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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. I'm finally getting back into Arcade Racers, so I've setup BigBox on my wheel rig. I'm using a Fanatec CSL 2.5 wheel on it. BigBox sees the Fanatec 'controller', but won't except any of the buttons or axis to map to BigBox functions. Tried clicking / unclicking the "troublesome controllers fix" toggle (that seems to specifically mention Fanatec devices), and that didn't see to do anything. If there something I'm missing here? Or does BigBox and Fanatec just not get along. thanks,
  2. I had this problem with beta 4, with a slight twist. If I started a game with my PS5 controller, with DS4Windows running, the BB video would keep playing in the background. If I launched the game with my Xbox One controller, I had not issues. (I was launching Dead Cells - Steam Game). In my head I blamed the PS5 / DS4Windows setup, not BB Beta, and just used the Xbox controller for that session. I'll have to go try Beta 5 and see what happens.
  3. I just re-imported my FinalBurn Neo sets last night. 1. Using the MAME importer will not work. It'll import the game last based on the XML it extracts from the MAME.EXE. FBNeo doesn't use this game list. There is some cross over. As Lordmonkus said, don't do this. Gauntlet Dark Legacy showed up in this list, and isn't even present in the FBNeo romset. 2. Checking the "Use mame metadata" button resulted in 35k games, and all the clones showing up in the list, and with the set name (not friendly name). So like, there were 20 version of gauntlet for example. 3. Not checking the "use mame metadata" button resulted in about 25k games, and the list was MUCH cleaner. Only one version of Gauntlet for example. I was working on my four player setup, so that's why I was looking at Gauntlet games specifically.
  4. I add platforms I enjoy playing, or enjoy looking through the crazy. Like VirtualBoy - I'll never play that stuff, but I enjoy watching it come it in attract mode as those games are goofy. Old platforms - say pre Atari 2600 - I tend to skip because they're just so bad. You can call a square block a hero, but to me, its still a square block. And "bloop bloop bloop" sound effects get annoying.
  5. My setup is like this... \launchbox\ <-- just for LB related stuff \roms\ <-- all roms, discs, zips, whatever goes here \emulators\ <-- all emulators go here \mame\ is the exception, as its its own beast LB glues everything together. symlinks, as Mcfly said, are a way to make multiple drives seem transparent. for example: \roms\collection "a" might be on the D drive \roms\collection "b" is actually on the E drive, but is symlinked to d:\roms\collection "b" so it appears to be in the \roms\ main folder I try to make everything as portable as possible.
  6. Thats crazy. I weep for your power bill. What is all of that? I've got like 12 TB of 'stuff' on my LB build, and I'm not really sure what else I'd add.
  7. Ok cool. Thank you!
  8. So if I sync the \launchbox\data\platforms folders as well (I do), all should be good?
  9. Hopefully this is an easy question. Is the LB and BB image cache folders portable between two independent Launchbox installs? I have two cabinets and I use a product called Resilio Sync to sync a bunch of stuff automatically between the two cabinets. I was thinking it would be nice to do the LB Images and Videos folders, but the change folders - hard to tell if they're 'unique' per install, or if I can just share them between the two. thanks in advance.
  10. autohotkey is what you're looking for. you can also use "launch additional apps" on a per game basis
  11. Dead doesn't mean it doesn't work anymore, dead means nobody is working on the core code. It doesn't work on currently supported, modern operating systems, correct? Last I looked, it was stuck at an older Windows 10 version, and if you upgraded past that version, HyperSpin doesn't work. I understand the community is still active (I used it for years myself), but I get the impression that active development on the core platform stopped years ago. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. HyperSpin is built on Flash, and is basically dead. So I don't think its a fair comparison to make.
  13. icons look cool. nice job folks.
  14. What I was hoping to do it somehow build an API / listener to allow external inputs to launch games in BB/LB. In my specific use case, BB install 1 on cab A could send a signal to BB install 2 on Cab B to launch a game. What I've got working right now is AHK key scripts, so you launch a game on Cab A in retroarch and it triggers Cab B to launch RetroArch in netpplay mode, basically starting up a 4 player game between two 2-player cabinets. It works, but its a little janky. And the LEDBLinky commands don't get send from BB on Cab B (I can do it via command line) and the game Maquee doesn't load on the marquee montior, because BB isn't launching the game. Totally superficial, but something I've been thinking about.
  15. Where can I get information about building / coding a plugin for LB/BB? Is there documentation somewhere? thanks in advance!
  16. From what little research I've done, its a new format that's better for WEB because its smaller / faster. It produces lower quality images - which makes sense. Its for WEB, not for local content.
  17. @Slybo I recommend learning to use something like CLRMAMEPRO or another ROM management utility. ROMS have known naming conventions (MAME, No-Intro, Redump, etc). And its mostly automatic once you get the appropriate DAT files loaded into the management utility (Dat-o-matic is your friend). (Re)Naming your ROMs to a known naming convention is a better approach than trying to get everything else to follow a custom naming convention. Just my $0.02 Good luck!
  18. Personally, I'd like the perception of randomness at the cost of true randomness. Meaning, I'd like the attract mode to show me more of what I haven't seen. And I completely understand without a database backing up what has been shown, this would be tricky, if not impossible. And it would cost additional cpu cycles (time). I doubt it worth the effort in the bigger picture. I think the "not going backwards" and/or "not starting from the beginning" would go a long way though. On super small lists - like under 20 or something - you could have an option to just increment by 1 or 2 places instead of a random spin that often ends up on the same entry. (meaning the random 'roll' will pick the number 1 or 2 to move the wheel forward that many places) Anyway, thanks! Fun to think about.
  19. Nevermind. I figured it out. Options - Views - Games List view was set to the text only value.
  20. I've got two install of BigBox on my cabinet that i just realized are not showing the 'clear logo' wheel images on games on all platforms. I just installed a fresh copy of BigBox and they're showing just fine on the new install - but on the older installs its just text. I switched to the "old default" theme and the images did display correctly - but switching to the "new default" and they're missing again. Tried resetting the theme to defaults and nothing. any ideas? this is on the latest version 12.16 thanks
  21. I didn't consider looking for a plugin. Thank you! I'll give it a try.
  22. On BigBox, I usually have mine set to the Platforms view. So every selection goes to a sub-menu, that includes the game list for that platform. I think I have a playlist or two displayed in the platform view as well. Is it possible to have a 'top level' item on the platform view to directly launch a program? (for example - FightCade or a Jukebox app) No sub menu, just directly into an application (or 'emulator'). I know HyperSpin can do this. But I've never seen a way to do this in LB/BB. thanks,
  23. I'd like an API to be able to remotely tell LB/BB to launch a game. (dual cabinet multiplayer netplay action). I have it working via AHK scripts, but an API to get LB/BB to launch it would be so much cleaner, and would allow it to fire up the game marquee and ledblinky support via LB/BB.
  24. I'll try it again to confirm, but I'm pretty certain its a hard crash - not a "stopped responding" scenario. There were a couple of other crash scenarios while working with playlists too, but I'm not sure how to replicate them on demand yet.
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