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Everything posted by Solo187

  1. Theres a volume knob?
  2. Hmm just noticed there is no sound when videos play either
  3. Yes its all set up as it is in launchbox. Strange
  4. Hi, When a .sid file was selected as music in Launchbox it would play when you either clicked on the game in the library or selected play music, But in Next it does nothing. Same for .nsf .mod & .spc
  5. Yes, it also allows the use of Amiga mods & Nes nsf's as music. Possibly other formats but those are the ones ive tested. How did you not know? Lol. Its a great feature!
  6. launchbox.next no longer allows playing of .sid files for music. I could reallly do with this feature back as i spent weeks adding the sid music to the individual games!
  7. Thanks for the replies but i know all that already. Id just like a simple button to clear all meta data. I dont want to remove wrongly scraped roms. I just want to remove the wrong data without having to do it all by hand. When you have shed loads of wrongly scraped roms for systems like the c64 & they don't exist in the database its kind of a ball ache
  8. This is something i'd find really useful. Especially when fixing wrongly scraped roms. A simple button within the rom edit screen to clear all attached data. With the option via tick box maybe of including the media also. This would save alot of time rather than deleting each field individually by hand.
  9. Ok so i have c64 covertapes that im importing into launchbox. Each tape is stored as an individual folder ie Powerpack #01 (commodore format covertapes) & Inside the folders are the individual .tap files of the contained games. So when i import using folder names as game titles i get 64 roms listed as powerpack 0-64 respectively. Ok, so far so good. Only thing is the additional apps (the individual games in the folder) are all named after the folder too instead of their actual name. So when i right click the listed title i just see 'play powerpack version...' 4 times. Instead of 4 seperately named games. How can i import with folder names as titles but have the individual files inside the folder listed with their proper names?
  10. I dont know what kind of things can be accomplished with these new plugins, But a way to use actual game music formats for music instead of mp3s would be great. That way you could use your own vgm collections for the game music. Eg for c64 a sidplay plugin to be able to use HVSC. You would have music for every c64 game. Or a deli/exotic music player plugin for the amiga. Vgm for genesis, SMS, Gamegear. NSF for nes. SPC for snes etc. There are many video game music formats & full vgm collections are quite easy to come by on the net. This way you could have music playing for pretty much all your games
  11. Also, Scan for added roms doesnt seem to work when the original roms were added using the 'use folder names as rom titles. How do we use this option also when scanning for added roms?
  12. @Britxcdn for the most part it seems to be working now. Except for Amiga. Still cant mass scrape music for this platform
  13. Seems to be working now for everything except music. Music returns an error during scrape
  14. Yes this is happening for me too. When selecting all & trying to update metadata and images. Nothing is downloading from emumovies. No covers, music etc. Yet when i select a single game & edit, Then download media. It shows all are available & downloads fine. Really dont fancy going through every game individualy downloading the media
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