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Everything posted by emko

  1. Is there a reason the db has so many developers names for the same developer? like BITS, Bits Corp, Bits Corporation, Bits Studio Iguana, Iquana Ent. , Iguana Entertainment Shiny Entertainment, Shiny Entertainment, inc. etc and also two devs in the same name just adding even more to the list, like Acclaim, Virgin Interactive Browsing by developer becomes tedious because now you have to check each one to see what the developer made
  2. can't they make bigbox browsing async so that user input all ways takes priority and anything else is second? like scrolling fast just priorities smooth scrolling and let the stutter happen for when loading the images/details etc, i wouldn't even mind a delay on loading the details/images/videos if the navigation becomes smooth. right now i even get issues where it lags a bit and the details get jumbled up with another games information and video until i go up or down and back on the game name.
  3. has anyone looked into this?
  4. if you can't fix the issue can you at least make it so we can sort games with missing images that way it makes it easier to select all of them in one go instead of scrolling around to find games with missing images.
  5. your plugin causes this error to happen on another plugin
  6. some fast mockup of what i want to do i want to remove the game details view instead have just a games list - pressing ENTER on a game on the list would launch it and if it has other version it would ask what version to play same if it has more then one emulator - show each games achievements and users progress showing unlock and letting users move over each one to see the name and points value - i really don't like the current hidden menu system - if game has no achievements show a block of images instead, maybe screenshots - make the action buttons into images like rating when user is over it should open up a rating menu, pressing enter on favorite and completed are buttons so should toggle between their states - options button would give you all the options like view images, manuals etc - for some systems like arcade where there is no box art i want to have it show something else or change up the view so that the video takes more of the left over space
  7. launchbox just downloads everything i just don't need multiple box images its just a waste of space any idea how i can prevent this? i do understand if there is no other image then yes it should get the other region image until the DB does get your region https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/33462 the images are labeled correctly so why is it also downloading European image? https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/24364 this one gets 3 image one NA EU and JP...
  8. oh i don't think LB DB accepts fan made clear logos only the actual games logos
  9. something strange, with playlists i was not getting any images to show up for recent added/played on the platforms list also you can't even change the image type with the key B like you can on regular platforms, i always remembered this working fine before in BigBoxSettings.xml <GameImageType>3d Boxes</GameImageType> changed it to <GameImageType>Boxes</GameImageType> and now its working, what is this setting for? for default image type? also maybe could you add like a text indicator to what View/Image type you just changed to this is a issue when you setup your image types to also include other types when that type is missing and for some platforms you can't tell what image type your on other then the clear logo type. Thanks
  10. how do i click to update when the Welcome box is sitting on top of the yes/no box ?? i can't click to close it as the update box is probably in focus or something? anyone? edit nvm i just used bigbox to update it
  11. yes that should also be a option to hide all games that don't meet a rating but also make it so it does show and just asks for your parental code to play, i don't mind the kids seeing a list of games its not a problem for me but i guess it could be for others.
  12. was going to try that but that adds so much work and how do i make it launch one or the other from Kodi without a keyboard/mouse? i think it wouldn't be such a big deal if it just didn't let any non rated games to be played and if able to add a option after unlocking to set a rating or not that way you wont have to unlock the same games for the kids anyways. yes to me its better to block any unrated games then not have a parental control, as a community i am sure we can come up with a way to fix the games pre ESRB and games that never got rated actually looking at http://www.esrb.org/ratings/search.aspx i can't find any system missing other then arcade systems
  13. ESRB is fine why do we need to use anything else? yes if a game only came out in a different region we can just adjust their rating to fit into a ESRB and for older games there really was not that many non kids game on the systems i have emulated and the few i can manually add a higher rating and rest leave at E. So if a game is not rated and the kids want to play it at least the password box will pop up and they can ask me if they can play it and in the unlocked option maybe have a set ESRB rating or something or remove from parental control. They could add more fields for other rating systems but would it really be needed? is ESRB that much different then say PEGI or others? if so yes maybe add all of them and let user choose what they want to use and what to default to if yours is missing
  14. I really need a way to block the kids from playing games that are not for their age, can we a have a way to limit play to a ESRB rating and blow ? and if a game is rated higher it just asks for your unlock password ? maybe also if game is not rated its also blocked Please Thanks
  15. why not just show random images from the Fanart - Background folder for that platform instead of looking for random games with fanart? for playlist i can see that could be a issue but why not check what platforms the games belong to and randomly go between their Fanart - Background images? anyways i just picked the fanart images for my playlists and platforms so its good now but i did like random game fanarts
  16. ohh so old method is still used for full screen image viewer and thats why it still works there? there are many i was noticing black backgrounds hard to find them when your looking since many games have multiple background images EDIT: NEVER MIND THIS IS DIFFERENT BUG for these platforms it seems to load a random fanart background which is good but randomly it won't load any image, i was monitoring the file access and when i get these black backgrounds Bigbox is not loading anything
  17. bigbox bug some background images render just black but it does render when you go to view images fullscreen, i opened the image in photoshop and saved it back as a jpg again and now its working problem is there are many images like this that just render black as backgrounds. example https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/78276 add this game and you will see the snake background image will be black and the other one will show fine. i don't remember this happening before
  18. anyone else getting issues with bigbox going in-front of opening games or when closing a game losing control of bigbox it until you alt+tab, seems like it just started happening with latest beta
  19. no everyone gets this as every downloads the same metadata.xml from the server when getting data from GAMES DB has anyone looked into fixing this? there is no reason removed/replaced artwork should still be in the metadata.xml that we download unless you guys forgot to code it so that it removes them after moderators replace/remove artwork.
  20. @Jason Carr i tried going back to beta 2 but beta 3 got auto installed on launch and its working now no issues any more Thanks
  21. for many games i think removed images are still getting downloaded check out The 7th Saga on Games DB page it shows only 1 front and back box images yet Launchbox shows it has 2 for each the ones that show on Games DB looks higher resolution so i think they replaced lower resolution versions. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/267 this happens with many games i see it download lower quality image for the same image type and then it also gets the current version on the DB page some how the images are still up on DB and are still getting added to the metadata check it out <GameImage> <DatabaseID>282</DatabaseID> <FileName>c6ff8c67-784c-4332-b63b-5f8e8fa0de89.png</FileName> <Type>Box - Back</Type> <Region>North America</Region> <CRC32>3289524567</CRC32> </GameImage> <GameImage> <DatabaseID>282</DatabaseID> <FileName>8a69a7d1-811b-4b67-9458-541f6e044ff3.jpg</FileName> <Type>Box - Back</Type> <Region>North America</Region> <CRC32>3183130013</CRC32> </GameImage> this happens for many many games and is why we get so many duplicate images another example https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/266 <GameImage> <DatabaseID>281</DatabaseID> <FileName>73a521ba-fe83-411f-82b6-2549282d5d9b.png</FileName> <Type>Clear Logo</Type> <Region>North America</Region> <CRC32>3478377684</CRC32> </GameImage> <GameImage> <DatabaseID>281</DatabaseID> <FileName>6cce8998-3810-48b6-8201-f86e745e3f3b.png</FileName> <Type>Clear Logo</Type> <Region>North America</Region> <CRC32>2273608529</CRC32> </GameImage>
  22. OP is right lot of these images are wasting space they compress easily without much quality loss because they are mostly simple in terms of details not something like a photograph with lots of detail, maybe current images could be reduced in quality on the server and when users upload images, then on Launchbox ask if users want full uploaded quality or reduced quality but smaller file size. Yes this might take up a bit more server space but i bet many users will want to smaller file size especially when you can't really tell the quality loss and even then most of the images will be viewed from a distance and at smaller sizes on screen.
  23. beta 3, if i click wait for program to respond after like 5 min BigBox does open also when i close BigBox the bigbox.exe stays open preventing of opening bigbox or launchbox until i end task it.
  24. beta 3 big box wont launch, adding a startup video does play but stops responding after a while and crashes have to restart explorer.exe to get back windows start bar and end task bigbox.exe, Launchbox does work as normal.
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