also, do you know if it's possible to be able to switch the clear logos on the left to plain text like the standard Big Box theme?
  22. Thanks for the speedy reply Brad. Another consideration, if Game FAQs and their administrators allow it, is to scrape all of the saved files and metadata from Game FAQs. Therefore, if allowed by Game FAQs, you can already have a rich database with save files for most games and users can add their own save files as well. Another aspect that's important is DLC. Any game with DLC from the 7th gen or before has shut their servers down so the only way that people can protect their DLC files are to back them up on the cloud; in this case the Launchbox database. I don't want to push my luck, but let me know how what Jason and the community think of this suggestion. I've watched most of your tutorials and Jason's developer sessions. I must say, very high quality work. Maybe ask Jason if he can get Launchbox users' feedback on this idea in his next YouTube video. Just an idea. Thanks again. P.S. In Jason's last video, he mentioned that you guys could charge $50 an hour or so for a one-on-one training session to answer any of our needs. For the record, I think it's a great idea and think there is definitely a big audience that feels the same. Keep up the good work.
  23. I think a great feature would be allowing members to share their game save files with other members through the Launchbox database. For example, for people who want to play Super Smash Bros. Melee without grinding to unlock all of the characters and stages, they can download someone's 100% complete game save file and insert it into their Launchbox folder. They could do this for all of their games without having to waste countless hours beating games they beat as a kid. This would be an amazing feature. You can create a system similar to Game FAQs. On their site, you can search a game on their search box and the results populate links for "FAQs", "Cheats", "Saves", "Reviews", "Answers", "Images", "Videos", and "Board" for every game that appears in the results. Once you click on "Saves", it lists all of the different save files that members have uploaded with a text description of what contents are on the save file and the save files are listed in order of file extension. For example, if you're using Project64, you'd download the available .eep rom files and the like, or if you're using Retroarch, you'd download .srm files. Members can get creative, like uploading a completely named roster save file for a game in the NCAA Football series or a complete created wrestler roster in WWF No Mercy. The possibilities are endless! Tell me what you guys think of this idea, and if it's possible to implement. Thanks.
  24. I'm currently importing my N64 collection and have run into a problem with importing some of my save files. When I imported my roms, I also copied them into my LaunchBox folder. With this option, by default, inside the Launchbox folder, and in the "Games" folder, a folder was created once I decided to copy my roms into the LaunchBox database. Within the folder was not only the roms, but also a save file for every time I played a game with the extension ".srm" (as you all are probably aware). The ".srm" file extension works as an extension for many SNES roms, but not any N64 roms (to my knowledge). In short, I'm having trouble importing my save files (i.e. .eep, .mpk (for memory pack games), .fla, and .sra file extensions) into my "Nintendo 64" folder. The only way I can get my save files to work, that I'm aware of, is to convert them to .srm files. The problem is that the only extension that allows this file extension change without the file becoming altered and unusable is .eep. I've successfully converted save files for games like Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Party, and Super Mario 64, but I can't transfer most of my save files because of this issue. Just for your information, I'm using RetroArch and their Mupen64Plus core as my N64 emulator. If this helps with a solution, let me know. My questions are: 1) Is it possible to instruct LaunchBox to read various save file extensions that aren't the .srm extension? Can I tell Launchbox exactly which file extensions for save files I want it to read? If so, how? 2) If so, how would I get Launchbox to recognize these file extensions, not just for N64 titles, but for all video game titles, regardless of platform? 3) Was it a mistake to copy the roms into the LaunchBox folder? If I kept the games in their own seperate folder, could I configure my Mupen64Plus core to know where the save files were so RetroArch could launch the games with their save files with no problem? 4) I've heard RocketLauncher can be applied to LaunchBox. I've never used the program, so forgive my ingorance. Can RocketLauncher handle uploading the save files with the games that I launch? If there's any link you can direct me to that can answer any questions about importing saves then I'd be glad to hear about it. Sorry if this post was long-winded and confusing. I really love LaunchBox and probably will be a lifetime user. Thanks guys, Will
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