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Everything posted by Asparky

  1. The Clones have started already. It looks like Nintendo have shot themselves in the foot.......LOL On a side note, watch out for Malware in those Clones...
  2. The end has Happened, Yuzu and Citra are dead. Watch the Other Emulators slowly go now!!!!!!!!
  3. As stated in the Report that has been placed "Nintendo's lawsuit, if successful in court, could set a new precedent that would have worrisome and far-reaching implications for pretty much every other emulator developer out there." There also further reports, stating they are also going after PPSSPP. Link to one of the reports: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/02/how-strong-is-nintendos-legal-case-against-switch-emulator-yuzu/ Link to Court Papers Issued by Ninendo: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24444407-nintendo-sues-yuzu-emulator
  4. With the up coming court case, Nintendo vs Yuzu, could mean the End of Emulation. Nintendo is tying to prove that Emulation, encourages Piracy and their company is losing money because of it. This is typical Ninendo, they have tried to get Rom Sites hosting their Roms shut down, but that hasnt realy worked, so they are now going after Emulation....
  5. Sorry, you guys shouldnt be discussing this here, as its for reports on Beta Testing. Should be on the Emulation Forum.
  6. Asparky

    Been Away

    Hi All, I can only appolgize for my lack of any posting over the past couple of months. I have been very ill, after suffering a Heart Attack, which resulted in a quadruple By-Pass. Thankfully I am now the Mend, It will be a slow process, but I will be back. Thanks for a great community. Andy
  7. ETAPRIME has done a great Video, on how to set everything up:
  8. To tell the Truth, I would be happy to Pay £200, for a Life Time Licence.The Project is going from Strength to Strength and that’s only because Jason can spend his full time on it. Jason needs to make a living and it’s a good thing for all of us, that he is producing something that everybody can enjoy... instead of moaning and groaning about it, enjoy what we’ve got, in these times at the moment, we do need to look after each other, not to put People down.....
  9. How much do you spend on Booze for a weekend? Do you smoke, how much is a Packet of Fags now? Just remember, cut down on these things for a Month and then you would have enough Money for your License...........
  10. https://www.mymydiy.com/diy-arcade-cabinet-plans/
  11. Heres a Guide on how to set everything up. Hope it helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsP65OSOvX0
  12. You can make Windows 10 look like Windows 7, by using a Program call Classic Shell. Ive used it, since moving to 10, as I didn’t like the Tiles View.
  13. You should think yourself lucky, Jason takes time to Develop LB / BB and releases updates.... If it was Hyperspin, you would be promised the Earth and would still be waiting 5 Years down the line....
  14. Asparky

    Mame CHD's

    I see you've got me, in that screen shot......................
  15. The Torrent used to direct the Downloads from the Dome of Pleasure, but these have been removed as well......... Remember Google is your Friend............
  16. Everything seems ok now.. Downloading as we speak... Maybe there’s a time out, if you put the wrong password in?........
  17. I've given up for tonight now. Will try again tomorrow and report back.
  18. I've tried again and its still saying its unable to login?
  19. Is there an ongoing Problem, with Syncing to Emu Movies? I've reset my Password on their Site and can log on there no problems, just cannot Log on Via Launchbox, to update my Media.
  20. @Rincewind Just a short Ferry Crossing Away..........lol
  21. Ryde, Isle of Wight...... 7 Mins Walk from the Beach......
  22. That set is really old: MAME 0.62 was released on 12 November 2002.
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