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Everything posted by percybuttkins

  1. Some of us just stalk the thread. And please buy this guy a beer. The fact he is keeping this up is amazing.
  2. Have you looked through your launchbox and steamlauncher logs?
  3. Thanks! Looking forward to trying it out this weekend potentially!
  4. I am curious though.... When you have the time.... What is steam doing that continually borks this though. Nielk had the same issue if I recall with steam changing how the shortcuts are handled... Just curious out of all the things steam needs to work on.. Why does the code regarding these shortcuts keep changing... More curious than anything.... On a side note... I'm assuming I can block steam from updating... Once this works I'd like to keep it working ?
  5. Ha, no worries... It's not your full time job ?. We just enjoy and use the plugin and take advantage of your knowledge! Thanks for checking into it!
  6. I'm also having an issue. The debug just shows and never progresses. The launchbox log shows Any thoughts Lahma? Not using steam beta and Launchbox/Bigbox just hang and then crash after. Thanks!
  7. Glad to hear that this is still progressing. Strong work!
  8. Here you go...weirdly it looks like it is using the directory from my Hello Neighbor game as my steam directory. My steam works fine...and my son has been playing Hello Neighbor...just weird. Heres the log. debug.log
  9. Hey Lahma, Just checked to make sure it was unblocked and no option to do so. No errors visible unless I'm in big box mode and not launching games at all where I have not changed any of the configurations from when it worked. Only error I get is the one I posted before. Also I am using the latest version.
  10. Thanks bud, was working perfectly for me until I just updated to 8.1....now keep getting error messages and want to go back to 8.0 just because of this app. Thanks again for the work! Heres the message I get
  11. Sounds like we are trying to do the same thing, only I'm throwing in the gamestreaming and you have all the skills ?. I tried to avoid steam rom manager for that reason as well, but it's the only reliable way to make it happen right now.
  12. Yeah, I've been trying to have launchbox as my frontend for about 2 years now. Would like to gamestream to it and then have access to the correct profile. Currently using steam rom manager with gamestreaming but prefer the look and feel of launchbox.
  13. Looking forward to trying it out! Thanks for the work. I've been using Nvidia gamestreaming with a shield tablet and an ipega 9023 to play games remotely. Getting old and tired is sitting at the computer. Full launchbox compatibility with steam overlay support would make it complete!
  14. Hrm, was just looking to test this out quickly but I never have compiled before. Anyone have a quick set of instructions to make it happen?
  15. Branching sounds great, easier to explain and promote as well as the bonus of making code simplified makes it seem like a no Brainer. I'm hoping to get some projects done today and check this out in the evening. You can hit me up on steam as well, username being Percybuttkins!
  16. Incredible and thanks for your work. Really looking forward to it and I know that there is a lot of interest in this through reddit, etc that I seen in the past. Would REALLY be nice to have that all in one frontend for the HTpc. I'll be excitedly awaiting the new alpha even though I'm trying to get the house ready to sell and may not be able to get to it immediately.
  17. The application was used by cammel and I and others to make it so that steam had an individual name for each ROM and that it would support the steam overlay. This allowed the controller configuration menus to be used so that you could load a profile for the rom and steam controller. Your friends would see the name of the rom you were playing on steam.,but that part was customizable. The individual name was important so that you can differentiate the controller settings on certain games.
  18. Thank you thank you thank you! I've been watching this thread and am looking forward to it. Haven't tried it but the problem isactually keeping me from using launchbox as originally I wanted an all in one frontend and lack of overlay support with steam controller hampered that. LookiLforward to it!
  19. Hey Nielk1, Still following your projects....any chance this will be able to incorporate importing non steam games that have already been added to steam to launchbox as as well? I have not been able to get anything working since the proxy that you had written, and now when I even attempt to open the proxy, it force closes. I have made bat files and then exes of my roms and then imported to steam and would like to use this to import into launchbox if possible. I'm still trying to get all my roms working with the steam controller while using launchbox as the frontend. Thanks.
  20. Working well, thanks! The bulk editor sped things up nicely. I have a new issue, but I will bring it up in another thread as it's not related. Thanks so much.!
  21. I did put them in a separate folder and tried to import but was locked up on the emulator path not being present. I'll try to remove the emulator details completely when I get home and report back
  22. Hey there, odd request but I'm trying to get exes to scrape under a system. All the commands to run the rom are in the exe, but as I try to import rom it will not allow me to continue without an emulator location. The reason I would like to do this is that I am trying to get all my roms working with steam overlay. I have not been able to get gameproxy working and thus have had to take my roms and create bat files which are then converted to exes and then added to steam. I then created desktop shortcuts for all the rom exes because it links to the steam address that pulls up steam overlay. The last step would be to import those shortcuts to LB so when it was launched it would pull up overlay. Any thoughts? Is there a way to set up a dummy emulator that effectively does nothing? Any help would be great Thanks!
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