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Everything posted by shadowfire36

  1. i updated to the latest Retroarch 1.20 and LB 13.18. I'm not sure what changed but i cant seem to launch my NEO-GEO set with final burn alpha 2012 core . I went to the retroarch settings and double checked the settings they still look correct SNK NEO GEO MVS core= fbalpha2012_libretro, default emulator checked , extract roms = unchecked SNK NEO GEO AES core= fbalpha2012_libretro, default emulator checked , extract roms = unchecked I went and installed a separate retroarch with only the fbalpha2012_libreto.dll core and it works , but i didnt want to have 2 separate emulators t runnning . If any one has the time i could use some advise on what to check to get this corrected
  2. thank you kind sirs appreciate the help
  3. I have had this software since like 2016.. give me a little credit on i know how to use and not as a noob I know how to import roms , im telling i went through the wizard and that how it came out i didnt import one rom , these are things that have JUST started since my last update .. thats why i posted things have been a little unusual minor things happening I have never imported to all .. these has been a weird update fellas
  4. no i cant right click there are no options to make changes , i added a dreamcast rom last night and the all Icon changed to dreamcast
  5. i didnt have an .xml in there with "all"that was the 1st thing i checked , which i thought was weird
  6. its greyed out , i cant make any changes to either categories, there are not any options to edit or delete
  7. it removed one if i uncheck it , if i re-enable its adds one back
  8. Not sure why this update did this, but i now have two categories for under platform "All" ... anyone know how to remove this double entry ? I looked the .xml flies cant seem to find anything to remove
  9. that did it ty
  10. its a specially modded version that allows naruto ninja 4 to be played in English it does not have a version build number
  11. I recently updated my Launchbox to 13.16 . Now that i have I am getting an error message from dolphin emulator stating "Unknown long option 'version'" Im not sure what changed but I cant seem to get rid of this error message from opening on launch box
  12. I have been trying to write a .bat to convert .7z files to .CHD.. it sort of works i can get the zip files to drop the .7z files into .ISO's , but thats it.. it doesnt seem to convert the other part of the .bat which is to change them to a .CHD can anyone take a look and see what im doing wrong in this ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%i in (*.zip *.7z *.rar) do ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%%i" if errorlevel 1 goto fail del "%%i" ) for %%f in (*.cue *.gdi *.iso) do ( chdman createcd -f "%%i" -o "%%~nf.chd" if errorlevel 1 goto fail del "%%f" del *.bin del *.cue ) echo Done! goto :end :fail echo Error! Stopped :end -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. I got them from " The internet archive " search there. then go in the system folder for retroarch and place it there
  14. wouldnt it make more sense to be able to copy over an already built setup from a windows machine to copy it over with the dll's?
  15. @Jason Carr so i was wondering would it be possible to run big box using photon ? I have seen tutorials where people are running the windows install for PSN the steam by adding some .dll to the directory. I was thinking is it possible to possibly to the same for launchbox ?
  16. I have my big box setup to run thru steam-link , but when ever i run standards Windows pc games The controls do not seem to work for that game. So for example I have Samurai Shodown i can use the XB1 controllers to navigate through Big box menu and select the game , once it switches to the game it looks like it defaults to keyboard input only ..there a way to change this so i can keep my xb1 controllers on the remote machine ? ?
  17. this is my setup hope it helps, i have switched to flycast works a lot better these in the retroarch than demul
  18. since i updated last week , i keep getting this error when i try to scroll thru my tools>manage>platforms this is the message i get and its reboots my pc, any suggestions Dispatcher processing has been suspended, but messages are still being processed. App: LaunchBox Version: 12.13 Type: System.InvalidOperationException Site: IntPtr WndProcHook(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Boolean ByRef) Source: WindowsBase at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.WndProcHook(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 11:06:21 PM Exception
  19. Thanks ,, that did it !
  20. do you know how i can get this core ? i cant find an older core release anywhere .. i have never installed the core until recently
  21. i have read around people having issues with launch issues with video issues , which i have double checked and do not have set it to on , but has anyone else had issues ? i cant seem to get anything working , either with zip or unzipped files . I have the bios files in the correct place so im kinda of out of ideas after going through the youtube video
  22. yea im good with new beta , seems to have issues with d3d9 causing the issue
  23. yea i have turned those on and on , you know i get what your saying with the window , but i cant seem to do that from my phone
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