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Everything posted by LogicalEgo

  1. Sorry for the late reply but @Jason Carr is right, just replace the Background.mp4 with whatever video you want but make sure to give it the same name. One day hopefully a solution will come we can use the randomized backgrounds again. I would personally like to see it make a come back.
  2. heck to the yes, this is way better than wrapping things in a .dll. I will go ahead and start making changes and get it ready for release.
  3. So this is happening across multiple themes? This happened since updating to LaunchBox 9.4?
  4. I included psd files, fonts to make your own. They are in the zip files Clear Logos and Banners. It would be easy to modify the font to w/e name you want and find a cool background image.
  5. What playback engine are you using? I have been using VLC.
  6. Updated the theme to 2.3 with some minor color tweaks to the styles xaml. If you have not updated now is a good time too.
  7. Can you confirm this also with CritcalZone? It uses the same playback code. Also is the included background video being used? I just recently edited it and used h265 as a codec to save file size. Try another background video just in case.
  8. minimal View File minimal I wanted a simple and clean look to the startup theme, more of a splash screen rather than a loading screen. Included are all the files to make your own logos for platforms. I have commented out the now loading text seen in the screen shots but this can easily be edited back in with notepad++, look for the <!-- --> lines inside of the name.xaml files. Feel free to modify how you wish. Comes with Red, Purple and Black logo options. Submitter keltoigael Submitted 02/18/2019 Category Startup Themes  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    minimal I wanted a simple and clean look to the startup theme, more of a splash screen rather than a loading screen. Included are all the files to make your own logos for platforms. I have commented out the now loading text seen in the screen shots but this can easily be edited back in with notepad++, look for the <!-- --> lines inside of the name.xaml files. Feel free to modify how you wish. Comes with Red, Purple and Black logo options.
  10. I have gotten a lot of messages about what font I used for the Clear Logos, it is called Road_Rage and is now included in both the Banners and Clear Logos zips.
  11. The update I just posted should fix this.
  12. As of right now it has been retired, it was causing a major issue with the updates.
  13. I really can't say which is better at the moment, VLC or WMP. That is something @Jason Carr could answer though. I want to say he leans more towards VLC, I am currently using VLC.
  14. I have updated CityHunter 2 to work with the new theming changes to BigBox. I also revisited some of my older larger video files and re-encoded them to use h265 and save some space/bandwidth. Unfortunately you will have to re-download the theme to be able to use CityHunter 2 with LB/BB 9.4. The positive now is that CityHunter 2 is only a 40mb download including the original CityHunter background. Changes should be up soon.
  15. I agree but with most of the content people play here being 4:3 that view would be highly used.
  16. Looks nice. I would shift the fanart and video around though. With that wide of an area 4:3 and 16:9 videos would look perfect.
  17. Sorry this took so long. Open any of the view files in the Views folder with Notepad++, look for FontFamily="{StaticResource FontBody}" and change it to FontFamily="nameofmyfont" example FontFamily="Calibri". Save and close. You can also change the text sizing with FontSize="". If you want to change colors look for <GradientStop Color=""/>. Hope this helps and happy modding.
  18. They are coded in but you can still change them. When I get to a PC Wednesday I will write how you can do this, out on holiday atm.
  19. Road Rage https://www.dafont.com/road-rage.font
  20. Almost all artwork is shared and modified at some point. Most of time people are borrowing art from google search, most users will credit back to content creators. No one I know of on these forums is in the business of stealing artwork from someone else. Unless you hand draw it from scratch or going in deep with photoshop I don't see how anyone can own something. If you put it online people are going to use it. I dont have such a ego that warrants anyone not to use something I share.
  21. Open WheelGamesView.xaml and look for line 62, then PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml and look for line 26. Set Mute="True" to Mute="False". Save and close both xaml and you should now have sound. They are disabled by default.
  22. You can easily change the colors if you open the xaml files. I have everything clearly marked so that you can change multiple things. I wouldn't be able to add the # of games due to the limitation of the view.
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