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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. Does this work for any resolution monitor or do you have suggestions to make the bezels fit on a 1440p monitor without black space between the game and bezel?  The bezels them selves are all 1080p resolution, but that is the same aspect ratio as 1440p, so they should scale fine no matter which application you use them with.

    In general, what is it doing?  I see there’s a png and cfg file for each game/bezel. Is the png image size static or does it shrink/stretch based on the system where it’s installed? As I said above, the image should scale. Does the cfg file change the game’s play area? The cfg file does not change the play area specifically, but it will strip out any override if you leave the option 'Overwrite existing platform bezel cfg files' set to 'Yes'. Does the bezel project change any other Retroarch settings besides the png and cfg files they drop? See previous answer. Or are these bezels meant to be used with some specific settings from the video section around resolution or aspect ratio?  I would check to see if you have any core overrides in effect that would cause the play area to be scaled incorrectly. If you don't find any, I would just bring up a game with the bezel and go into the Video options, then play around with the aspect ratio option and/or custom scaling numbers. Once you get the look you want, save a core override.

    MAME is similar. The lay files should set the correct aspect ratio and play area, but if you have any custom settings saved under MAME, you may have to delete them, or play around to get the look you want.


  2. My Windows port for The Bezel Project's Retropie script is ready for open beta. The app support Windows installations of native/standalone MAME, Retroarch, and RocketLauncher.

    While the app is in beta, it will have a rolling, 30 day expiration period. Also, after the app leaves beta, there will be no expiration and I plan to post the source code to Github.

    Note that you should backup any existing configurations and the app is not responsible for nuking your computer (really, it should be fine, but always backup!)

    If you find any issues, please post a message here in the thread. I will attempt to get back to you within 24 hours.

    One final caution, any process involving downloading, installing, disabling, and/or enabling the MAME bezel pack can take a while to complete, so be patient.

    Here is the download link (temporarily on my Google drive). The final app will be hosted on our Github account.


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  3. If you are adept at writing Windows batch files, you could create one that you call from Launchbox instead of the emulator directly. From within the batch file, parse the command line to know which rom you need, then use copy or xcopy to copy the file from the locally reference cloud location to some local directory. After the copy is done, call the emulator from the batch file and point it to the newly copied file(s).

  4. 1 hour ago, pharmacisticus said:

    Hey sorry to jump this old thread.

    But to those who are using the happ rotary stick, is it still usable for other games?
    I'm about to start making a controller and want to know if I can use a rotary happ as the main joystick and still enjoy games like Street Fighter 2?

    Is the rotary lockable? or is it always on, does this affect normal 4 or 8 way gameplay.


    Funny, I had the same question because I want to upgrade my existing controller's joysticks to Happ, possibly. Hopefully someone with experience will jump in.

  5. 19 minutes ago, CaptSpeirs said:

    Could you please explain this to me like I am a six year old or I guess in this day and age a 60 year old? I tried to figure out what you meant and I think I'm close, but it didn't work right.

    If you read page one of this thread, there are step by step instructions by myself and ateb, using two similar approaches of manually integrating the files into a Windows based RetroArch installation.

  6. 13 hours ago, vincez28 said:

    much appreciated thanks

    I just remembered I do happen to have the a number of templates for many other systems, including Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Wii, WiiU, and WiiWare. I have updated the zip file and contact sheets above.

  7. 1 hour ago, vincez28 said:

    Thanks alot dragon57, i really appreciate it. will there be more coming for other systems? n64, gamecube, wii, wiiU....? do u do each game individually or do use a program to import to template like art tools AutoKustom?




    I have had to step away from the scene for a while because of family commitments, so nothing from me for a while. I only posted my zip because I already had the files ready to go and wanted to help out.

    I use a combination of one off processing in Paintshop Pro, Autokustom, and some custom written ImageMagick scripts to create my logos.

  8. On 1/22/2019 at 12:06 AM, vincez28 said:

    is there a complete set of blank console silver ring clear logo? like atari2600,7800,Nes, Snes, Sega genesis at the bottom so i can add my own game logo's to it?

    I have a number of blank templates posted in the download section, but not all in one place. Attached are what I have used in my own collection.

    Note: Many of these from from Viking's original archive, other user's archives, places around the 'net, plus my own creations. I gathered them here for ease of use only.




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  9. The setup/update does overwrite files. If you are having issues doing an update, I would suspect an anti-virus app may be interfering/locking files. I have had this same issue on one of my systems in the past and at least for me, temporarily disabling my AV app before trying to update solved the issue.

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