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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. No option. No message box. It just deleted (and seemingly corrupted the playlist at the same time). I had to delete the playlist to keep LaunchBox running.
  2. So I just created a playlist called "Super Mario Bros", and had it display in Platforms (did not pick a platform genre) Then searched all platforms for "mario" and added everything to the above mentioned playlist. (including a few things that weren't super mario related... on purpose) Open the playlist, everything looked ok. Deleted a title from it. This is where things went sideways. 1) it deleted the title from the playlist AND from the original platform. did not expect this. 2) now when I try and view that playlist, launchbox crashes. its dead. Running beta 2.
  3. As a work around for this issue, I was trying to figure out how to launch a simple batch file prior to game start to get the LEDblinky light map running. But due to the nature of how the Steam games launch (URL based) I haven't come up with anything that works.
  4. To be honest, I'm not sure if any other Front Ends handle steam games w/ LEBlinky. Probably because most front ends don't support Steam games at all to my knowledge. HyperSpin had a 3rd party steam game importer that sometimes worked, but I'm not sure I every got it working with LEDBlinky integration.
  5. Maybe if you disable the "game end" check, LEDBlinky should just update the next time it gets a command. That would be when you're back in BB and you select a new game - the preview should queue up the light map? Maybe?
  6. Just updated to the new beta 7.7 beta 9 and it looks like its still not working. Now when I start a game, instead of nothing at all, it flashes the controls on for a brief second, then they go dark again. The LEDBlinky debug logs show the GAME START command (yay!), then immediately the GAME END command. Same second in the logs..
  7. Thank you Gentlemen! My kiddos will be thrilled. (they're having issues figured out which button is which in the Lego games... the colors help a ton as my control panel has no letter labels)
  8. Is anyone else having problems with LB/BB, LEDBlinky and the "Windows" platform? ON my setup, LEDBlinky works with all platforms except 'Windows" (which is mostly a Steam library import). I setup a default color map to apply to all games, that works fine when you call it via command line "ledblinky.exe windows windows", but LB/BB never seems to send the "start game" command. I opened an Issue tracker for it awhile back ( Issue #2216 ), but it doens't seem to have gotten any traction. I'm wondering if its just my setup, or a bug in LB/BB itself? thanks
  9. I submitted a feature request for this: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1977/big-box-attract-mode-volume-control You could vote for it. I believe I've used this in the past with some success: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/showthread.php?396-Another-Idle-Volume-Adjuster I haven't messed with it in awhile though, so I'm not sure how it would work with LB/BB.... may have to download and try it again. Basically drops the volume level after 'X' amount of time without keyboard or mouse input. I think I stopped using it before because it didn't detect joystick input or something. (My main input is joystick encoders on the cabinet - but if you're using keyboard encoders you should be fine)
  10. Just tested this - seemed to work perfectly. I was swapping out a ROM collection for an entire platform. Removed the ROM directory first (outside of LB), ran the "Scan for removed games" feature and 'poof' - the whole platform was gone. Looks like its working as intended.
  11. Just sent you the Debug. LB/BB just updated to the latest beta too, so in case that has any effect on the logs (didn't seem to effect anything)
  12. Just installed the new version and it doesn't seem to be lighting up the front end controls. Only the game controls. (Keyboard controls light up, Joystick controls do not) EDIT: I wonder if this has something to do with the joystick IDs being a bit wonky? I don't they match whatever LaunchBox is set too, since I never configured the joystick IDs in LB - It just worked.
  13. Thanks for the explanation. I was confused because there was "Nintendo Entertainment System" and "Famicon" as two platforms, but only one of the SNES flavors. So the direction going forward is just to represent the US based systems in the platforms, and roll the EU/JP flavors and associated games into the US platform then? I had already put my Super Famicon games into the SNES platform. Launchbox makes it easy enough to combine things like that.
  14. Hi there! If there is a better place to put this, please let me know. The Super Famicon (Japanese SNES) doesn't seem to be represented in the platform support database. There are a good number of titles only available on this platform that didn't make it to US or EU. thanks,
  15. excellent, thanks Arzoo!
  16. I actually tried something similar to this with MAME and a few friends. MAME saves the hi score information in DAT files. So using a shared Dropbox file and symbolic links (mklink.exe on windows), we all linked up our hi score directory under MAME so we could effectively compete for high scores across the WAN. This actually worked for awhile. It was pretty cool posting a hi score in something like Donkey Kong - only to have my friend Mike completely stomp on me the next day (I hate that game! lol) But the downside is that MAME upgrades had to be coordinated, because version changes would cause corruption. Then lock file issues would also cause issues (if we played the same game at the same time for example). I know posting the files to a database overcomes the lock file issue. But version control will become a nitemare, since there is no way to enforce everyone is on the same version.
  17. Hi Arzoo - Is this the next version of LEDBlinky or the next version of LaunchBox? Just asking for clarification, since I seem to have having the same problem with my cabinet. My keyboard encoded buttons (iPac controlled, admin buttons) light up, but my main controls which run off Akishop PS360+ encoders don't seem to light up at all. thanks
  18. The question was originally: Keep both and support both. Or dump one so efforts could be focus'd on other things. As someone who works in an extremely complex tech environment - anytime I can say something is "out of scope / not supported" is a breath of fresh air. Users always find new and interesting (crazy) ways to use a product that were never envisioned by the deployment folks. If WMP is left in, and users start having issues with it, Jason will have to make the decision to work on (fix) WMP or spend time on something else (new feature, some other bug, user requests...)
  19. I vote to dump WMP.
  20. Awesome, thanks Arzoo!
  21. Is there a way to see what Launch Box is passing to LEDBlinky? Hyperspin had this running log file... it would just dump every command that the front end was doing into a text log file during a session. Really helpful when troubleshooting stuff (both game launching and LEDBlinky support. I even went as far to hook up a second monitor at times and use Baretail (https://www.baremetalsoft.com/baretail/) to monitor the log file live when I was troubleshooting why one thing or another wasn't working. I haven't found an equivalent in LaunchBox/BigBox yet.
  22. More progress. MAME 170 doesn't have the problem. MAME 175 does. There was some "output' behavior changes in 170 through 175, so LEDBlinky users should avoid those versions. Seems 176 and up put the output stuff back in, but requires some tweaks. (Thanks to Arzoo for the info) http://ledblinky.net/Support.htm#MAMEOutputsProblem But I'm not sure if that's my problem or not.
  23. Made some progress. Seems MAME 178 and LEDBlink aren't getting along. I was able to reproduce the error in my HyperSpin setup - so this is not LaunchBox specific. Disabling LEDBLinky in LaunchBox makes the error go away.
  24. Hello - please forgive me, i'm new to LaunchBox. (previous Hyperspin user...) I've updated my ROM set to .178 (clrmamepro) and I'm uses MAME64.EXE .178 to match (MAMEDEV version - no custom compiles). I've got LEDBlinky setup too. My 'test' ROM is Metal Slug X (mslugx) - Everything runs fine when I start MAME by itself / from the command line. When I launch it from LaunchBox (regular or big box mode), MAME gets to 100% "loading rom", then hangs for a second or two, then crashes. I've got LaunchBox successfully launching NES games with Nestopia and Wii games with Dolphin. I'm at a bit of a loss as to whats going on here - but it feels like something the way LaunchBox is starting the emulator is causing it to crash. Any ideas?
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