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Everything posted by Temp

  1. This was going to be shipped to him a long time ago from the States but the import fees were too high, he probably needs to search in Canada which I believe he does quite often.
  2. Temp


    This little game looks fun to me, http://chasmgame.com/
  3. Temp


    Lol I thought it was Jason, it may be hot but you guys rocked it from what I can see from the The GameChasers vids and twitter page!!! Can't wait to see the Vlog!
  4. I got one too
  5. Temp


    Just wanted to wish Jason and Brad a big Howdy from my home state and hope y'all have a great time in Arlington. It's not that hot here @Jason Carr lol!
  6. Temp

    Hurry up!

    Hope im not old or dead by the time this is released: http://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-could-feature-a-huge-living-city-and-seamless-multiplayer/
  7. Temp


    I agree with what@lordmonkus just did by removing it, but my question is directed toward the father, why would you post all of that on an open forum. That to me is almost as wrong as lying to begin with about getting the Crack version of LB and then being dumb enough to ask for help with it on the legit forum. If you actually look at the email addresses for what you posted it says they all go to one spot so I know you saw at some point they did this. Just own up to it and drop it already. Kinda stupid to keep dragging it out.
  8. Ahh ok, I understand @hubz, sorry it sounds like a very daunting task
  9. I don't know that much about the database but is there a way to "turn off" submissions until the DB moderators can do a clean up on it? Or is that a terrible idea? Noob here lol.
  10. Very nice
  11. Temp


    I am not saying you or anyone are bad but you definitely have other ways of resolving it instead of arguing with a jackass who is just going to deny it over and over. No point in feeding into it.
  12. Temp


    I have to say as a bystander this is funny from both ends, this guy is being shady and yet y'all are feeding the hostility. If you feel that strongly about this why don't you just block him from the forums since you have access to everyone's IP address. All he is doing is making people who are normally super helpful and professional look bad and bring y'all down to his level. I get the irritation, obviously he is lying but again don't stoop to his level. He is intentionally arguing the point to make you guys look bad. PS And as an edit, dude really changing your name on the forum after the fact is not helping your case!
  13. Yeah he definitely learned his lesson today, he has a great laptop, an ASUS ROG one. He hopes he can get everything going again because he's a Zelda crackhead lol. We both appreciate y'alls help and your time. He's got a long night. Thanks again
  14. Well your suggestion didn't work so he is going to get a new version of Demul and try that, the Project64 one, he hasn't decided whether he is going to update it or just get Mupen64 instead. He just told me "Mom the struggle is real" lol.
  15. Yeah he knows, he's still new to all of this. If it wasn't for this forum and all the kind people here he wouldn't have learned so much.
  16. Ugh, so many issues lol. Hopefully that's not it and your suggestion works. If not I guess Windows jacked it up.
  17. Yes they aren't loading in stand alone or through LB.
  18. It's weird cause after he did the LB update today some of the games loaded again but after he did the driver update earlier it fixed the haze but now none of the games will load in either of those emulators. So confused lol, he's going to try @Maddoc1007 suggestion. We will get back to y'all.
  19. Still doesn't load all the games in stand alone.
  20. Thanks for the suggestion @Maddoc1007. We will try that.
  21. Demul and Project64
  22. Well the video driver update fixed the haze but unfortunately a lot of his games still don't load. He has some work tonight, if anyone has a suggestion as to why they aren't loading please share, .
  23. He is going to try and update his video drivers like Zom mentioned, if that doesn't work we will be back lol. You guys are the best for all the help y'all give. He appreciates it so much.
  24. This morning my son ran updates for Windows 10 on his laptop now when he tries to launch games half of them wont load through Launchbox, the other half have a lot of haze and its like looking through a black veil. He tried to go back to a previous restore point before the updates but it is still not loading all of his games, we searched on the forum but didnt see anything about anyone having an issue similar. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  25. I love the cd look like a jukebox
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