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Everything posted by MiraiKuma

  1. You are welcome. I forgot I made this thread lol.
  2. Another edit. the above Demul sort was not compatible with the current Demul .dat file. If you are needing the DEmul v0.7 111117 rom files sorted for LaunchBox, you can use the below script. This is a powershell script. I believe it can be a .bat or .ps1. I do not know if "ren" is bat compatible. It would be the only thing that isn't bat compatible though. md Naomi move 18wheelr.zip Naomi move 18wheels.zip Naomi move 18wheelu.zip Naomi move alienfnt.zip Naomi move alienfnta.zip Naomi move alpilotj.zip Naomi move alpilot.zip Naomi move asndynmt.zip Naomi move ausfache.zip Naomi move capsnk.zip Naomi move capsnka.zip Naomi move capsnkb.zip Naomi move crackndj.zip Naomi move crakndj2.zip Naomi move crzytaxi.zip Naomi move csmash.zip Naomi move csmasho.zip Naomi move cspike.zip Naomi move deathcox.zip Naomi move derbyoc.zip Naomi move derbyocm.zip Naomi move derbyo2k.zip Naomi move derbyo2km.zip Naomi move derbyocw.zip Naomi move derbyocwm.zip Naomi move drbyocwc.zip Naomi move drbyocwb.zip Naomi move derbyoc2.zip Naomi move derbyoc2m.zip Naomi move doa2.zip Naomi move doa2a.zip Naomi move doa2m.zip Naomi move dybb99.zip Naomi move dybbnao.zip Naomi move f355.zip Naomi move f355twin.zip Naomi move f355twind.zip Naomi move f355twn2.zip Naomi move ggram2.zip Naomi move ggx.zip Naomi move gram2000.zip Naomi move gundmct.zip Naomi move gunsur2.zip Naomi move gunsur2j.zip Naomi move gwing2.zip Naomi move hmgeo.zip Naomi move hopper.zip Naomi move hotd2.zip Naomi move hotd2o.zip Naomi move hotd2p.zip Naomi move illvelo.zip Naomi move inunoos.zip Naomi move jambo.zip Naomi move kick4csh.zip Naomi move mamonoro.zip Naomi move manicpnc.zip Naomi move marstv.zip Naomi move mazan.zip Naomi move mazanu.zip Naomi move mazana.zip Naomi move mbaa.zip Naomi move mbaao.zip Naomi move mbslave.zip Naomi ren mtkob2.zip mushike.zip move mushike.zip Naomi move mushi2k4.zip Naomi move mushi2k5.zip Naomi move mushi2eo.zip Naomi move mushik2e.zip Naomi move mushik4e.zip Naomi move mvsc2.zip Naomi move mvsc2u.zip Naomi move ninjaslt.zip Naomi move ninjasltu.zip Naomi move ninjaslta.zip Naomi move ninjasltj.zip Naomi move oinori.zip Naomi move otrigger.zip Naomi move pjustic.zip Naomi move pokasuka.zip Naomi move pstone.zip Naomi move pstone2.zip Naomi move puyoda.zip Naomi move puyofevp.zip Naomi move qmegamis.zip Naomi move radirgyn.zip Naomi move rhytngk.zip Naomi move ringout.zip Naomi move samba.zip Naomi move samba2k.zip Naomi move sambap.zip Naomi move sgtetris.zip Naomi move shangril.zip Naomi move shootopl.zip Naomi move shootpl.zip Naomi move shootplm.zip Naomi move shootplmp.zip Naomi move sl2007.zip Naomi move slasho.zip Naomi move smarinef.zip Naomi move smlg99.zip Naomi move spawn.zip Naomi move sstrkfgt.zip Naomi move sstrkfgtd.zip Naomi move sstrkfgta.zip Naomi move shorsem.zip Naomi move shorsel.zip Naomi move shorse.zip Naomi move shors2k1.zip Naomi move shorsepm.zip Naomi move shorseps.zip Naomi move shorsepl.zip Naomi move shorsepb.zip Naomi move shorsep.zip Naomi move shorsepr.zip Naomi move suchie3.zip Naomi move tduno.zip Naomi move tduno2.zip Naomi move tokyobus.zip Naomi move totd.zip Naomi move totdo.zip Naomi move toukon4.zip Naomi move toyfight.zip Naomi move vathletep.zip Naomi move virnba.zip Naomi move virnbao.zip Naomi move virnbap.zip Naomi move vonot.zip Naomi move vs2_2k.zip Naomi move vtenis2c.zip Naomi move vtennis.zip Naomi move wldkicks.zip Naomi move wldkicksu.zip Naomi move wldkicksa.zip Naomi move wldkicksj.zip Naomi move wldkickspj.zip Naomi move wldkickspw.zip Naomi move wrungp.zip Naomi move wrungpo.zip Naomi move wwfroyal.zip Naomi move zerogu2.zip Naomi move zombrvn.zip Naomi move zombrvno.zip Naomi move zunou.zip Naomi md NaomiGD move azumanga.zip NaomiGD move bdrdown.zip NaomiGD move cfield.zip NaomiGD move chocomk.zip NaomiGD move cleoftp.zip NaomiGD move confmiss.zip NaomiGD move cvs2.zip NaomiGD move cvs2mf.zip NaomiGD move cvsgd.zip NaomiGD move dragntr.zip NaomiGD move dragntrs NaomiGD move dragntra NaomiGD move dragntras NaomiGD move dragntr2.zip NaomiGD move dragntr3.zip NaomiGD move dragntr2s.zip NaomiGD move dragntr3s.zip NaomiGD move dygolf.zip NaomiGD move ggxx.zip NaomiGD move ggxxac.zip NaomiGD move ggxxrl.zip NaomiGD move ggxxrlo.zip NaomiGD move ggxxsla.zip NaomiGD move 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dirtypig.zip SammyAtomiswave move dolphin.zip SammyAtomiswave move fotns.zip SammyAtomiswave move ftspeed.zip SammyAtomiswave move ggisuka.zip SammyAtomiswave move ggx15.zip SammyAtomiswave move kofnw.zip SammyAtomiswave move kofnwj.zip SammyAtomiswave move kofxi.zip SammyAtomiswave move kov7sprt.zip SammyAtomiswave move maxspeed.zip SammyAtomiswave move mslug6.zip SammyAtomiswave move ngbc.zip SammyAtomiswave move ngbcj.zip SammyAtomiswave move rangrmsn.zip SammyAtomiswave move rumblef.zip SammyAtomiswave move rumblefp.zip SammyAtomiswave move rumblef2.zip SammyAtomiswave move rumblf2p.zip SammyAtomiswave move salmankt.zip SammyAtomiswave move samsptk.zip SammyAtomiswave move sprtshot.zip SammyAtomiswave move sushibar.zip SammyAtomiswave move vfurlong.zip SammyAtomiswave move xtrmhnt2.zip SammyAtomiswave move xtrmhunt.zip SammyAtomiswave move waidrive.zip SammyAtomiswave md SystemSP move brickppl.zip SystemSP move dinoking.zip SystemSP move dinokior SystemSP move dinoki25 SystemSP move lovebery.zip SystemSP move lovebero.zip SystemSP move loveber3 SystemSP move ochaken.zip SystemSP move tetgiant.zip SystemSP move tetgiano SystemSP md Cave3rd move ddpdfk.zip Cave3rd move ddpdfk10.zip Cave3rd move deathsml.zip Cave3rd move dfkbl.zip Cave3rd move dsmbl.zip Cave3rd move espgal2.zip Cave3rd move futari10.zip Cave3rd move futari15.zip Cave3rd move futari15a.zip Cave3rd move futaribl.zip Cave3rd move futariblj.zip Cave3rd move ibara.zip Cave3rd move ibarablk.zip Cave3rd move ibarablka.zip Cave3rd move mmmbanc.zip Cave3rd move mmpork.zip Cave3rd move mushisam.zip Cave3rd move mushisama.zip Cave3rd move mushisamb.zip Cave3rd move mushitam.zip Cave3rd move mushitama.zip Cave3rd move pinkswts.zip Cave3rd move pinkswtsa.zip Cave3rd move pinkswtsb.zip Cave3rd move pinkswtsx.zip Cave3rd md Hikaru move airtrix.zip Hikaru move airtrixo.zip Hikaru move braveff.zip Hikaru move pharrier.zip Hikaru move swracer.zip Hikaru move sgnascar.zip Hikaru move sgnascaro.zip Hikaru md Gaelco move atvtrack.zip Gaelco move atvtracka.zip Gaelco move gfootbal.zip Gaelco move smashdrv.zip Gaelco md Bios move awbios.zip Bios move crp.zip Bios move dc.zip Bios move hikaru.zip Bios move mie.zip Bios move naomi.zip Bios move naomi2.zip Bios move segadimm.zip Bios move segasp.zip Bios
  3. I know this is an old post, but in case people actually use the search function to find solutions to their problems, I'd though I'd post this here. In the old days ( I am not sure of how it works in 2018) launchbox did not let me import chd games without having a .zip or .7z file for the chd. What I would do is create a dummy zip using the chd folders. In Demul you have the correct path to your chds. In launchbox you import the .zip/.7z files. Tell launchbox to only use file name and not extension for demul emulator. To create the dummy files you can create a .bat file and in it paste the following: FOR /d %%i IN (*) DO (echo .> %%i.7z) So your folder DIR would look like this: MainGameFolder -roms rom1.zip rom2.zip etc,etc,et -chds -chddir1 chd1.chd -chd2 chd2.chd folderTo7z.bat So the bat file goes in the main chd folder. Then just run the bat file. For each directory that the bat file is in, it will create a dummy 7z file (change to .zip if you want) named what the directory is. Then in Launchbox, just import the dummy zips and you are good to go. Edit: The reason I use 7z is because it doesn't matter what the extension was. This way I could place the .zip rom files in the same directory as the dummy chd files if I wanted to. I know that zip is a real file and 7z is a dummy file.
  4. These are not my applications. I found them on the retropie forums. They get rid of non working games, mature games, etc using catver.ini and the mame.xml that mame generates. This does not sort by controls and hardware/systems like lightspeed did. However these are way easier to use. Anyone have a way to sort out the different files for the different systems on Demul? I had a working copy about two years ago but just updated it and now having to rebuild the collection. I will probably end up doing it by hand, but didn't know if anyone had a way to sort the demul games out by system. https://github.com/cosmo0/retropie-arcade-manager https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/7606/simple-arcade-multifilter-app-for-mame-and-fb-alpha-sets-get-rid-of-adult-and-mahjong-games Edit, solved my Demul problem:
  5. Thanks DOS76. I might have to do that with Google Drive.
  6. So, I had a problem with retro arch where it was only showing half the screen. No matter what I did, it wouldn't show both sides. Out of frustration I deleted the whole folder and re downloaded it which did fix the problem, however, that of course deleted my save games and save states. Before I research a way to do this on my own, are there any known projects that backup the memory cards, save states, and save game folder for retroarch on google drive or drop box automatically? I figured I would ask before I try and write something myself. Edit: This could also be a great way to be able to play on your desktop, then pick up the save game on your raspberry pi. Speaking of which, I hope we get a linux version of Launchbox one day, even if it is stripped down to work faster on a raspberry pi.
  7. For anyone else not able to find the bios pack like me (I can find any thing else but not this!) I found a file from the retroarch people that have a list of bioses and hashes. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libretro/libretro-database/master/dat/BIOS - Non-Merged.dat
  8. @FistyDollars Probably not. If I end up downloading Win3xO I'll do it, but Unless you can point me into some good 3.0 games I doubt I will.
  9. I created a eXoDOS importer. It does not do images nor do I plan to because my harddrive with eXoDOS became corrupt and I don't plan to download it again. However You can still use the launchbox DB to get some of the images for the games.
  10. Here is a small plugin I made to import the eXoDOS games into LaunchBox. Currently it does not import images, just the game and the info about it in the about.txt and the ini file in the eXoDOS folders. Usage: Backup your MS-DOS.xml file if you have one. Make sure you have run the "Setup eXoDOS.bat" file or this plugin will fail. Place plugin in the Plugins folder of LaunchBox. The plugin should appear at the bottom of the tools menu. When you click on it, it wants you to select the root folder of the eXoDOS folder structure. This means the top folder, the one that houses the Setup eXoDOS.bat file. After that it will go through the Games/!dos folder to find all your games and it will import them into LaunchBox. This takes a bit. For some reason when I was generating the xml file without the plugin system it worked in about 20 seconds. However using the IGame add new game function, it takes a couple of hours for my 5094 games. I would suggest running this at night. To do: Import images. Does anyone know a quick and easy way to detect where the LaunchBox install is? There I could find the correct folders to place images in. My other option is to have a second File Dialog Box that lets you select your LaunchBox install folder. I will only be importing front and back images. Make this run as a separate thread. I made a BackgroundWorker and made a delegate to run the IGame add new game in the background, but it did not seem to work. Any hints? Make a progress bar. The video that the LaunchBox creator did shows how to control a gui through a theme, but I can't figure out how to make a progress bar on its own. Any hints? eXoDosImport.dll Edit, I have uploaded my Visual Studio folder. I am no longer going to develop this so I figured others might want to see how I went about it and make their own. Warning, this is not optimized code. If you are learning how to code, do not follow my examples. This is very sloppy and while I know better, I was lazy. You can use this to see how I made the plugin and what API calls I made, but don't learn to program this way. This is bad programming. If you want to learn C# and .net I would suggest going to plural sight (It is worth the price if you are going to use it) and start by looking up object oriented programming basics, then doing some C# .net tutorials. If you end up tweaking it and make it run in a background process so you can still use LaunchBox and/or add a progress bar, let me know so I can see your code for when/if I make my next app. eXoDosImport.zip
  11. MiraiKuma

    Cat Poke!

    Here is a video, but don't watch too much of it, as it is a walk through.
  12. MiraiKuma

    Cat Poke!

    Well I was going to say that the download link is on the website, but the link is dead. Thankfully I have it stored on my computer! I put the link in the top post.
  13. MiraiKuma

    Cat Poke!

    Here is a game I found to be cute and fun. Cat poke! This game is very cute. It is about a little girl that gets bored on a rainy day and her cats. See if you can find them all. https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=13592.0 Edit: The person below me brought it to my attention that the download does not work any longer. I have it backed up on my computer. As always scan this with a virus scanner before unzipping it on your computer since I have no reputation here you shouldn't trust me! I have installed it on my computer with no problems, but you can never be too careful. A good place to scan files is https://virusscan.jotti.org/ it lets you upload your file (I think 15mb is the highest you can upload) and it scans it using many different scanners. Cat_Poke_V1_3.zip
  14. Was googling around and saw that people had success using rocket launcher with the eXodos collection. I know there is another post on here how to use rocket launcher with launch box.
  15. SentaiBrad: I did open up the core info files as it says in my post. Some of them do not have crc or sha1 info. Also I would like to make sure that I have all of them. Humans error a lot.
  16. I am not asking for you to send me files, just names of files and their sha1 value. Trying to locate a list of all the bios files that retroarch requires. I went through the retroarch wiki and read all the core readme files and found a list of the following. If someone has all of the bios files Retroarch uses, could you run this windows command line on your folder? It will write all the names of the files and the sha1 values of that file to a BiosHash.txt file. I don't know if I got all of them so if you have more than me, or know you have a full list of Retroarch bioses that are required, please run the cmd command below and share it. Do not worry about mame bioses as that is taken care of in the main mame packages. Open up command prompt by pressing the windows key and type in CMD. Open command prompt. Change directory to where your bios files are stored. To change directory use "cd X:/path/to/bios/folder/here" where X is the drive name and the path to bios folder is the path to the bios folder. Then copy and paste the following in CMD and run it. To paste into CMD just right click when the line below is copied to your clip board. for /r %%v in (*.*) do (CertUtil -hashfile %%v) >> BiosHash.txt List of my files that I have found so far: SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\5200.rom: 6ad7a1e8c9fad486fbec9498cb48bf5bc3adc530 SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\dc_boot.bin: 8951d1bb219ab2ff8583033d2119c899cc81f18c SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\dc_flash.bin: 94d44d7f9529ec1642ba3771ed3c5f756d5bc872 SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\disksys.rom: 57fe1bdee955bb48d357e463ccbf129496930b62 SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\gba_bios.bin: 300c20df6731a33952ded8c436f7f186d25d3492 SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\hash.bat: c65162fe8544ff45c156d1a96387181af94965eb SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\o2rom.bin: b2e1955d957a475de2411770452eff4ea19f4cee SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\saturn_bios.bin: df94c5b4d47eb3cc404d88b33a8fda237eaf4720 SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\SCPH1001.BIN: 10155d8d6e6e832d6ea66db9bc098321fb5e8ebf SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\syscard3.pce: 1b4c260326d905bc718812dad0f68089977f427b SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\us_scd1_9210.bin: f4f315adcef9b8feb0364c21ab7f0eaf5457f3ed SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\fba\neogeo.zip: 3f4d34a69d7855e718c5ad8b387ed45ad88f07dc SHA1 hash of file L:\Bios\neogeo\neogeo.zip: 3f4d34a69d7855e718c5ad8b387ed45ad88f07dc
  17. I found the option to unzip the game before it tries to play it, but my problem is that on retroarch, sometimes you want it to unzip like on playstation, and others you want it to keep it zipped like on neo geo or mame games. I can circumvent this by making a duplicate retroarch emulator setting but that means I have to keep up with two separate entries. Are there any plans to have it unzip by platform instead of by emulator?
  18. MiraiKuma


    As an added question off topic since you guys took over my thread anyways! lol Any one know of a good wiki or how to that shows what bios files go where for RetroArch 1.3.0? I have most every bios file I'll ever need, just having trouble figuring out where they go. Thanks for any and all help.
  19. MiraiKuma


    Thank you for the help. I was just missing Arcade as the platform.
  20. MiraiKuma


    Is there a way to import mame roms and chd's? I can't seem to find the correct way to do it. The youtube videos don't have a section on this, and searching in the forum did not net anything either.
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