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Everything posted by Echorion

  1. Oh hey I never saw this- awesome thanks!
  2. I was actually doing something similar myself, except I only like JUST started. I just have media made up for Brutal Chex Quest and Simon's Destiny atm haha.
  3. Tbh I didn't really need much a tutorial for it anyways, I got how demul works and such it was just I didn't know what command line/options launchbox wanted for it, that was all I needed to know If there was trouble with the emulator itself there are usually dozens of tutorials for those.
  4. Aha! Thank you both that is exactly the information I needed. All working good now, thank you again.
  5. Yeah I can get it to launch the dreamcast ones no problem it's the Atomiswave ones and other arcade titles I am having trouble with. That tutorial shows me the dreamcast launch options I was already using for the other demul folder. He says they would cover those games in a future tutorial but I couldn't find it on youtube.
  6. Is it possible to make launchbox boot the rom with the Demul emulator at all? I haven't had any success, all I can get it to do is boot the emulator.
  7. WMP just gives me a black screen, only works in VLC for me on windows 10. Fresh install of windows too recently, and I have the k-lite codec pack. I looked into it and saw a ton of people having similar troubles and not really any fix. The only solution I have found is to use VLC. Edit: However the issue with VLC in launchbox seems to be with launchbox itself not VLC afaik; which would be good since that means it might be ironed out someday and then it won't matter if one or the other is acting up.
  8. Fantastic theme, would be by absolute favorite honestly. The lack of VLC support really hurts though. I get why you couldn't, but the unfortunate downside is that WMP struggles with certain types of video format- often used in most video media file packs. The result is you can expect audio w/ black screen problems regardless of what codecs you have installed.
  9. I was using a new theme this time around. Some themes don't work with well VLC some use WMP instead. I didn't read that in the theme description even though it was there; because up until now any theme I tried used VLC.
  10. This is the most perfect theme. It gives you options too, if you are having trouble with one type of media or so- you can still make it look nice because of how this is layed out. Edit: But since it only works with WMP which doesn't support Mp4 I dunno if I can use video clips with it at all =/
  11. Nevermind I solved it.
  12. I checked all the simple suspects like view mode and making sure videos are enabled, through VLC, etc etc...., and I didn't have this problem before but on this PC I do. Some video clips are only playing as audio, the video won't show. Some seem to work just fine; even if they are pretty much the same type of video file.
  13. Wow this looks really clean...
  14. Thanks. This seems to be something that happens a lot though, is it possible to set up something automated? I mean usually something like this is just bound to an account or something, but I imagine so people can keep stuff offline for arcade projects you didn't want that- but it is still linked to the E-mail isn't it? I dunno just thinking out loud, but thank you very much for sending it asap <3
  15. Not too awfully long ago, but it was more than 24 hours ago. I saw other people got theirs within that timeframe usually though so I am wondering if it just normally takes longer than that, or if I just didn't give enough info in my E-mail or what.
  16. I have the same problem, I sent an E-mail to the one listed here but have still not gotten a response. Is there some specific tagline we need to use or something?
  17. Unfortunately a lot of systems are not done yet on this. The PSP doesn't have a custom image, neither does the TruboGrafx-16, and a few others.
  18. Thank you very much that did it for me. Some of the themes tell you what settings are used, and it's really helpful when they do. Unfortunately some do not; and if you are not already 100% familiar with what they all do yet, it's a lot of trial and error to figure it out.
  19. Yes. I am currently. I have tried using this theme as well recently: It looks exactly like it does in his video; except the video won't play on the screen and instead runs in the background behind the background image or something; so all I can hear is the audio from it.
  20. When I add video to launchbox it plays the audio of the video file, but won't show the actual video in bigbox. I have video options enabled in view settings, what else do I need to do?
  21. What settings need to be selected? Because mine came out looking nothing like this... The games wheel looks like that but not the platform one. Edit: Got it, you need to select platform view #2 Having trouble with the video now though, any I had it only plays the sound but not the video on the screen.
  22. From you guys, the person who PMd me some helpful links, and the folks on another forum I got mame working on latest version with all the games I ever wanted to play on it. Thanks everyone!
  23. I ended up just sticking with what I have and using it outside of launchbox. Mame was confusing for me mostly because of the updates and versions, and if you suggest just downloading all of them the full romset is like 50 GB and CHDs are like 300GB+ or you have to try and find all the individual bios and everything for each game. The best I could find was the 0.161 on emuparadise anyways. I only want these few games I used to play a lot, and these seem to do an alright job as is. Thank you all for the help though, I appreciate you taking the time.
  24. Yeah that is what I realized last time I tried, but I couldn't find the right mame/rom set with the right versions. Apparently they all have to be updated or something, and that is where I get mixed up. Well I will give it a shot then.
  25. The problem I have Is I don't understand the versions and updating process or such really. Anytime I try and get a mame rom to run I have all kinds of errors. Is there a voiced or detailed guide somewhere on mame? Most guides I try and find are silent and hard to follow, or for like mobile devices and not the same, etc.
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