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Everything posted by Opak

  1. Here are the updated german files. I downloaded them on monday, i hope they are still up to date. LB 6.9 language-de-de.zip
  2. LaunchBox Premium enthält jetzt Spracherkennung für LaunchBox und Big Box! Attract-Modus ist jetzt für Big Box verfügbar LEDBlinky wird jetzt unterstützt
  3. Finally i could create an EmuMovies Account and have seen a mistake in the Download Images Wizard Form:
  4. German: Trailervideos können jetzt für Steam-Spiele heruntergeladen werden. Big Box Designs unterstützen jetzt benutzerdefinierte Plattform-Grafiken. Verbesserter Support beim Importieren von Multi-Disc Spielen.
  5. Hey @Jason here is the translation: Welcome to LaunchBox RELEASEVERSION! Willkommen zur Release-Version von LaunchBox Here are the biggest changes for this release: Das sind die größten Änderungen in dieser Version: See the changelog under the Help menu for more. Sieh dir das Changelog unter Hilfe an für weitere Informationen If you appreciate LaunchBox, please Like us on Facebook and help us spread the word! Wenn dir LaunchBox gefällt, like uns doch auf Facebook und hilf uns es weiter zu verbreiten! THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL BETA RELEASE. DIES IST EINE INOFFIZELLE BETA VERSION. Please do not distribute this version of LaunchBox, as it is not an official release and could be broken. Bitte verbreite diese Version von LaunchBox nicht, da es keine offizielle Version ist und evenutell Probleme bereiten kann. See the changelog under the Help menu for further details on the changes for this release. Sieh dir das Changelog unter dem Hilfemenü an um weitere Informationen und Änderungen zu sehen. Please report all issues that you run into using the Report Issue option under the Help menu. Bitte melde alle Probleme die dir auffallen über "Problem melden" im Hilfemenü. Thanks for using LaunchBox! To get started, you can: Danke dass du LaunchBox verwendest! Zu Beginn könntest du: Install or Import MS-DOS games MS-DOS Spiele importieren oder installieren Import your games from Steam Spiele von Steam importieren Import your ROM collection Deine ROM-Sammlung importieren See what LaunchBox can do Dir ansehen was LaunchBox sonst noch kann Support LaunchBox! Unterstütze LaunchBox!
  6. Hi @Jason I checked the files now and made some minor fixes. But there were only some new phrases in the Strings-File (Monitor Hz). So i'm not sure if the german files were updated, i thought there were more new phrases. But maybe i'm wrong. Anyways the updated files are attached. Jason Carr said Different image types can now be specified for each platform Big Box custom themes and views are even more powerful A default Rocket Launcher emulator configuration is now included Thank you once again guys. Verschiedene Grafiktypen können nun für jede Plattform spezifiziert werden Benutzerdefinierte Designs für BigBox sind jetzt noch umfangreicher Eine voreingestellte Rocket Launcher Emulator Konfiguration wurde hinzugefügt
  7. Cool, that's nice to hear. We don't want you to run out of work
  8. Yea you are right, but what i meant is, to make BB for casual users as easy as possible. They just need to plugin their Xbox Controller and everything is already set up perfectly and intuitive and they get advanced controls (flip cover, search-function etc.) shown on screen. People that use an arcade board already have the options to set it up, so you don't take anything away from them. I'm no programer, but couldn't you just give every button function a fixed place on the screen with an (replacable) icon next to it. And add an option to toggle the overlay, maybe? In my stupid mind it sounds not that complicated
  9. Yesterday i had a friend of mine using my BigBox. He had no idea how to correctly navigate through the menu. I realized how uncomfortable BigBox is, if you are not familiar with it like we all here are. And to be honest, i wasn't sure with all the controls either. So i came back to the idea to implement an Button Overlay for the controls in BigBox. I guess most people use an Xbox Controller on PC. So why don't you make the default settings perfect for that controller. A wise man once said "My goal with LaunchBox is: Easy! Easy! Easy!" :D Here is an example: If you're crazy enough you add an option to replace the Icons, so people can use their own controller Icons. And maybe make the controls menu more visual. Not exactly like this but you get the idea: Tell me your opinions about it and maybe we get Jason to implement something like that.
  10. They just linked me to their partner program http://www.kaspersky.com/partners/whitelist Maybe you should give it a try. One requirement for that made me laugh: "Company’s software must not advertise or promote third-party software or web resources, unless they are used as a launch platform (like Steam or Origin)."
  11. I don't know, i had always good and cooperative experiences with them. At least with Kaspersky. You can submit the file to their lab https://newvirus.kaspersky.com/#page-02 mark it as false positive and they will reasearch it. If it's clean they will update it. It's in their own interest to not have false positive finds i guess. And maybe they can give you an advice on how to avoid those false positive finds. It's all about connecting with those companies. There is a AMA on Reddit atm on https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4uueqa/we_are_kaspersky_labs_global_research_analysis/?st=ir4vsh1o&sh=959ef71f Let's see if they answer me :D
  12. And i thought i'm the only person using the german version :D But i'm glad to see that everything seems to be fine now.
  13. Isn't there a way to contact those companies for that case so they can whitelist you or something like that?
  14. Yea that's what i used to do. I had just some suspicious things going on today, so i installed it to check everything. Then it will be removed again :D Common sense is the best anti-virus, i didn't expect that bigbox is a virus.
  15. I've just installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus and it says BigBox.exe is a virus. HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic
  16. @Jason Everything looks fine now! But it seems that i have overseen two lines. If you could change the "welcomeWizardPage.Text" in the "DownloadMetadataWizardForm.resx" to "Willkommen beim Wizard zum Herunterladen von Metadaten und Grafiken". And in the "ImportGamesFromSteamWizardForm" it needs to be changed to "Willkommen beim Wizard zum Importieren von Steam Spielen" for the official release :) See you later in stream
  17. I have another question, "$this.Text" in the OptionsForm is empty. It's also yellow marked in Zeta. Should i name it "options" in english or leave it blank? EDIT: btw. there is another word that gave me headache. Automation. I ended up calling it "Hotkey" in german, cause if you translate it nobody would get what is meant. EDIT2: I just filled it out ($this.Text) to complete the files now. I had to delete a huge amount of data. The files are now 50% smaller than the latest version and 75% (!) than the last edit i made. So i hope i did nothing wrong again and everything does fine. Sorry again for the trouble i caused. And for any further translators. NEVER EVER open all files in Zeta Editor. This will save you and @Jason a ton of work...
  18. I have another question. There are now many lines that have a german text but no english text. Should i clear those?
  19. @Jason Wow, the files are completely messed if i open them file by file. I can't let you release them as they are now :D I will completely redo them on the weekend. Sorry again for all the unnecessary work you have spend on that. @Wattoo Yea "Scrape as" is not translatable to german as well.
  20. If it's only the "$this.Text" this should be no problem. I just need the latest file.
  21. Hey @Jason, i don't know how this could happen. I just opened all .resx files with Zeta Resource Editor, filled out the german column and saved it. Sorry if i caused problems. I don't know what to change now, to be honest. If i open OptionsForm.de-DE.resx and OptionsForm.resx all seems to be correct.
  22. Ok i went through the whole files now and made alot of changes. Have fun with it @Jason , i heared you like to work on translation things EDIT: Can't upload it here, it's 0.1 MB too big I'll send it to your Email.
  23. Jason Carr said @Opaklopper any word on this? My apologies for all the delays from my end and everything. However, I'm thinking it might be best to push the German translation off for the next official release instead of 6.3, mostly because I really need to get 6.3 out. I can put out a beta shortly after the release of 6.3 with the German translation re-enabled and then we can work through the issues. @Jason Oh sorry i forgot to reply. Yesterday i made a ton of changes, i will do the rest now and in about 5-6 hours it should be done. But there will be some work for you to adjust the forms, i guess. I don't mind if the german language isn't in the official release. Just put it out if it's ready.
  24. Hey @Jason I discovered some new translation errors where i was quite sure i couldn't make such a huge mistake. For example, "Launchbox is downloading..." was translated to "We are asking our Community... Would you like to vote now". So i checked the old files and and compared them to the updated ones and found out that there went something wrong with files that aren't used anymore. Like the voting stuff. So before i just edit it i wanted to let you know, maybe this helps you somehow.
  25. @Jason mettwurst discovered another bug. If clicking on "Tools>Download new Images and Metadata" the MS-DOS Wizard opens up. Have a good night, and hopefully i make it to the stream then.
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