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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. That worked! Thank you so much.
  2. Launchbox Crash in 12.15-5 Steps to reproduce 1 In LB go to Playlists 2 Create a new Playlist 3 Enter a name 4 go to auto-populate tab 5 click auto populate checkbox 6 select 'title' 'contains' 7 enter a search parameter (anything seems to work). DO NOT HIT ENTER 8 click on 'games' tab this will cause LB to crash 100% of the time for me If you hit enter in step 7 before clicking the 'games' tab, it works as expected.
  3. How do you manually add games to a playlist. I can create a new, blank playlist, but it only seems to have an option for auto-generation fields. I don't see how to add games to it manually. Am I missing something? thanks
  4. False alarm. Its working fine. I screwed it up on my end. All good now.
  5. On Beta 4 - LEDBlinky doesn't appear to be lighting up the 'front end controls' from the platform list. If you select a game on the 'quick select' menu, it lights up the controls, or if you enter a platform the games all seem to work. But at the 'default' platform list, it doesn't light up the "front end controls' anymore.
  6. In BigBox - when you exit a game, it returns to the 'game info' screen. This seems to prevent BB from going back into Attract Mode - it'll just sit on the 'game info' screen forever. I often walk up to one of my cabinets, select a game - play for a bit, then exit the game and walk away. I don't hit exit twice to get back to the platform game list, or three times to get back to the platform list. And this leaves it 'stuck' in that specific game info screen. Is this a bug, or by design? I realize I can turn off / disable the 'game info' screen to eliminate this behavior, but I do use the 'game info' screen from time to time. thanks,
  7. Ya, I know you can do it with symbolic links. To build upon the idea, if there was an option to choose your cache folder / drive, there could also be a size limit. For those with smaller SSDs. Say at 50GB or 100GB start trimming off the oldest files or something. I'm guessing this probably isn't a problem for most users though, so might not be worth the effort.
  8. I see. So lots of variables go into that. Would it be possible to make the image cache location a user option? For example, let me put LB/BB on my spindle drives, and then the cache folders on my SSD as a comprise?
  9. Sorry to bump an old thread, but this seems to be relevant. If LB/BB is just going to cache images, there doesn't seem to be any benefit to downloading higher quality images. So a couple of questions. - What is the resizing target for images? Is it a static target size, or a percentage, or something else? - Which LB/BB image categories are cached? - Would it be possible to check the source image and do an analysis before caching? "if source is = target, don't cache" or something. I could see this being a mess too. - And finally, maybe just a mass processing button. "refactor images for performance" This is along the lines of if LB/BB isn't going to use HQ images, there doesn't seem to be a point in downloading and storing them in the HQ format. Just process them down to what LB/BB will consume and be done with it. That's my thoughts on the subject at least. thanks!
  10. Screen flopping (or flipping really) is a function built into arcade games, where MAME emulates that function for cocktail cabinets. There were never any cocktail cabinet consoles.. it was all on a single TV screen. So it was never meant to work that way. The games (code) doesn't have a signal / trigger to tell the emulator its time to flip the screen for Player 2. Now, if RetroArch (or other) has a way to rotate the screen, you could assign a keystroke to that and then use a shifted function to manually flip the screen when its appropriate for P2 (or P3/P4 for those crazy big modern four player cocktail cabinets). Or mount a discrete button. You could probably get an autohotkey script to trigger Windows to flip the screen too. Or the NVidia control panel functions maybe?
  11. I highly recommend learning how to audit your rom sets to match well known naming conventions. No-Intro (ROMs) and ReDump (Discs) are what most (if not all?) artwork is aligned too. CLRMAMEPRO + Dat-o-matic is a great way to quickly rename your set(s). RomCenter is another good one. Trying to align artwork to your unique rom set names is like shoveling sand against the tide.
  12. I checked versions I could find online - 10.11 (nope), 7.8 (nope), and 4.7 (before big box was released - so nope). On both of my cabinets, there is an entry in Task Manager - Startup for "BigBoxLauncher". I manually disabled it. See screenshot. 1) I would not have named it "BigBoxLauncher" (I would have simply called it BigBox) 2) I would not have hacked the windows registry to put the entry there. This is not the startup folder. I would have just used shell:startup folder. So while I understand folks believing "it was never there" - I have two cabinets (two independent Windows 10 installations, made years apart) with this in the TaskManager Startup location. What made these entries? I remember BigBox options screen doing it, and it was a little quirky.
  13. I tried installing an old version to see if it was there, but no luck. Just trying to start bigBox on a 10.x version tries to auto-upgrade to the latest, and canceling the 12.14 upgrade caused BB not to load at all. I swear there was an option in those older versions - but its not that important. I was just curious.
  14. Has the option for "Start Bigbox w/ Windows" been removed from BigBox? I looked through all of the options multiple times yesterday and can't seem to find it. I'm running the latest beta 12.15, beta 2. I can easily put a shortcut in the shell:startup folder (in fact, that's what I've been doing). But I remember there used to be a way to have BB do this for you - and my task manager: startup apps have some references in there from when I used to use this option. thx
  15. Fursphere


    In case anyone finds this thread (as I did), I put together an easier way to make this integrate with an existing setup. Windows 'symlinks' I put exodos in d:\exodos and ran setup.bat. Let it do its thing. I also put exowin3x in D:\eXoWin3x\ my existing launchbox is setup in d:\launchbox I used the following commands to 'symlink' the important parts of exodos into the existing launchbox setup without having to move or copy anything. This same approach works for exowin3x as well (see below) exosdos links... (File links) mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\MS-DOS.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Platforms\MS-DOS.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\eXoplugin.dll" "D:\eXoDOS\Plugins\eXoplugin.dll" (optional playlists - I prefer not to use these, but included them as they were mentioned in the Exo's instructions) mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS 3dfx Games.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS 3dfx Games.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with CGA Composite.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with CGA Composite.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with Gravis Ultrasound.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with Gravis Ultrasound.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with MT-32.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with MT-32.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with Sound Canvas.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Games with Sound Canvas.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Remote Multiplayer.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\eXoDOS Remote Multiplayer.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\Installed eXoDOS Games.xml" "D:\eXoDOS\Data\Playlists\Installed eXoDOS Games.xml" (directory links) mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\exo" "d:\eXoDOS\exo" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Images\MS-DOS" D:\eXoDOS\Images\MS-DOS mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Music\MS-DOS" "D:\eXoDOS\Music\MS-DOS" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Manuals\MS-DOS" "D:\eXoDOS\Manuals\MS-DOS" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Videos\MS-DOS" D:\eXoDOS\Videos\MS-DOS exowin3x links... (File links) mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Windows 3x.xml" "D:\eXoWin3x\Data\Platforms\Windows 3x.xml" (Not needed if you already did Exodos plugin) mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\eXoplugin.dll" "D:\eXoWin3x\Plugins\eXoplugin.dll" (optional playlists - I prefer not to use these, but included them as they were mentioned in the Exo's instructions) mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\Installed eXoWin3x Games.xml" "D:\eXoWin3x\Data\Playlists\Installed eXoWin3x Games.xml" mklink "D:\LaunchBox\Data\Playlists\Retro Learning Pack.xml" "D:\eXoWin3x\Data\Playlists\Retro Learning Pack.xml" (directory links) mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\exo\eXoWin3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\eXo\eXoWin3x" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Images\Windows 3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\Images\Windows 3x" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Music\Windows 3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\Music\Windows 3x" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Manuals\Windows 3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\Manuals\Windows 3x" mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\Videos\Windows 3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\Videos\Windows 3x" The only goofy one is mklink /d "D:\LaunchBox\exo\eXoWin3x" "D:\eXoWin3x\eXo\eXoWin3x" as it assumes the \exo\ folder in launchbox already exists, as it was created during the exodos links. One of the benefits to doing it this way is it allows the stand alone exodos launchbox setup to continue to function, and doesn't double the storage needs, as its shared with the symlinks. And symlinks can span mutiple drive letters if that's a consideration as well for you. anyway, have fun!
  16. Upgrade both of my cabinets to Beta 4. Ran BigBox for about an hour or so. Cab-a - BB process @ 1.2 GB Cab-b - BB process @ 800 MB Both felt response as well at this point. Not sure why there is a difference, but I'll take it. Memory consumption is much better at this point. Thank you!
  17. Is anyone else seeing the memory leak issue? Or is it just me?
  18. Ok, definitely a memory leak going on. Both cabinets running Beta 3. Cab - A - Intel i5 11400 cpu, 16 GB of memory. NVidia GTX 1650 Super GPU. Windows 10 BigBox startup memory usage approx 700 MB. After approx 1 hour running, it had jumped to just under 8 GB. Cab - B - Intel i5 2500k, 16 GB memory. NVidia GTX 660 Ti GPU. Windows 10 BigBox startup memory usage just under 700 MB. After approx 1 hour of running, it had jumped to 11.5 GB. Both installations are basically the same. "old" default theme, same number of platforms, same number of games. Both run LEDBlinky. Cab-A has a dynamic marquee is about the only difference. Let me know if you need logs or anything.
  19. I'm seeing a new behavior in Beta 3 on both of my cabinets. After around 30-60 minutes of the cabinets running BigBox in attract mode, they both seem to get slower in response to menu actions. Lag of some sort. The longer they sit idle in attract mode, the slower they get. I don't know if its a memory leak or something else, but they didn't do this in the previous 12.13 version.
  20. ESC / Back issue in BigBox appears to be fixed in Beta 2. Thank you!
  21. Think I found a bug. Just updated both of my cabinets. Now in BigBox - the 'back' (ESC is what I have it bound too) no longer works. One cabinet is on the new 'Default' theme, the other is on the 'Old Default' theme. So I can select a platform / game, but can't go back.
  22. Dreams are good. For me, personally, having been in the emulation game for multiple decades now, every time I think about switching to linux, I usually find some core function that isn't compatible. Like some emulator I use, or some piece of hardware I use just isn't going to work. (I think the Mayflash Dolphin bar is currently on that list of things that don't work in Linux for me). LEDBlinky is another tricky one. Or my entire virtual pinball cabinet would be a mess in Linux. basically having to run WINE, which at that point... just run Windows. lol Long story short - Linux is a hobby in itself. For everyone that loves Linux, more power to ya.
  23. This idea SteamOS is build on Debian 8 I believe. So its building on the backs of all the Linux Devs that came before it. Batocera is built of buildroot I think...? Its super stripped down, but also built on the linux kernel. So there is a lot of "work" that others have done that Batocera builds on top of. Making LaunchboxOS would mean that it would be responsible for: All motherboard support All video card support All peripheral support (USB devices, sound games, etc) Basically, all drivers. For everything. Every possible combination of hardware that makes up a "PC". This is way the Raspberry PI is so popular - everything is using the exact same board. So all development is unified. So... on top of building Launchbox features, the developers would be getting bombed with "My random PC part I bought on AliExpress doesn't work" questions. Not a place I'd want to be. This is one of the biggest draws to Windows - DirectX. Microsoft made a bunch of APIs that developers could commonly call (Back in 1995), and then Microsoft does all the heavy lifting with mapping those API calls do the hardware layer. Its a middle man translator. Not entirely sure how Linux does it, but I remember a time not to long ago (say, less than ~10 years ago?) where getting anything to work on Linux was a nitemare. Its come a long way, but its still a mess in my opinion for desktop users.
  24. Sounds interesting! I like the way ArcadeEIP does it best - where its loading the MAME roms and they're fully playable, then switches to another game. I know this would be difficult for almost any other platform outside of MAME though.
  25. A couple of the items I didn't quite understand. Like, I think I do, but its hard to imagine what the final result would be. A graphic mock up would be helpful in future polls to show exactly what you're talking about. And as for the screensaver integration - isn't attract mode a screensaver in itself?
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