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Posts posted by JaysArcade

  1. If anyone has got The Pinball Arcade or Zaccaria Pinball to load tables standalone, I'd love to hear about it. Zaccaria supposedly has cab support but I've not delved into it, and information about it is hard to come by.

  2. 1 hour ago, MadK9 said:

    I will add this though, with FPinball i had the lost focus issue, and i scratched my head for ages with it, but i was running no Bezel, and put in a bezel and that seemed to fix it for me, 

    That's good to know. I don't have bezels enabled on mine and do occasionally have to click a table to gain focus when they load. I'll have to try enabling bezels and see how it works for me. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, MadK9 said:

    I have Future Pinballand Pinball FX (no steam)  working fine in Rocket Launcher with Bezels, Just gimmie a shout if ya need some help.

    Cool. Maybe the Rocketlauncher guys updated the script to work with the newer FX2 tables, but I couldn't get it to work when I tried. I created a launcher for Future Pinball but I use Rocketlauncher now for that system, as well as Visual Pinball.

  4. Yeah the newer (ahem) non steam versions of PB fx2 don't allow for you to select a table externally like that. I know because I tried it. I tried an older version that I was able to get working, but it works via a script (Google search for Nukelauncher) that goes into the table selection screen and automatically selects the game for you. I think Rocketlauncher did this as well but with its own interface and it only worked with the older versions of fx2. I was unhappy using the old version because it didn't have all the tables, so I have the Steam version now (bought it during a sale) and had to send them an email asking them to unlock cab support for my copy. I had to send them a picture of my arcade cabinet so they knew I wasn't trying to resell it. Since they unlocked my copy I am now able to launch tables stand alone without the fx2 launcher. Unfortunately, for fx2 (Soon to be fx3) this was the only way I could figure it out.

  5. I'm the guy that made the Future Pinball Launcher. Glad it works well for you guys. Unfortunately Visual Pinball is not as simple to set up. For that I use Rocket Launcher, which is also not a simple thing to take on if you've never used it, but once it is set up, it works great for launching VP tables. I've come to the conclusion that the Launchbox team does not have much interest in any form of virtual pinball. That goes for the watered down pinball database, as well as making tables simple to set up. Maybe that will change in the future, but until then we are stuck setting all this stuff up the hard way. Sorry for the bad news. 

    If there is any of interest in it, I might make a Visual Pinball/Rocketlauncher video tutorial, but it might be a while. There's another guy here that has done several rocketlauncher/launchbox tutorials. He goes by the name @pipes78. Maybe he'd be interested in making a VP/Rocketlauncher tutorial. I'm not sure if he is a pinhead though, so if not, you'll have to wait a bit for me to make one.

    • Like 1
  6. Just voted for it. That ticket is a little different than what my request is however. I just want to be able to see an app displayed like Jukebox, KODI, PLEX, Etc, alongside the main platforms, and when you click it or enter it via your main button in BigBox, the app immediately opens without going into a subwheel at all. If this happens, it doesn't matter if the subwheel loops or not because you won't see a subwheel. A lot of people say to just create a platform named Jukebox, KODI, PLEX or whatever it is you want to launch, add the app to it and launch it from there which is fine, but when you do this, you are just inviting the looping subwheel that says Jukebox (or whatever) over and over when you enter that subwheel. This is not a fix for this situation. As far as I know Hyperspin will also loop the same logo over and over if you set it up this way. However, Hyperspin has a launch executable from the main wheel option that will allow you to avoid this. Not sure why Launchbox can't be programmed to do something similar.

    • Like 2
  7. Here is a link to the instructions that helped me to record the few themes I was interested in. "Go into HyperHQ and set the wheel style to horizontal and the wheel Y to 1024" This will get the wheel and text off the screen so you can grab the theme without any wheel logos or anything else being in the way while recording. You still may need to go into folders and delete transitions and stuff so they don't overlap into any of the themes. Make a backup first so you can revert in case you delete something you shouldn't.


  8. Not sure how Cid or Riffman do it, but I have just been setting the screen size for Hyperspin in HyperHQ to be larger than my actual screen. I can't remember but you might also need to change the wheel transparency to 0. This way all the Hyperspin text and menus will be either off screen or invisible and not show up in the recording. I then start up OBS or similar and fire up Hyperspin and go to the theme in question and let it record. There might be a fancier way to get a higher frame rate or something but this has worked for me for my own personal use. You also might need to do something to keep transitions and sounds from appearing so you can get a clean recording. I can go into more detail later if anyone needs more help but its kind of hard to do from work.

    Edit: This is of course manual and one by one. Not a batch process, but if you are desperate......

    Edit 2: See link below for further help with recording themes.

  9. 2 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    Yeah, hopefully that comes before the 21st of the month as that is when my yearly premium expires. Would hate to be left on a beta rather than a official release. :)  

    Wow, really surprised a moderator here doesn't have a lifetime license. I would think a small nod of appreciation to the mods for their work here would at least be a lifetime license, but then again, I guess that is none of my business. 

  10. Pretty sure I read a RL changelog that said Arcade and Arcade Classics were added to be compatible with Launchbox. I once tried something like Arcade Lightguns and RL would have nothing to do with it but my platform named Arcade works just fine with RL. Maybe something has changed recently with the RL plugins to be more name friendly?

    This is part of the problem with Rocketlauncher. It seems that everyone has a different experience with it. I love it though and couldn't do without it.

  11. Very cool. I have only been to Auckland on a 6 hour layover to Australia. My wife sells travel to Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific. She has been to NZ several times but I haven't got to spend any time in NZ yet. I did get to stand under the Sky Tower and see people jump off it though! I'd love to be able to go down there some time for 2 or 3 weeks and do some tramping.



  12. 11 hours ago, Zaazu said:

    You might need to rename Arcade to MAME for it to work by default in rocket launcher.

    Sweet, new bezels! Don't quote me on this, but I think RocketLauncher will accept Arcade and Arcade Classics as acceptable names now.

  13. I like it. Hard to think of something original these days. I did something similar for a pie based bartop I built this spring. I went with the Starfighter marquee theme from the movie the Last Starfighter. I had a guy over on BYOAC that does commission work re-create it to say Retrofighter. 

  14. I just I just keep expecting ol' George to say Zaazu's Bezels! Zaazu's Bezels! instead of Zuzu's Petals. I can't be the only one who thought this the first time they saw your Zaazus Bezels thread, LOL.

  15. Glad to see you working on these again. They are my favorite bezels to use. I bet these wouldn't be too hard to use in Retroarch for anyone that wanted to try.

    Also, whenever I see something about your bezels, I always think of this scene for some reason...


  16. Nice. Since I open almost everything throught LB with Rocketlauncher, its cool to be able to right click and select launch with to bypass Rocketlauncer if I want to. Not that I'll ever want to, but is still neat to have that feature to remind me of what a lot of people are missing without RL.

  17. Not to sound like a hater (is that what the kids are saying nowadays?), if you are looking for decent pinball support, I would look elsewhere. Can you get pinball to work with Launchbox? Yes. Is it easy? No. Also, the database leaves much to be desired. You'll need to find and load all the media manually and there are no fields to display table authors or special art categories for back glass, DMDs, etc. But that's just my take on it.  

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