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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. 2 hours ago, Flope said:

    Thanks again for taking your time to help me. I will check the documentation. 

    My question regarding the bezels wasn't related to the bezel itself but the game display. 

    I have a 16:9 screen and I see that the bezel is in full display when I turn it on, but then it covers the sides of game. With other bezels, I just adjust manually the position and size of the display. Is that something that we will need to do manually?

    Doh! Now I am realizing that.....should I display the game in 4:3 format and I will be fine? I think I play all my games full screen stretching to 16:9. 

    If you set the video options to use 'core provided' scale, everything should auto-scale and look correct in its original 4:3 aspect ratio (for most retro systems). Some handheld ones have a different aspect ratio, but we try to take that in to account when the bezels are made.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Flope said:

    Thanks for your reply.  I am using retroarch 1.8.1 (the latest right?)

    It could be some override. I will keep trying to pin the problem. I need to understand better how the hierarchy of cfg files works in retroarch. Any pointers?

    To be sure that I understand the project correctly, the bezels should show up in every game automatically, but would the size of the display and position need to be changed manually?


    Yes, the bezels should automatically display when you start a game. As long as your display has an aspect ratio of 16:9, you should be good since the cfg files assume scaling the bezel to full size.

    You can search for how cfg files work in Retroarch, but basically, it reads the main retroarch.cfg first, then it searches for a core override, then a game override. Mixed in with this are core, game, and global options and mapping files. You can read the retropie documentation here which is pretty much the same on Windows with just path changes: https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/RetroArch-Configuration#hardcoded-configurations

    I will correct my earlier comment about changes starting in 1.8.x. After reading a ton, 1.7.8 was the revision when they changed how shaders were read and saved.

  3. 1 hour ago, Flope said:


    First of all, thanks for the great work. I love the idea of the project. 

    I am trying to use the bezel project in windows with retroarch. For now, I am trying SNES (snes9x_libretro) but it is not working for me.

    My games are a "No intro" romset and matches the config file names. I think, at some point in the chain of configs, one of the config files may not do its work.

    I will use as example "Final Fight (USA).zip" .Here it is how  my config files look like:

    In "\config" I have "snes9x_libretro.cfg" with the following lines regarding overlays among others:

    menu_show_overlays = "true" 
    overlay_directory = ":\overlays"
    input_overlay = ":/overlays/Super-Nintendo-Entertainment-System.cfg"

    In "\config\Snes9x", I have all the cfg for the games including "Final Fight (USA).cfg" with only one line:

    input_overlay = ":/overlays/GameBezels/SNES/Final Fight (USA).cfg"

    In "\overlays", I have "Super-Nintendo-Entertainment-System.cfg" with these 4 lines:

    overlays = 1
    overlay0_overlay = Super-Nintendo-Entertainment-System.png
    overlay0_full_screen = true
    overlay0_descs = 0

    in "\overlays\GameBezels\SNES", I have all the pngs and cfgs for each game including  Final Fight (USA).cfg with the following lines:

    overlays = 1
    overlay0_overlay = ":/overlays/GameBezels/SNES/Final Fight (USA).png"
    overlay0_full_screen = true
    overlay0_descs = 0

    The overlay does not show up in the game. However, if I go to the quick menu, "Onscreen Overlay",  I can see the the config file is selected and, If I switch on the overlays (off by default), the correct game overlay shows up on top of the game. The display would need to be adjusted to fit within the overlay. 

    Is that the expected behavior? Will we need to activate the bezels manually and adjust the display size and position?
    Am I missing something?

    Initially, I used the web app to do this and later I used the BezelProject-Windows from github. I am not sure if that could have messed something up.




    All of what you list and describe looks to be correct. Not sure why things are not working for you. The only rule is the rom names MUST match the cfg file names in ...\retroarch\config\<core name>\.

    What version of Retroarch are you using? I have been reading on the Libretro forums of various issues related to core overrides, overlays, etc. Version 1.8.x and newer have a lot of changes.

  4. 1 hour ago, vgbox said:

    @dragon57Sure thing. Examples taken from Launchbox window, (Arranged by: Region):

    Bezels are showing for:

    Sonic the hedgehog (north america, europe)

    After burner II (north america, europe)

    The jungle book (north america)

    Bezel not showing for:

    Sonic 3 (north america)

    Streets of rage III (north america)

    Golden axe III (europe)


    PM'ed you my MD directory list right now.

    Your roms for Megadrive do not appear to be a standard No-Intro set. The names are not matching like they should, which is the issue. I recommend trying to find a standard no-intro set for megadrive/genesis and trying that. An alternative is renaming your existing roms, but you have so many more than what is needed with so many different versions that doing so will be a chore, even with renaming utilities.

  5. 3 hours ago, vgbox said:

    I uninstalled mega drive bezels from BP and installed them again from BP. Now, Most roms i try don't show any bezels, only a small minority do. What's next?

    If you can, please provide me with the listing of your mega drive rom directory, archive it, then send it to me via a PM. Also, please provide me with a couple of games that do seem to work and a couple that don't. I'll then setup a test on my end and try to figure out what is going on.

  6. 45 minutes ago, vgbox said:

    Done, but now games don't show overlays at all.


    Try reinstalling a set of bezels for Retroarch and see if they show up. During installation the app modifies a core cfg file to enable things. If the system bezels you reinstall still doesn't show, we can debug from there.

  7. 4 hours ago, vgbox said:

    @dragon57On second thought... Aren't renaming is a solution only for roms that does not show any bezels at all (black sides)? All my roms show bezels.

    Again, my problem is that One wrong bezel (of other game) is displayed in many different games and that bezel is of bugs bunny genesis game.

    So i thought maybe its a retroarch wrong configuration and entered RA and found the bezel in the settings:

    Onscreen display>Onscreen overley>Overley display>bugs bunny in double trouble

    What is this setting for? What should be configured here? Is renaming all rom sets still the solution?

    Ah, gotcha. Yes, that is probably the issue.

    To fix, make sure Retroarch isn't running, then edit the retroarch.cfg file and search for the line with config_save_on_exit, then change the value from true to false. Next, search for input_overlay and remove the value from between the quotation marks. Save and exit your editor. See if that helps.


  8. Even with me giving you some pointers on what I use, no utility is guaranteed to rename the files 100% correct every time, so you will have to play around with them and get a handle on how things work. Here is a video that I used to get going:

    If you don't have access to the Hyperspin download link, just Google for it and you should be good.

  9. 2 minutes ago, vgbox said:

    Got it. I downloaded "bulk rename utility", can you tell me what do i need to set there in order to rename the cfg files in the RA config folder?

    Sorry, I don't use that particular utility, so I can't help with it, however, hopefully someone else can. You might want to post a new thread in the correct section of the forum for help with it.

  10. 14 hours ago, vgbox said:

    I installed bezel project for windows. Standalone mame bezels work fine. Retroarch cores rom bezels are mostly miss than hit, i tried genesis and SMS:

    1. For genesis, wrong bezels (of other game) are displayed for most of the times.

    2.  For SMS its worse, bezels are also not covering the whole sides or covering parts of the game itself.

    What am i doing wrong?

    Should RA or the cores be configured specifically for the bezels to display correctly? Specific display configurations?

    Does bezelproject only supports roms from one region? 

    Where are the bezels saved?

    All my console rom sets are of no-intro. All the the RA cores i use are the once that BP recommends.


    I'm a bit lost here.

    Thanks in advance!

    The main config files the installer puts in place are in ...\retroarch\config. There should be sub-directories with names equal to the Retroarch core names. These directories contain cfg files that point to the game specific cfg and png files under ...\retroarch\overlays\gamebezels.

    If the bezels aren't showing up, the problem is generally a name mis-match from your roms which need to map directly to the cfg names. There are different no-intro roms set that exist, with some names that differ from the version used for the bezels. The naming is a moving target, so you may always have mis-named items that need manual 'fixing', either by hand, or by using one of the many mass renaming utilities available.

  11. 4 hours ago, Sonkun said:

    Is it possible to get these bezels without the borders? I like keeping my games in their original aspect ratio without curvature and would like to just have the pictures fill in the empty black spaces on the sides by itself.

    You should be able batch process to remove the border. I have been told others have done it. Basically find a program that can batch the images by first creating a selection rectangle the size of the border, cut that selection, save. Save this as an action if using Photoshop. Record a script if using Corel Paintshop Pro, etc.

  12. 14 hours ago, coolspot said:

    Any plans to incorporate the Bezel Project as a plug-in into Launchbox itself? The fact that bezel name matching is so strict is a problem... but if Bezels were stored as metadata in Launchbox, the actual name of the bezel would matter less. 

    The current system when it works, works great, but at the same time is also very fragile due to the naming convention as well as the potential, in Retroarch to overwrite the configs accidentally.

    At this time, there are no plans on integrating the project files as a plugin. Now that the Windows port is finished, the team is back to creating missing bezels for the systems we haven't addressed yet. After those are finished, who knows? No promises though.

    Having said that, others are free to write a plugin that pulls assets from our Github repository.

    Finally, I really recommend you get comfortable with your renaming utility of choice. You are always going to have issues with certain art assets being named differently to what you want to integrate with, roms included. I use two different utilities and use them all the time because names constantly change in the No-Intro camp, for example, plus other so called naming standards for the more recent systems that No-Intro doesn't address with dat files.

  13. 9 hours ago, martijnsx said:




    I tried the bezel project for windows. For MAME it works without problems. Each rom has a standard name.

    For the consoles it is a hit and miss. I read that you have to use the NO INTRO rom sets. The problem is that these rom sets have multiple versions of the rom in a set. For example super mario bros exists in a USA and a EUROPE version. And sometimes there are 3 or even 4 versions (like JAPAN, etc)

    The downloaded files from the bezel project seem not to be limited to only USA or only EUROPE. For one game it uses the USA version and for another game it uses the EUROPE version. 

    How can i ever match all the rom files to the bezel files? What do i do wrong?

    Another question, if the rom and bezel files names do not match i get nothing (black bars) and not the generic Nintendo or Sega bezel. Where can i change that if no bezel is found that the generic bezig for the system is used?


    There are so many versions of no-intro sets, and rom sets in general, that it is impossible for a bezel pack to match everyone's rom set. That is why we recommend using one of the more popular renaming utilties like Fatmatch, Don's renamer in his Hypertools set, etc.

    Are you using my V1.0 Windows utility, or the older Web installer V1.4 or V1.5?

  14. 21 minutes ago, cleverest said:

    Anyone figure out how to get around Retroarch's bug of not SAVING CONFIGS anymore when exiting or manually once GAME-SPECIFIC bezels are used on a game? I had to go to system specific bezels, not game ones because of this....

    Only my arcade MAME collection has game specific ones for this reason.

    According to the Libretro team, that isn't a bug. It is as designed. You must save your config to a new one, then replace the old with the new.

    Having said that, I agree that it seems like a bug, but there isn't anything to do at the moment. Arguing with their team will just get you banned from the forum.

  15. I recommend you use the Final Burn Neo core versus the old FB Alpha core, however both should work.

    You should be able to load a MAME game after your step 6 above. If everything installed correctly, no further  config is required.

    You are using my most recent V1.0 of the Windows installer, right? The older web installer V1.4 and V1.5 is no longer used or supported.

  16. You shouldn't be specifying the rom cfg, e.g. sonicwi3.cfg. You should point to the cfg the installer created for the core in the config directory.

    If you have separate settings like shaders, etc., you should create a core override. If you don't want to use core overrides, but modify the cfg the installer created, Retroarch will not allow you to modify it. You must save out a new cfg for the core after first loading the cfg the installer created, exit Retroarch, then delete the original and rename the new cfg to the old name. It is a pain, but it is the Retroarch works if you have a game overrride, which is basically what all the rom cfg files are.

  17. 12 minutes ago, SierraFOOL said:

    I have checked this with the game sonicwi3.zip in my game folder. i have a sonicwi3.cfg and a sonicwi3.png in this folder X:\Emulators\Retroarch\overlays\ArcadeBezels, but it doesn't load the bezel. Is it possible, that my core override for my shader overwrite the bezel standard config

    It is possible. Honestly, the best way to debug an install is to create a fresh Retroarch installation with one core to start with, then install one matching bezel set, then run the new retroarch and do a basic run to see if the bezels show.

    The only thing that can keep bezels showing up are the name of the roms must match the name of the cfg files, and the name of the directory created under Retroarch\config must match the name of the core.

  18. 58 minutes ago, G22 said:

    These are all the ones missing from the official pack. Also find SPORTS, RUN & GUN & PUZZLE in page 16 of this thread, I haven't made those but I think they're awesome and gave me the idea of continuing in this way. I've made all of these because I'm sure a lot of people search these. Actually all of these are needed if you created the playlists with LB Mame importer. Hope you like ?

    Arcade 2-Player Games - Grey.png

    Arcade 2-Player Games.png

    Arcade 4-Player Games - Grey.png

    Arcade 4-Player Games.png

    Arcade Ball & Paddle Games.png

    Arcade Beat Em Ups.png

    Arcade Board & Card Games.png

    Arcade Fighting Games.png

    Arcade Flying Games.png

    Arcade Maze Games.png

    Arcade MultiGames.png

    Arcade Platform Games.png

    Arcade Racing Games.png

    Arcade Shooter Games.png

    Pinball Arcade.png

    Thanks for your contribution. Also, all those, and more, are in this thread a few pages back which are contained in a zip file.

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