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File Reviews posted by damageinc86

  1. @Lugawigaming How about this:  A simple, yet elegant collection of playlist logos.  Not a bunch of flashy smoke being blown up your...waaaaait a minute.  This collection just plain works.  It's dependable and reliable.  Like a '58 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup.  When you just need to know what genre you are looking at, this collection delivers.  Each one of these logos jumps into the captain's chair and says "make it so".  And you know what?  That's all we really need in a genre playlist logo collection.  Also, you can slap these logos anywhere you need them to go!  Currently I'm situating them neatly inside of my Crylen's bordered clear logo template to match the rest of my setup.  They don't scoff at me and demand all the attention like some diva broadway star.  They say, "oh you'd like me to slide over here?  You got it broseph!".  They bring their own party; they are content in their surroundings.  They give neighboring pixels no gruff, but instead develop a reciprocal relationship so that the entire image becomes better.  Not like some other logos that only seek to dominate and strut their flashiness around at the cost of everything else.  When the dust settles, I know that my genre logos are better for having meshed with these fine playlist logos.  And we all come out winners. 

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