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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. 42 minutes ago, wyzrd said:

    I'm thinking of adding a config.ini that saves your RetroArch path, Custom 7-Zip/WinRAR path, and Selected Theme.

    Right now the program uses a Windows %AppData% temp file to store the config (that's how these C# programs save settings by default) but it is lost when upgrading Stellar to a new version and you have to redo your settings each time.


    @Retro808 @Mizar @JamesBaker @Rincewind @dragon57 @neil9000 @spectral @TheMadMan007 @Mizar @Daliant

    That's a great idea! I'm all for it.

  2. You don't say what type box you want to create, or if you plan to create a lot, or a few.

    If you only plan on making a few, this online one works pretty well: http://ronenness.github.io/3D-Box-Shot-Maker/

    If you plan on making a ton of them, something like Boxshot V4 is very capable, but also pricey, IMO.

    You can also use any 3D modeling app like Blender to create shots (there are many YouTube videos that walk you through it).

    • Thanks 1
  3. I use the following workflow when wanted to do something similar. I use DAEMON Tools Lite to mount the mds to a virtual drive. You can then use your favorite tool to create an iso image from the virtual drive. Once you have an iso, use the batch file you referenced.

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