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Everything posted by elliot763

  1. Hey @Vlansix, I was thinking of updating it but haven't really had the time. You are more than welcome to put up a fixed version of it if you'd like .
  2. Hey Jason, I don't know if this has been reported yet but I've noticed lately that when going back (from game menu -> game list OR from game list -> platform list). Sometimes the wrong video and/or background will load and then I can't go back again until I move up or down. For instance, I was just scrolling through my PS1 games and then hit back to go to the platform list. The wheel showed the PS1 clearlogo as expected but the Dreamcast video was playing. If I hit the back button at this point to open the options menu nothing would happen. I would have to first scroll up or down to another platform (which would load the correct media) and then hit back to open the menu. I was messing around with it to try and find out how to repeat the issue but it seems to happen pretty randomly (but frequently). I'll let you know if I can figure out a way to reproduce it. Thanks EDIT: It looks like if you scroll through a list and then select an item quickly before the new media for that item loads, when you return to that screen this issue will happen.
  3. Hey @flores9, glad you got it working. Excel should be able to read and parse the .csv into columns correctly without any additional steps. I'm not sure what would cause it not to do this automatically. It has always worked fine for me using Excel 2013. Here is a link I found that might help. Any extra commas should be ignored since the column data is surrounded by quotations. If you can't get it working in Excel, Google Sheets seems to work for me too.
  4. Awesome! Gotta say that I wasn't super interested in voice control when you brought it up in the live stream but that demo makes it look super cool! A couple of suggestions you've probably already thought of: - It would be nice if it gave you a quick suggestion when the confidence level for a command was too low.. Like "Show Playstation" -> "Did you mean Show Sony Playstation?" -> "Yes/No" - I think a mapable voice command button would be useful. So instead of saying "Launchbox" before every command you could just press a button and the command window would open Awesome work man, keep it up!
  5. Hey @flores9, Is the log file (LaunchBoxInfoUtil.log) created at all when you launch it? It should show up in the same directory as soon as you run the program. If so let me know what it looks like. If not, try running the jar from command prompt and see if it is giving an error. You can just open the folder with the program in it in Windows Explorer, type 'cmd' into the address bar and a command prompt window should come up, then type 'java -jar LaunchBoxInfoUtil.jar' and press enter.
  6. I liked the last one a lot and enjoyed this one for the most part, but for some reason it started to feel like a chore to complete towards the end. Maybe it was the difficulty not being challenging enough to keep my interest but I don't know. It's definitely a better game than the last on paper (better graphics, more developed mechanics) but overall it didn't seem to live up to my fond memories of the last one.
  7. I think I've heard Jason mention that he keeps everything relatively portable and in the Launchbox folder so that it is easy to sync with Dropbox. I don't personally use it but I don't see why setting up the Launchbox directory in Dropbox wouldn't work. Personally, I share the drive that Launchbox and all of my emulators/roms/media is on from my HTPC to my local network so I can just access it directly from my laptop anywhere in the house but that wouldn't work for you wanting remote access.
  8. @lordmonkus, unless you are really interested in the using the headphone jack on the controller, connecting a DS4 over bluetooth and using InputMapper or DS4Windows works really well and is far more customizable than this will most likely be.
  9. The touchpad already works as a mouse using InputMapper or DS4Windows and even supports multi-touch features like 2 finger scrolling. I've tried it out with DesMume some and it works fine, but is SUPER useful in general when playing with a gamepad on PC in cases where games support most controller functions but still require you to click something occasionally, or if you need to click on a different window to change focus, etc.. It's the main reason I use DS4's over other gamepads on PC. Really the only feature this claims to have that isn't already supported by those programs is support for the headphone jack and speaker on the controller which could be pretty cool if they implement it well. As for PS Now, last I heard it was really overpriced on PS4 and the library was pretty limited. Has anyone here used it and like it? I would gladly pay to play some of the Sony exclusives on PC without waiting for RPCS3 to come around but the subscription model is off putting to me.
  10. You can get 3 by resetting the CurveAmount and then setting the VisibleCount parameter to 0. Not sure about 2 other than by moving the wheel higher or lower so that one of them is offscreen.
  11. No problem @8Phantasm. @Rincewind, exactly.. I came across this trying to put together a super minimalist platform view and had the exact same thought about using arrow GIFs
  12. If you edit the platform view (so LaunchBox/Themes/Default/Views/PlatformWheelImageDetailsThumbsFiltersView.xaml for instance, whichever you're using), find the coverFlow:FlowControl item, and set the CurveAmount attribute really high (like CurveAmount="100"), the extra clear logos will be drawn offscreen so you won't see them anymore
  13. Good to hear @Rincewind! I still think I can make some improvements so it doesn't scale so poorly to large libraries. Out of curiosity, how long did it take? Could you compare the timestamps on the first and last entries in the log if you still have it?
  14. Hmm, ok.. Yea your library is about 8X larger than mine so maybe it's just taking a while, but I still wouldn't see it taking anywhere near a couple of hours like you said for your first try. I did make an efficiency improvement as well in this version so hopefully it won't be so bad.
  15. Hey @Sithel and @Rincewind, sorry again about this not working for you. I just uploaded a new version which also creates a log file that will hopefully allow me to figure out where it is hanging. If either of you have a chance to try it out and let me know what is going on in the log I would appreciate it. Thanks
  16. Sorry to hear that Sithel . The only time I've had the program hang was when I ran it over my network (from my laptop to my HTPC), it was still working just MUCH slower so I killed the process. I really should add at least some simple logging so I can tell what is happening if others are having trouble.
  17. Thanks, @Jason Carr! I added it to the new downloads section.
  18. LaunchBox Game Info Utility View File What it does: Reads your LaunchBox.xml file to get the list of games and their properties Counts the number of Videos and Images by type (Box - Front, Clear Logo, etc.) for each game by looking through the Videos and Images directories Writes all of this data to a single CSV file which is created in the LaunchBox directory How to use it: Place the LaunchBoxInfoUtils.jar file in the your LaunchBox folder (same folder as LaunchBox.xml) Double click the JAR file (You may have to install a JRE and add it to your system path if you don't already have one) A new file, GameInfo.csv, will be created in the same directory, which you can open in Excel or any other CSV editor and filter as needed (for instance, you can filter out games that have 0 in the "# BoxArt(Front)" column to see which games need Box - Front images) Notes: As implied above, I threw this together quickly (a couple of hours) for my own use, so it is tailored my own library and may not work with everything (for instance, I don't have Steam games in my LB so I didn't include Steam Banners). So I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but I'd be happy to add features if there is interest Again, I haven't put a ton of time into this so currently there is no feedback when you run the program (no logs, no status window). The only way you'll know it is done is when the CSV is created. So if you run it and nothing happens after a while (it runs for my Library of ~2000 games in < 5 seconds) you may want to open your task manager and check that the Java process isn't running in the background and eating resources (kill it if it is). Let me know if you love it/hate it/have suggestions.. I'd be happy to improve it if it's helpful to the community Submitter elliot763 Submitted 08/13/16 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  19. Version 1.0.1


    What it does: Reads your LaunchBox.xml file to get the list of games and their properties Counts the number of Videos and Images by type (Box - Front, Clear Logo, etc.) for each game by looking through the Videos and Images directories Writes all of this data to a single CSV file which is created in the LaunchBox directory How to use it: Place the LaunchBoxInfoUtils.jar file in the your LaunchBox folder (same folder as LaunchBox.xml) Double click the JAR file (You may have to install a JRE and add it to your system path if you don't already have one) A new file, GameInfo.csv, will be created in the same directory, which you can open in Excel or any other CSV editor and filter as needed (for instance, you can filter out games that have 0 in the "# BoxArt(Front)" column to see which games need Box - Front images) Notes: As implied above, I threw this together quickly (a couple of hours) for my own use, so it is tailored my own library and may not work with everything (for instance, I don't have Steam games in my LB so I didn't include Steam Banners). So I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but I'd be happy to add features if there is interest Again, I haven't put a ton of time into this so currently there is no feedback when you run the program (no logs, no status window). The only way you'll know it is done is when the CSV is created. So if you run it and nothing happens after a while (it runs for my Library of ~2000 games in < 5 seconds) you may want to open your task manager and check that the Java process isn't running in the background and eating resources (kill it if it is). Let me know if you love it/hate it/have suggestions.. I'd be happy to improve it if it's helpful to the community
  20. Hi LaunchBox community, I'm still fairly new to LaunchBox and while trying to get all of my images and video for my games sorted out I found myself wishing for an easy way to find which games were missing videos or certain image types. So l threw together a quick program to help myself and thought I'd share it here in case it helps anyone else. What it does: Reads your LaunchBox.xml file to get the list of games and their properties Counts the number of Videos and Images by type (Box - Front, Clear Logo, etc.) for each game by looking through the Videos and Images directories Writes all of this data to a single CSV file which is created in the LaunchBox directory How to use it: Place the LaunchBoxInfoUtils.jar file in the your LaunchBox folder (same folder as LaunchBox.xml) Double click the JAR file (You may have to install a JRE and add it to your system path if you don't already have one) A new file, GameInfo.csv, will be created in the same directory, which you can open in Excel or any other CSV editor and filter as needed (for instance, you can filter out games that have 0 in the "# BoxArt(Front)" column to see which games need Box - Front images) Notes: As implied above, I threw this together quickly (a couple of hours) for my own use, so it is tailored my own library and may not work with everything (for instance, I don't have Steam games in my LB so I didn't include Steam Banners). So I can't guarantee that this will work for everyone, but I'd be happy to add features if there is interest Again, I haven't put a ton of time into this so currently there is no feedback when you run the program (no logs, no status window). The only way you'll know it is done is when the CSV is created. So if you run it and nothing happens after a while (it runs for my Library of ~2000 games in < 5 seconds) you may want to open your task manager and check that the Java process isn't running in the background and eating resources (kill it if it is). Let me know if you love it/hate it/have suggestions.. I'd be happy to improve it if it's helpful to the community Download: Here Thanks, Elliot
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