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neil9000 last won the day on July 16 2022

neil9000 had the most liked content!

About neil9000

  • Birthday 12/20/1977

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128-Bit Self Aware

128-Bit Self Aware (7/7)




Community Answers

  1. Your disappointed that your stolen and illegal software doesn't work, and come to the official forums for the people who's software you stole from expecting help?
  2. What format are you roms in?
  3. Ah, well Launchpass is completely unofficial, you would need to ask over there in regards to issues setting it up.
  4. What is the path and file structure, maybe you can show a image of windows explorer open to a psx game folder?
  5. Codemasters. So much diversity over a 38 year history, from spectrum games like Dizzy and BMX Simulator, the NES era of Micro Machines, to this years F124, there are hundreds of games in their back catalogue across many genres.
  6. This is tough, but i have gone with the games that either formed my love for gaming, or i just played a ton of, so not exactly "the best" but the games that mean the most to my gaming journey. (also added a bonus number 6 as its not really retro yet, but i adore it). Treasure Island Dizzy (ZX Spectrum) yes im a child of the UK home computer boom of the early 80's. F-Zero (SNES) Wave Race 64 (N64) Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (N64) Burnout 3: Takedown (XBOX) Bonus more recent game: Ori And The Will Of The Wisps.
  7. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/7654-hexen-ii https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/results/jazz jackrabbit Not sure what to tell you other than check your file spelling, as the games you mention are in the database, Hexen 2 is under its correct name of Hexen II for example.
  8. Thats not true, basically all roms come with () in them, if that meant they wouldnt import then no Launchbox user ever would of been able to import any games at all apart from Windows games.
  9. That would imply that as previously stated those games were already imported, the reason the zips show and import is because they are no longer .gba files so are considered different files completely.
  10. You have a very strange commandline set in your Dolphin entry, id start by deleting that and seeing what happens.
  11. The point of a merged set is just that, that the files for different versions of the same game are "merged" into the one file (likely just called "dino" if the USA rom is "dinou"). Sounds like you dont have a correct romset if a version is missing, or you are using the wrong version romset with the wrong version of the emulator maybe? The way Launchbox works is it doesnt pass the physical rom to mame, it tells mame the file name and mame finds the rom itself. Where are your roms actually stored, and what does your commandline for mame look like in Launchbox?
  12. You wont receive any help getting roms here, which is why the previous post was edited, to delete links to illegal materials.
  13. FBALPHA no longer exists, you need to use fbneo these days, double click the core name and choose the correct one.
  14. In your first post you showed this image, Where the platform is called "SNK Neo Geo CD" but in your associated platform image here, That platform does not exist, so it needs adding, just double click the empty cell at the bottom and type in the platform name.
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